Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > BIBCO > Documentation & Updates > Identification and authentication of BIBCO records

The purpose of this document is twofold: To assist all catalogers in the identification of BIBCO program records, and also to provide guidance for original catalogers upgrading in-process, CIP, minimal level, and non-PCC records to a BIBCO record, either in the bibliographic utilities or in local systems. This chart should be considered for quick reference only. For more detailed instructions about creating BIBCO records, catalogers should refer to the BIBCO Participants' Manual or available via Cataloger's Desktop and/or other appropriate documentation.

There are three tables addressing different conditions a cataloger may encounter. The first details how to identify records cataloged by LC, including core and full CIP records. The second and third tables address the process of authenticating non-PCC records in either the bibliographic utilities or in local systems. Some explanatory notes follow Table 3. Please refer to them for further details on the information below.


Abbreviations used in the tables
CAL = Cataloging library (as represented by MCLO symbol)
IBC = Initial Bibliographic Control (LC term used for item in process)
MCLO = MARC Code List for Organizations (formerly NUC symbol)
TRL = Transcribing (inputting) library (as represented by MCLO symbol)
UPL = Upgrading library (as represented by MCLO symbol)

Table 1. Identification of records for items cataloged by LC

Use this table to identify various types of records created by or in collaboration with LC.

Note the absence of an authentication code (042=pcc) in full records (CIP or updated CIP) that are cataloged by LC alone. LC uses the authentication code only in its core records or on records created in collaboration with another agency (e.g., NLM.)

Condition Cat Src Enc Lvl 040 042
1. Full level record # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC  
2. Core level record, non-CIP # 4 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC pcc
3. LC CIP, intended to be full # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC  
4. Full level record, formerly LC CIP # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d DLC  
5. LC CIP, intended to be core # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC pcc
6. Core level, formerly LC CIP # 4 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d DLC pcc
7. DNLM/DLC CIP for a medical title done in cooperation with NLM # 8 040 ## $a DNLM/DLC $c DLC pcc
8. Full level record, formerly DNLM/DLC CIP # # 040 ## $a DNLM/DLC $c DLC $d DLC pcc
9. DNLM/DLC CIP for a medical title done in cooperation with NLM, intended to be core # 8 040 ## $a DNLM/DLC $c DLC pcc
10. Core level, formerly DNLM/DLC CIP # 4 040 ## $a DNLM/DLC $c DLC $d DLC pcc
11. Full level record for Congressional hearings done in cooperation with GPO (discontinued January 2003) c # 040 ## $a DGPO/DLC $c DLC $d DLC pcc

Table 2. Authenticating or upgrading records in the utilities

Use this table as a quick reference document for selected MARC fields when updating various kinds of records encountered in the utilities.

The activity column lists the action that the cataloger is taking. The Condition column lists each step in the upgrade process, with the corresponding rows and columns for that condition giving a view of the Cat Src, Enc Lvl, 040, and 042 codes at various stages in the update.

PCC Participant Working in OCLC/RLIN
Activity Condition Cat Src Enc Lvl 040 042
1. Upgrades PCC core to PCC full Encoding level 4 record in OCLC/RLIN c 4 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL pcc
Upgraded record in OCLC/RLIN c # 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL $d UPL pcc
2. Upgrades non-PCC full to PCC full Record in OCLC/RLIN d as appr 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL  
Upgraded record in OCLC/RLIN c # 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL $d UPL pcc
3. Upgrades non-PCC core to PCC full Encoding level 4 record in OCLC/RLIN d 4 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL  
Upgraded record in OCLC/RLIN c # 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL $d UPL pcc
4. Upgrades non-PCC core to PCC core Encoding level 4 record in OCLC/RLIN d 4 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL  
Upgraded record in OCLC/RLIN c 4 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL $d UPL pcc
5. Working in OCLC, upgrades LC CIP intended to be full (enc lvl = 8) to full Record as issued from LC # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC  
Record in OCLC after load # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC  
Record in OCLC after PCC upgrade # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL pcc
6. Working in OCLC, upgrades LC CIP intended to be core (enc lvl = 8; 042 = pcc) to full Record as issued from LC # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC pcc
Record in OCLC after load # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC pcc
Record in OCLC after PCC upgrade # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL pcc
7. Working in OCLC, upgrades LC CIP intended to be core (enc lvl = 8; 042 = pcc) to core Record as issued from LC # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC pcc
Record in OCLC after load # 8 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC pcc
Record in OCLC after PCC upgrade # 4 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL pcc
8. Upgrades LC MLC record to full Encoding level 7 record in OCLC/RLIN # 7 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC  
Upgraded record in OCLC/RLIN # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL pcc
9. Upgrades LC MLC record to core Encoding level 7 record in OCLC/RLIN # 7 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC  
Upgraded record in OCLC/RLIN # 4 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL pcc

