The CONSER Standard Record (CSR) emphasizes access points over extensive descriptive detail favoring instead controlled subject and name access points.
Current RDA-Based CSR MAP
- CONSER Standard Record (CSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile (Jan. 21, 2020) (PDF, 225 KB)
Core elements and Cataloging checklist (2012):
- CONSER RDA core elements (Word, 191KB) (PDF, 281KB)
- CONSER MARC 21 to RDA core elements(Word, 56KB, PDF, 348KB)
- CONSER RDA Cataloging Checklist (Word, 99KB)
Note: Please send comments on the documents above to [email protected]
Guidelines (2011 and earlier):
Superseded AACR2-Based CSR MAP
The CSR AACR2 MAP below is obsolete and should not be used in current CONSER cataloging. It is archived here for historical interest only. It replaced the previous full, core, and minimal record CONSER element lists.
- CONSER Standard Record MAP and instructions [PDF, 196KB] (July 22, 2010)
- LCRIs that support the CSR (July 22, 2010)
- CONSER Standard Record SCCTP Presentation [PPT, 482KB] (June 9, 2010)
- Cataloging exercise examples to accompany the SCCTP presentation (Word, 1.20MB) (June 6, 2007)
- Cataloger's Cheat Sheet for CONSER Standard Record (PDF, 26KB) (May 20, 2010)
- Project background documents(2006)
- Access Level Record for Serials: Final Report
(July 24, 2006) - Report and Recommendations of the PCC Working Group On Authentication Codes And Encoding Levels for Serials and Integrating Resources (Sept. 2006) (PDF, 340KB)