The SACO Music Funnel Project was formed in 2010 and falls under the Library of Congress Cooperative Cataloging Program known as SACO (Subject Authority Cooperative Program). Members of the Music Library Association (MLA) were charter members of the SACO Music Funnel Project.
The goal of the project is to promote and facilitate the creation of authority records for medium of performance terms and for genre/form and subject terms for music, as they relate to the cataloging of notated music, sound recordings, and works about music. Terms approved by the Library of Congress will become part of one of the following vocabularies: Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT), Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT), or Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). The project also includes additions and changes to LC classification numbers. Approved class numbers will become part of Library of Congress Classification (LCC).
Submitting a SACO Proposal
Anyone wishing to propose or change LC music vocabulary terms may contribute, whether or not they are part of SACO-member institutions. Submissions may be sent the Coordinator (Leo Martin, University of Houston) via email. Please see the following SACO Music Funnel page for more information and guidance:
Last update: April 11, 2022