10. Working in OCLC, upgrades no-match LC-issued IBC (enc lvl = 5) lcode record to pcc full. Do not upgrade to core in this instance. This is the one case in which LC IBC records are loaded in OCLC.

Record as issued from LC # 5 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC lcode
Record in OCLC after load # 5 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC lcode
Record in OCLC after PCC upgrade # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL lcode pcc
11. Working in OCLC, upgrades matched LC-issued IBC lcode record to pcc full or core Record as issued from LC # 5 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC lcode
Record in OCLC after load as input as input 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL $d DLC none or pcc
Record in OCLC after PCC upgrade c # or 4 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL $d DLC $d UPL pcc

Table 3. Authenticating non-BIBCO records in local systems

PCC Participant Working in Local System
Activity Condition Cat Src Enc Lvl 040 042
1. Creates new record -- full Completed record as issued from local system c # 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL pcc
Record in OCLC/RLIN c # 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL pcc
2. Creates new record --core Completed record as issued from local system c 4 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL pcc
Record in OCLC/RLIN c 4 040 ## $a CAL $c TRL pcc

3. Upgrades LC non-lcode IBC record to full

(LC discontinued distributing IBC records beginning in May 2000)

Record as initially issued from LC # 5 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC  
Record as issued from local system after upgrade # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL pcc
4. Upgrades LC lcode IBC record to full Record as initially issued from LC # 5 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC lcode
Record as issued from local system after upgrade # # 040 ## $a DLC $c DLC $d UPL lcode pcc

Notes on the tables

  1. Content designation is in MARC 21 notation except, for clarity, each subfield is preceded and followed by a space; # = blank, $ = delimiter.
  2. In the examples of 040 fields, the appropriate subfield $d for the condition being illustrated is shown immediately following subfield $c. In some cases, particularly for records in OCLC, there could actually be intervening $d subfields. In the internal OCLC record the symbols in 040 are in the OCLC form; upon export, they are translated into the MARC 21 Code List for Organizations form (except when using Z39.50, in which case they remain in the OCLC form).
  3. When the 042 column shows multiple codes, they are carried in the record in repeated $a subfields in a single 042 field (e.g., $a lcode $a pcc).
  4. Changing encoding level to blank and changing 042 in the OCLC system requires National Level Enhance.
  5. In 1997 008/39 (Cataloging source) value "blank" was redefined from "Library of Congress" to "National bibliographic agency." NLM switched to using blank at the beginning of 2000. The guidelines for identifying PCC records and those issued by the Library of Congress are now as follows:
    1. records created by PCC libraries:
      008/39 (Cataloging source) is either "c" or "blank" (blank is used by any national bibliographic agency, e.g., the National Library of Medicine);
      042 is "pcc";
    2. full level original cataloging records created by LC:
      no explicit PCC identification (008/39 = blank; no 042);
    3. core level original cataloging records created by LC:
      no explicit PCC identification; 008/39 = blank; 042 = pcc (Ldr/17 (Encoding level) = 8 for records in a CIP state and changed to 4 upon completing the cataloging with item in hand); use of pcc in 042 is not to identify a PCC record per se but to identify unambiguously records that are core level or are intended to be core level (when in a CIP state).
  6. Since the 008/39 value for any national bibliographic agency is now blank, that should be the value used in any PCC-related record as follows:
    1. any new record created by a national bibliographic agency that is also a PCC member;
    2. any already existing record originally created by a national bibliographic agency, whether a PCC member or not, that is now upgraded to a PCC record (042 = pcc) by a PCC library.