RDA Toolkit Transition
- PCC Will Have a Rolling Implementation of Official RDA from May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2027 (June 13, 2023 announcement) [PDF, 193 KB]
- PCC RDA Communications Committee
- Error Report Form for LC-PCC Policy Statements for Official RDA Toolkit (external link)
- PCC RDA Implementation Task Group (charge, Nov. 2023) [PDF, 107 KB)
- Task Group to Test the Official RDA Toolkit (charge, Feb. 2022) [PDF, 107 KB]
- PCC RDA Test Documentation and Training (external link)
- Final Report [PDF, 1.12 MB] (Oct. 2023)
- LC RDA Project Summary and Update [PDF, 173 KB] (Jan. 2022)
- LC-PCC Policy Statements Project for Beta RDA Toolkit: Monthly reports (2020-2021)
- Implementation of the New RDA Toolkit [PDF, 97 KB] (Nov. 4, 2020)
- RDA Beta Toolkit Project: Joint LC/PCC Effort (presentation to LC staff) [Powerpoint, 1277 KB] (July 13, 2020)
- LC-PCC Policy Statements and Workflow Documents in the Beta RDA Toolkit: PoCo Decisions [PDF; 118 KB] (November 2019)
- Cataloging, PCC, and the RDA Toolkit Beta Site: what should PCC catalogers know? [Word; 23 KB] (August 8, 2018)
- LC-PCC Task Group on Aggregates in Beta RDA Toolkit (charged August 2019): Charge [PDF, 132 KB], Final Report, Part 1 [PDF, 746 KB], Appendix C [Excel, 37 KB], Final Report, Part 2 [PDF, 452 KB]
- LC-PCC Task Group on Data Provenance in Beta RDA Toolkit (charged August 2019): Charge [PDF, 99 KB], Final Report [Word, 41 KB], Appendix C [Excel, 112 KB]
- LC-PCC Task Group on Diachronic Works in Beta RDA Toolkit (charged August 2019): Charge [PDF, 99 KB], Final Report [Word, 27 KB], Decisions Needed [Excel, 41 KB]
- LC-PCC Task Group on Element Labels in Beta RDA Toolkit (charged August 2019): Charge [PDF; 163 KB], Final Report [Word, 35 KB], Appendix A [Word, 27 KB], Appendix B [Excel, 108 KB]
PCC Position Statement on RDA
- In August 2018, the PCC Linked Data Advisory Committee (LDAC) requested that the PCC Policy Committee articulate the PCC’s relationship to RDA and developed a set of framing questions to facilitate this process. Such an articulation has not explicitly been done previously, aside from the PCC’s announcement of implementation of RDA as its descriptive standard in 2013. Read more ...
- PCC's Position Statement on RDA (Aug. 2, 2019) [Word; 17 KB]
- RSC Response (Sept. 27, 2019) [PDF; 131 KB]
PCC RDA Name Authority Guidelines
- Changes to the LC/NACO Authority File: What LC-PCC RDA Catalogers Need to Know (Aug. 12, 2012) [PDF; 220 KB]
- Cataloging Questions / NAR Deletion Requests (June 14, 2013) [Word; 28 KB]
- Post RDA Test Guidelines (updated Aug, 21, 2024)
- for PCC catalogers using existing authority records in PCC bibliographic records, creating new authority records, and using existing authority records
- MARC 21 Encoding to Accommodate RDA Elements in 046, 3XX, 672, 673, and 678 Fields in NARs and SARs (May 30, 2017) [Word: 169 KB]
PCC RDA Bibliographic Description
- BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile (April 26, 2024) [PDF: 593 KB]
- CONSER Standard Record (CSR) RDA Metadata Application Profile (Jan. 21, 2020) [PDF: 225 KB]
- CONSER Guidelines for Working with Existing Copy [Word, 45 KB]
- 264 Field PCC Guidelines (June 11, 2012) [Word: 45 KB]
- PCC Guidelines for Creating Bibliographic Records in Multiple Character Sets (Sept. 7, 2017) [PDF: 436 KB]
- Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guidelines (RDA and AACR2)
- Post Implementation Hybrid Record Guidelines (April 2013):
- Pre-RDA Records: Integrating Resources [Word: 26 KB] Monographs [Word: 28 KB] Serials [Word: 27 KB]
- Also applicable post implementation: Guidelines for working with RDA and non-RDA records prior to implementation of RDA
- Guides for editing RDA bibliographic records for catalogers unfamiliar with RDA:
- Integrating Resources [Word: 65 KB] Monographs [Word: 77KB] Serials [Word: 85 KB]
- Series Updates from LC/PCC PS (2015) [Word 56 KB]
- Announcement: Final date for BIBCO and CONSER AACR2 bibliographic records: Dec. 31, 2014
PCC RDA Relationship Designators
- PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records (May 2024) [PDF : 448 KB]
- Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records: guidelines for application (Sept. 24, 2013) [Word: 24 KB]
- Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records (Jan. 22, 2015) [PDF; 343 KB]
PCC RDA Task Groups
- RDA Task Groups (2011-2015)
- See the current Task Groups page for information on task groups from 2015 onward
Comments may be sent to: [email protected]
Last Update: Aug. 28, 2024