October 2008
The PCC Standing Committee on Training has been actively working on various training initiatives including joint PCC/ALCTS programs and online training efforts, as outlined below.
PCC SCT committee members: Paige Andrew (Pennsylvania State University), Barbara Bushman (National Library of Medicine), Andrea Stamm (Northwestern University), Rebecca Uhl, Incoming Chair (Arizona State University)
Members who cycled off on September 30, 2008: Jacqueline Byrd (Indiana University), Caroline Miller, Outgoing Chair (University of California, Los Angeles)
Liaisons: Glenn Patton (OCLC), Carolyn Sturtevant (LC/BIBCO)
Work Completed on Proposed Committee Charge
After receiving input from the committee, the PCC Standing Committee on Training Charge the proposed update will read (additions marked by asterisks):
The PCC Standing Committee on Training shall identify the need for *online* training programs *in addition to in-person* workshops and institutes aimed at developing cataloging skills that support the Program goals for both new participants and for continuing education and shall identify, develop as necessary, and promote the distribution of easy-to-use *online* documentation in support of Program goals.
Task Group to Develop Training in Map Cataloging
Report from Paige Andrew (October 2008)
I completed 90% of our CMS training in early September, and now that I am done traveling as of this workshop on Monday, I will complete the remaining small part of the CMS training early next week, then get paired up with a "coach" as well as a member of our ITECH staff and should begin putting up some content by the end of next week (Nov. 3-7). My goal is to have some textual content up on the website by the Christmas break. The next goal is to have all textual content and possibly one or two interactive features in place by ALA Midwinter 2009 so that I can show that off at the PCC SCT meeting in Denver. I don't know where things will be or how soon I can complete something for actual use as of this moment, but I think by Christmas I will have a clearer idea on that. Ideally, I'd like to be able to go to Chicago for ALA Annual in 2009 year and get final approval by the PCC SCT members and then use next summer to work on any kind of online course that the PCC or others may want to try.
Task Group members:
Paige Andrew, Chair (Pennsylvania State University)
Susan Moore (University of Northern Iowa)
Mary Larsgaard, consultant (University of California, Santa Barbara).
NLM Medical Cataloging Course
Report from Barbara Bushman (October 2008):
For the online courses we should have the entire content of the MeSH course ready for PCC by ALA Midwinter 2009. We are currently finishing the last couple modules. Hopefully it will also be available on our website as an online course but I cannot guarantee that. Our goal is to also have the content for the Classification course completed, but we are not as far along with that course at the moment. We are trying to have it completed by Midwinter, but I am not positive we will meet that goal.
RDA Implementation Task Force
Report from Barbara Bushman, SCT liaison to the Task Force (October 2008)
The only news from the RDA Implementation Task Force is that the Task Force is sponsoring both a preconference and a program at ALA Annual Chicago related to RDA.
New PCC Standing Committee on Training Chair
Rebecca Uhl (Arizona State University) will be the new incoming Chair of the PCC Standing Committee on Training when Caroline Miller's term is over in September 2008. Welcome Becky!
Respectfully submitted,
Caroline R. Miller
Outgoing Chair, PCC Standing Committee on Training
October 2008
Rebecca Uhl
Incoming Chair, PCC Standing Committee on Training