Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > List of PCC Liaisons by Institution or Project, D-K

List of PCC Liaisons by Institution or Project, D-K

Go to institution names beginning:
A-C - D-K - L-O - P-T - U-Univ.K - Univ. M-Univ. W - V-Z - Funnel projects

Dartmouth College

MARC 21 code: NhD
utility: OCLC
contact: John C. DeSantis
email: [email protected]

Deakin University Library

MARC21 code: AU-GeDUL
utility: OCLC
contact: Chew Chiat Naun (pronouns: he/him)
Manager, Metadata and Discovery
email: [email protected]

Delta State University

MARC 21 code: MsCleD
utility: OCLC
contact: Sheryl Stump
W.B. Roberts Library
Cleveland, MS 38733
tel.: 662.846.4458
fax: 662.846.4443
email: [email protected]

Drexel University

MARC 21 code: PPD
utility: OCLC
contact: Deb Morley
Director of Data and Digital Stewardship
tel.: 215-895-2761
email: [email protected]

Duke University

MARC 21 code: NcD, NcD-L, NcD-MC
utility: OCLC
contact: Rich Murray
email: [email protected]

East Carolina University

MARC 21 code: NcGrE
Contact: Patricia Dragon
Head, Special Colls. Cataloging, Metadata, & Authorities
Joyner Library
Mail stop 516
Greenville NC 27858
Tel.: 252- 328‑0296
Email: [email protected]

Eastman School of Music
Sibley Music Library

MARC 21 code: NRU-Mus
utility: OCLC
contact: Rick McRae
tel.: 585.274.1370
fax: 585.274.1380
email: [email protected]

Eden-Webster Library

MARC 21 code: MoWgW
utility: OCLC
contact: Wendy Schlegel
tel.: 314.246.7815
email: [email protected]

El Colegio de México

MARC 21 code: MxMxECM
utility: OCLC
contact: Reynaldo D. Figueroa Servín
tel: 525.5449.3000, ext. 2089
fax: 525.5645.4584
email: [email protected]

Emory University General Libraries

MARC 21 code: GEU
utility: OCLC
contact: Beth Shoemaker
Rare Book Cataloger
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, & Rare Book Library
email: [email protected]

English Short Title Catalogue
University of California, Riverside

MARC 21 code: Cu-RivES
utility: OCLC
Note: All NACO work for the ESTC project is now being done by the British Library (Uk).

Florida International University -
Green Library & College of Law Library

utility: OCLC
contact: Zhonghua Du
tel.: 305.348.3785
fax: 305.348.0122
email: [email protected]

Florida State University

MARC 21 code: FTaSU
utility: OCLC
contact: Amy Weiss
email: [email protected]

Folger Shakespeare Library

MARC 21 code: DFo
utility: OCLC
contact: Deborah J. Leslie
tel.: 202.675.0369
fax: 202.675.0328
email: [email protected]

Follett School Solutions

MARC 21 code: ICrlF
utility: OCLC
contact: Rebecca Sage
email: [email protected]

Freer Gallery of Art

MARC 21 code: DFG
utility: OCLC
contact: Yue Shu
email: [email protected]

Frick Art Reference Library

MARC 21 code: NNFr
utility: OCLC
contact: Sonia Agnew
email: [email protected]

Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College

MARC 21 code: PSC-HI
utility: OCLC
contact: Barbara Addison
tel.: 610.328.8552
fax: 610.328.7329
email: [email protected]

Gail Borden Public Library

MARC 21 code: IElg
Contact: Alissa Medows
270 N. Grove Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120
Tel.: 847-429-6790
Fax: 847-608-5201
Email: [email protected]

George Washington University, Jacob Burns Law Library

MARC 21 code: DGW-L
utility: OCLC
contact: Robert Bratton
email: [email protected]

Georgetown University

MARC 21 code: DGU
utility: OCLC
contact: Asheleigh Folsom
Acting Head, Metadata Services
Georgetown University Library
37th and O Streets, N.W.
Washington, DC 20057
tel.: 202-687-7541
email: [email protected]

