Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > BIBCO > BIBCO Cataloging FAQs

Using BIBCO Documentation

  1. Where can I find the current BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile, the superseded BSR MAPs for AACR2, and the superseded full and core record standards that preceded the BSR?
  2. Is it true that all BIBCO cataloging must follow the LC-PCC Policy Statements for RDA?
  3. If an LC-PCC PS is labeled "LC practice", does this mean BIBCO libraries must also follow the practice?
  4. Is it possible to propose additions to cataloging documentation to clarify what is PCC practice vs. what is LC practice?

Using MARC Field 042 pcc

  1. What does the MARC 042 field represent in a bibliographic record?
  2. How do PCC members use the MARC 042 field?
  3. Does a BIBCO record with MARC field 042 pcc retain that coding when other libraries, BIBCO or non-BIBCO, change the record?
  4. May BIBCO participants code a bibliographic record with MARC field 042 pcc if the name authority record for one of its access points is coded as provisional (008/33 = c) as described in MARC 21 Format for Authority Data and DCM Z1 (008/33 Levels of Establishment)?
  5. What if the 042 field already contains a different authentication code (other than "pcc") and the cataloger wants to authenticate the record for BIBCO? Should the existing code be deleted or retained?

Creating Parallel Records in OCLC

  1. What is the OCLC policy for creating parallel bibliographic records with different languages of cataloging?

Using BIBCO Documentation

1. Where can I find the current BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile, the superseded BSR MAPs for AACR2, and the superseded full and core record standards that preceded the BSR?

Links to these documents are all available on the BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Metadata Application Profiles (MAPs) page.

2. Is it true that all BIBCO cataloging must follow the LC-PCC Policy Statements for RDA?

Yes. For all records contributed as PCC BIBCO records, BIBCO members agree to follow documentation listed in the BIBCO Program Parameters, including RDA and the related LC-PCC PSs. BIBCO participants are free to create some records according to BIBCO rules and other non-BIBCO records according to other rules.

3. If an LC-PCC PS is labeled "LC practice", does this mean BIBCO libraries must also follow the practice?

No. The phrase "LC practice" signals a practice applicable solely to LC; it is discretionary for other libraries. It is only when an LC-PCC PS is labeled "PCC practice" or "LC practice/PCC practice" that bibliographic cataloging contributed to the BIBCO or CONSER program must follow the guidance.

4. Is it possible to propose additions to cataloging documentation to clarify what is PCC practice vs. what is LC practice?

Yes. When the PCC practice is not clear or if there is a perceived need to harmonize PCC and LC practice, suggested changes to documentation may be sent to the BIBCO Coordinator, the chair of the PCC Standing Committee on Standards, or the chair of the PCC Standing Committee on Training. These will be forwarded to the appropriate authoring entities for consideration.

Using MARC Field 042 pcc

5. What does the MARC 042 field represent in a bibliographic record?

The MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data defines the 042 field as an agency-defined data element containing "One or more authentication codes indicating that the record, existing in a national database, has been reviewed in a specific way. Used for codes associated with specifically designated authentication agencies." Currently, there are over 50 codes that have been authorized by LC's Network Development and MARC Standards Office for use as authenticating codes. A complete list of codes is available on the MARC Authentication Action Code List.

6. How do PCC members use the MARC 042 field?

Both BIBCO and CONSER members use the MARC 042 field to authenticate that bibliographic records have been created within the documented parameters of these programs.

  • Authenticated BIBCO program records contain the 042 code "pcc".
  • Authenticated CONSER records commonly contain 042 codes "pcc" or "msc," and may sometimes contain other specialized codes.

7. Does a BIBCO record with MARC field 042 pcc retain that coding when other libraries, BIBCO or non-BIBCO, change the records?

The PCC policy is that all catalogers should follow the policies, practices and procedures published by the utilities in which they work in regard to the use, modification, etc. of the 042 in a bibliographic record. A brief outline of OCLC policies follows:

OCLC BIBCO MARC field 042 pcc policy:

  • The 042 pcc appears in a monographic bibliographic record only if a BIBCO participant authenticates it when creating or changing a record. A BIBCO library’s National Level Enhance authorization gives the broadest privileges to change records with the 042 pcc coding or to delete the 042 pcc.
  • The 042 pcc remains on an existing record if another BIBCO or NACO library changes the record or if an OCLC member library enriches the record by adding a field listed in OCLC's Bibliographic Formats and Standards, 5.2.3 (Enriching BIBCO records).
  • The 042 pcc remains on an existing LC CIP record if a participant in the OCLC CIP Upgrade Program changes the record, or if an OCLC member library upgrades the record.
  • The 042 pcc does not transfer to a new record when an OCLC member library uses a PCC record as the basis of a new record.

Remember that when a record enters OCLC WorldCat, the contributing institution's OCLC symbol appears in 040 subfields $a and $c. When an institution changes a record, the OCLC symbol for that institution appears displayed in 040 subfield $d.

OCLC CONSER MARC Field 042 pcc policy:

  • OCLC member libraries' ability to create, modify serial records and/or to delete the MARC field 042 is based on the level of their CONSER authorizations. Only CONSER authorized members can add or delete the 042 in the master CONSER record.

8. May BIBCO participants code a bibliographic record with MARC field 042 pcc if the name authority record for one of its access points is coded as provisional (008/33 = c) as described in MARC 21 Format for Authority Data and DCM Z1 (008/33 Levels of Establishment)?

It depends on the reasons behind the provisional coding:

  • Yes, if the library has language expertise and access to reference materials, but needs to use MARC field 675 because they lack information to establish a full level NAR.
  • No, if the library lacks language expertise to make an informed choice of heading.
  • No, if the library has no access to reference materials to research the name adequately.

9. What if the 042 field already contains a different authentication code (other than "pcc") and the cataloger wants to authenticate the record for BIBCO? Should the existing code be deleted or retained?

The existing code in the 042 field should be retained. Simply append the "pcc" code to the existing code (using an additional subfield $a) when authenticating the record for BIBCO. Examples:

  • Before: 042 ## $a premarc
  • After: 042 ## $a premarc $a pcc
  • Before: 042 ## $a lcode
  • After: 042 ## $a lcode $a pcc

Also retain the code if you are simply updating the record and not also authenticating it for BIBCO.

Note: LC catalogers may remove certain existing 042 authentication codes when called for by the LC Descriptive Cataloging Manual (e.g. DCM B5.12.2.4 and DCM C16 address removal of 042 $a premarc in what LC calls "new input" records).

Creating Parallel Records in OCLC

10. What is the OCLC policy for creating parallel bibliographic records with different languages of cataloging?

The OCLC policy for creating parallel records can be found in OCLC's Bibliographic Formats and Standards, 2.6 (Language of Cataloging): "When searching WorldCat, if the matching record is cataloged in a language other than that used by the inputting library, the library may enter a parallel record in its language of descriptive cataloging."

Note that BIBCO records must use English as their language of cataloging (as indicated using MARC field 040 $b eng). Thus, if a BIBCO cataloger working in OCLC only finds a bibliographic record cataloged using a language other than English (for example, a record with 040 $b spa indicating Spanish is the language of cataloging), the BIBCO cataloger should create a new bibliographic record to describe that same resource, using English as the language of cataloging. These are called parallel records. Note:

  • OCLC allows only one record per language of descriptive cataloging for each manifestation.
  • The language entered in MARC 040 subfield $b represents the language of descriptive cataloging for that record.
  • The language entered in MARC 040 subfield $b does not represent the language of the item being cataloged.

Last revised: Oct. 1, 2024