Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > List of PCC Liaisons by Institution or Project, V-Z

List of PCC Liaisons by Institution or Project, V-Z

Go to institution names beginning:
A-C - D-K - L-O - P-T - U-Univ. K - Univ. M-Univ. W - V-Z - Funnel projects

Valdosta State University

MARC 21 code: GVaS
utility: OCLC
contact: Guy Frost
tel.: 229.259.5060
fax: 229.333.5862
email: [email protected]

Vanderbilt University

MARC 21 code: TNJ
utility: OCLC
contact: Pete Wilson
email: [email protected]

Virginia Commonwealth University

MARC 21 code: ViRCU
utility: OCLC
contact: Staci Ross
email: [email protected]
secondary contact: Amber Jones
email: [email protected]

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

MARC 21 code: ViBlBV
utility: OCLC
contact: Mary Finn
tel.: 540.231.9251
fax: 540.231.1694
email: [email protected]

Virginia Union University

MARC 21 code: ViRVU
utility: OCLC
contact: Michelle Taylor
tel.: 804.257.5823
fax: 804.257.5818
email: [email protected]

Warren Newport Public Library

MARC 21 code: IGuWNP
utility: OCLC
contact: Diane Stine
tel.: 847.244.5150
fax: 847.244.3499
email: [email protected]

Washburn University School of Law

MARC 21 code: KTW-L
utility: OCLC
contact: Rebecca Alexander
tel.: 785.231.1040
fax: 785.231.1087
email: [email protected]

Washington University Libraries

MARC 21 code: MoSW
utility: OCLC
contact: Patricia Logsdon
tel.: 314.935.4152
fax: 314.935.9890
email: [email protected]

Wellcome Library

MARC 21 code: UkLW
utility: OCLC
contact: June Tomlinson
tel.: +44 (0)20.7611.8493
fax: +44 (0)20.7611.8703
email: [email protected]

Western Washington University

MARC 21 code: WaBeW
utility: OCLC
contact: Casey Mullin
tel.: 360.650.7458
email: [email protected]

William and Mary Law Library

MARC 21 code: ViW-L
utility: OCLC
contact: Jonathan Tuttle
email: [email protected]

Winthrop University

MARC 21 code: ScRhW
utility: OCLC
contact: Pam Garrison
email: [email protected]

Yale University

MARC 21 code: CtY, CtY-L
utility: OCLC
contact: Daniel Lovins
phone: 203.432.2312
email: [email protected]

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