Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > List of PCC Liaisons by Institution or Project, L-O

List of PCC Liaisons by Institution or Project, L-O

Go to institution names beginning:
A-C - D-K - L-O - P-T - U-Univ. K - Univ. M-Univ. W - V-Z - Funnel projects

Lewis & Clark Library

MARC 21 code: IEdL
Contact: Sarah Heuertz
6725 Goshen Road
Edwardsville, IL 62025
Tel.: 618-656-3216  ext. 209
Fax: 618-656-9401
Email: [email protected]

Library of Virginia

MARC 21 code: Vi
Contact: Deanna Chavez
800 E. Broad St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Tel.: 804-692-3631
Fax: 804-692-3814
Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Trail Libraries

MARC 21 code: IChamL
Contact: Vanessa Whippo
1704 W. Interstate Drive
Champaign, IL 61822
Tel.: 217-352-0047  ext. 211
Email: [email protected]

Louisiana State University

MARC 21 code: LU
contact: Linda Smith Griffin
tel.: 225.578.4685
fax: 225.578.6535
email: [email protected]


MARC 21 code: MvI
utility: OCLC
contact: Candy Riley
Authorities Librarian
P.O. Box 47508
San Antonio, Texas 78265-7508
tel.: 210.646.6161
fax: 210.646.0167
email: [email protected]

Maryland State Law Library

MARC 21 code: MAL
utility: OCLC
contact: Jessie Tam
Head of Cataloging
tel.: 410.260.1437
fax: 410.974.2063
email: [email protected]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MARC 21 code: MCM
utility: OCLC
contact: Ben Abrahamse
tel.: 617.253.8436
fax: 617.253.2464
email: [email protected]

McGill University

MARC 21 code: CaQMM
contact: Megan Chellew
McGill University Library
Collection Services
550 Sherbrooke West, Suite 680
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B9
tel.: 514.398.4174
email: [email protected]

Memorial University of Newfoundland

MARC 21 code: CaNfSM
utility: OCLC
contact: Heather Pretty
email: [email protected]

Metropolitan Library System (Public Library)

MARC 21 code: OkOk
utility: OCLC
contact: Kirsten Bryson
email: [email protected]
contact: Devin McGhee
email: [email protected]

Michigan State University Libraries

MARC 21 code: MiEM
utility: OCLC
contact: Joshua Barton
tel.: 517.884.0826
email: [email protected]

Mississippi State University

MARC 21 code: MsSM
contact: Robert E. Wolverton, Jr.
Assistant Professor
Database Management/Authority Control Librarian
Mississippi State University Libraries
P.O. Box 5408
Mississippi State, MS 39762
tel.: 662.325.4618
fax: 662.325.2895
email: [email protected]

Monash University

MARC 21 code: AuClM
contact: Jenny Klingler
Senior Metatdata Officer
Resources Division
Monash University Library
Monash University
Victoria 3800
tel.: +61 3 9905 2622
fax: +61 3 9905 2617
email: [email protected]

Morton Grove Public Library

MARC 21 code: IMg
Contact: Helga Scherer
6140 Lincoln Ave.
Morton Grove, Il 60053
Tel.: 847-929-5111
Fax: 847-965-7903
Email: [email protected]

Mount Prospect Public Library

MARC 21 code: IlMpPL
utility: OCLC
contact: Ross Shanley-Roberts
10 S. Emerson St.
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
tel.: 847.253.5675
fax: 847.253.0642
email: [email protected]

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

MARC 21 code: SG-SiNTU
utility: OCLC
contact: Padmaja Muralidharan
tel.: (65) 6790 6474
fax: (65) 6791 4637
email:[email protected]

National Agricultural Library

MARC 21 code: DNAL
utility: OCLC
contact: Prema Desai
email: [email protected]

National Archives at College Park

MARC 21 code: DNA
utility: OCLC
contact: Jerry Simmons
tel.: 301.837.1592
fax: 301.837.0459
email: [email protected]

National Art Library (Great Britain)

MARC 21 code: UkLNAL
utility: OCLC
contact: Elizabeth James
tel.: 9-011-44.171.938.8308
fax: 9-011-44.171.938.8461
email: [email protected]

National Indian Law Library

MARC 21 code: CoBoNIL
utility: OCLC
contact: Monica Martens
email: [email protected]

National Institute of Education Singapore

MARC 21 code: SG-SiNIE
utility: OCLC
contact: Yvonne Yin
tel.:(65) 67903625
fax: (65) 68969031
email: [email protected]

