Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

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SACO-At-Large Annual Meeting 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
11:00 A.M. - 12:10 PM
Washington Convention Center Room 103B

Welcome, SACO Program update

Paul Frank (Library of Congress, Cooperative Programs Section) reported on LC Coop Section SACO staffing, SACO statistics, and improved SACO workflows in the Coop Section.

SACO Program Update 2010 Annual (PPT, 199KB)

SACO funnels—New developments

Michael Colby (SACO Music Funnel Coordinator, University of California—Davis), Paul Frank (LC Coop Section), and Larisa Walsh (Organizer of the Slavic Subject Funnel, University of Chicago) discussed new developments in SACO funnels. There has been increased SACO funnel activity over the last few months. Both the SACO Music Funnel and the Slavic Subject Funnel are new. The Arabic Project Funnel has been actively recruiting new members. Colby and Walsh addressed the value of SACO funnels to the SACO Program, and described the steps in setting up the two new funnels; Frank discussed the steps that have been taken to increase participation in the Arabic Project Funnel.

Authorities and Vocabularies Web Service (ID.LOC.GOV)

Kevin Ford (Library of Congress, Network Development & MARC Standards Office) demonstrated the Authorities and Vocabularies Web Service, first introduced by the Library of Congress in May 2009. Ford discussed the service’s first offering, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), which was the Library of Congress's initial entry into the Linked Data movement. Ford also described how the assignment of unique resource identifiers (URIs) to each data value and each vocabulary in the service allows the service to provide a means for machines to semantically access, use, and harvest authority and vocabulary data that adheres to W3C recommendations, such as Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS). Ford demonstrated the application of Linked Data in library work, from large thesaurus systems, to smaller, more focused collections, such as a private library.

US RDA Test and SACO

Paul Frank (LC) highlighted two aspects of the US RDA Test that may prompt questions from SACO members. The US RDA Test begins on October 1, 2010.

US RDA Test and SACO (PDF, 15.3KB)

Genre/Form Projects and Initiatives

Janis Young (Library of Congress, Policy and Standards Division) discussed two particular topics of interest: cartography developments, and changes in the MARC coding.

Genre/Form Projects and Initiatives (PDF, 57.8KB)

The meeting ended at 12:10 PM.

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