Georgetown University Law Library

MARC 21 code: DGU-L
utility: OCLC
contact: Jesse A. Lambertson
tel.: 202.662.9167
email: [email protected]

Georgia Institue of Technology

MARC 21 code: GAT
utility: OCLC
contact: Martin Patrick
email: [email protected]

Getty Research Institute, Research Library

MARC 21 code: CMalG
utility: OCLC
contact: Calli Neumann
Monographs Cataloger
tel.: 310-440-7499
email: [email protected]

Harry Ransom Center

University of Texas at Austin
MARC 21 code: TxAuHRH
utility: OCLC
contact: Paloma Graciani Picardo
tel.: 512.232.6434
email: [email protected]

Harvard University Library

MARC 21 code: MH, MH-L
utility: OCLC
contact: John Hostage
Senior Continuing Resources Cataloger
Harvard Library--Information and Technical Services
Langdell Hall 194
Harvard Law School Library
Cambridge, MA 02138
email: [email protected]

Harvard University
Harvard-Yenching Library

MARC 21 code: MH-HY
utility: OCLC
contact: Yuh-Fen Chiou
tel.: 617.496.5381
fax: 617.496.4992
email: [email protected]

Henry E. Huntington Library

MARC 21 code: CSmH
utility: OCLC
contact: Dorothy Auyong
tel.: 626.405.2188
fax: 626.449.5720
email: [email protected]

Highland Park Public Library

MARC 21 code: IHigp
Contact: Jane Conway
494 Laurel Ave
Highland Park, IL 60035
Tel.:  847‑432‑1573 ext. 121
Fax: 847-681-7027
Email: [email protected]

Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology

MARC 21 code: HkUST
utility: OCLC
contact: Zehua Sun
tel.: 852.2358.6735
fax: 852.2358.1443
email: [email protected]

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace (Stanford University)

MARC 21 code: CSt-H
utility: OCLC
Contact: Rhea Taylor
Tel.:  650.497.3837
Email: [email protected]

Howard University
Moorland-Springarn Research Library

MARC 21 code: DHU-MS
utility: OCLC
contact: Andrew T. Sulavik
tel.: 202.806.4291
fax: 202.806.7271
email: [email protected]

Illinois State University

MARC 21 code: INS, INS-SF
utility: OCLC
contact: Eric Willey
Special Collections and Formats Cataloger
tel.: 309.438.7447
email: [email protected]

Indian Trails Public Library

MARC 21 code: IWhI
utility: OCLC
contact: Richard Stewart
tel.: 847.459.4100
fax: 847.459.4760
email: [email protected]

Indiana University Libraries

MARC 21 code: InU, InU-Ki, InU-L
utility: OCLC
contact: Carl Horne
tel.: 812.856.0846
fax: 812.855.7933
email: [email protected]

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

MARC 21 code: InIU
utility: OCLC
contact: Katrina Earle
tel.: 317-278-2228
email: [email protected]

Ingram Library Services

MARC 21 code: TnLvILS
utility: OCLC
contact: Rhea Richards
Chicago Account/
TIMS-MARC Data Group
One Ingram Boulevard
P.O. Box 3006
LaVergne, Tennessee 37086
tel.: 615.213.7624
fax: 615.213.6127
email: [email protected]

Jerseyville Public Library

MARC 21 code: IJe
utility: OCLC
contact: Adam Hurley
email: [email protected]

John Carter Brown Library,
Brown University

MARC 21 code: RPJCB
utility: OCLC
contact: Allison Rich
tel.: 401.863.1586
fax: 401.863.1272
email: [email protected]

Joint World Bank-IMF Fund Library

MARC 21 code: DJBF
utility: OCLC
contact: Jing Zhong
International Monetary Fund
CSF Information Division
Library Operation Team
tel.: 202.623.4420
email: [email protected]

Joint Forces Staff College

MARC 21 code: ViNSC
utility: OCLC

Kent State University

MARC 21 code: OKeU
utility: OCLC
contact: Sevim McCutcheon
tel.: 330-672-1703
email: [email protected]

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