National Library of Medicine

MARC 21 code: DNLM
utility: OCLC
contact: Karen Detling
tel.: 301.496.6134
fax: 301.402.1211
email: [email protected]

National Library of New Zealand

MARC 21 code: Nz
utility: OCLC
contact: Catherine Amey
tel.: +64 4 470 4485 extension: 3485
email: [email protected]

National Library of Scotland

MARC 21 code: StEdNL
utility: OCLC
contact: Elaine Murray
Metadata Team Leader
Collections Management
National Library of Scotland
tel.: 44 (0)131.623.3945
email: [email protected]

Secondary contact:
Gordon Barraclough
Senior Cataloguer
Collections Management
tel.: 44 (0)131.623.3944
email: [email protected]

National Library of South Africa

MARC 21 code: SaPrNL
utility: OCLC
contact: Alwill Westcott
email: [email protected]
secondary contact: Irma Nel
email: [email protected]

National Library of Wales

MARC 21 code: WlAbNL
utility: OCLC
contact: Ian Evans
tel.: 01970 632527
email: [email protected]

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress

MARC 21 code: DLC-B
utility: OCLC
contact: Anita Kazmierczak-Hoffman, MA, MLIS
Head, Bibliographic Control Section
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress
1291 Taylor Street, NW
Washington, DC 20540
tel.: 202.707.0475
email: [email protected]

New Mexico State Library

MARC 21 code: NmSSL
utility: OCLC
contact: Bradley Carrington
email: [email protected]

New Mexico State University

MARC 21 code: NmLcU
utility: OCLC
contact: Aubrey Iglesias
email: [email protected]

New York Public Library

MARC 21 code: NN
utility: OCLC
contact: Diane Pearson
email: [email protected]

New York State Library

MARC 21 code: N
utility: OCLC
contact: Susan Whaley
tel.: 518.474.7274
fax: 518.474.5786
email: [email protected]
contact: John C. Burnett
tel.: 518.474.8610
fax: 518.474.5786
email: [email protected]

New York University Libraries

MARC 21 code: NNU
utility: OCLC
contact: Everett Allgood
tel.: 212.998.2488
fax: 212.995.4366
email: [email protected]

New York University, Law School Library

MARC 21 code: NNU-L
utility: OCLC
fax: 212.998.6587

Newberry Library

MARC 21 code: ICN
utility: OCLC
contact: Megan Kelly
tel.: 312-255-3628
fax: 312-255-3558
email: [email protected]

NOAA Central Library

MARC 21 code: MdSsNOAA
utility: OCLC
contact: Jennifer Fagan-Fry
tel.: 301.713.2600 x134
fax: 301.713.4599
email: [email protected]

North Carolina A & T State University

MARC 21 code: NcGA
utility: OCLC
contact: Euthena Newman
Head, Technical & Automated Services Division
tel.: 336.334.7867
fax: 336.334.7783
email: [email protected]

Northland Public Library

MARC 21 code: PPiNPL
utility: OCLC
contact: Edith Sutterlin
tel.: 412.366.8100, x 125
fax: 412.366.2064
email: [email protected]

Northwestern University Library

MARC 21 code: IEN
utility: OCLC
contact: Michael Babinec
tel.: 847.467.2912
email: [email protected]

Northwestern University, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center

MARC 21 code: IEN-M
utility: OCLC
contact: Joelen Pastva
tel.: 312.503.6020
email: [email protected]

Oberlin College Library

MARC 21 code: OO
utility: OCLC
contact: Tim Keller
tel.: 440.775.5035
email: [email protected]

OCLC, Inc.

MARC 21 code: OCoLC
utility: OCLC/LC
contact: Morris S. Levy
tel.: 614-718-7301
email: [email protected]
back-up contact: Bryan Baldus
tel.: 614.764.6089
email: [email protected]

Ohio State University Libraries

MARC 21 code: OU
utility: OCLC
contact: Rocki Strader
tel.: 614.688.8091
fax: 614.292.5214
email: [email protected]

Oliveira Lima Library
Catholic University of America

MARC 21 code: DCU-IA
utility: OCLC
contact: vacant

Oregon State University

MARC 21 code: OrCS
utility: OCLC
contact: Richard Sapon-White
tel.: 541.737.7319
fax: 541.737.3453
email:[email protected]

Oxford University

MARC 21 code: UkOxU
utility: OCLC
contact: Stephen Arnold
Bibliographic Maintenance and Authority Control
Collections ampersand html & Resource Description
The Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
tel.: (011)-44-01865-277026; (011)-44-01865- 277038
email: [email protected]

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