Supplementary Material -
F 000 -
F 100 -
F 200 -
F 300 -
F 400 -
F 500 -
F 600 -
F 700 -
G 000 -
G 100 -
G 200 -
G 300 -
G 600 -
G 700 -
G 800 -
Supplementary Material
- Preface Preface to the 2013 Manual (PDF, 59 KB)
- Contents Table of Contents (PDF, 106 KB)
- Introduction Introduction (PDF, 84 KB)
- Historical Notes Historical Notes (PDF, 133 KB) REVISED January 2020
- Glossary Glossary (PDF, 112 KB)
- Index Index (PDF, 154 KB)
F 000
- F 010 General Principles of Classification (PDF, 106 KB)
- F 050 Classification Proposals (PDF, 3.53 MB) REVISED November 2021
- F 060 Filing Rules (PDF, 106 KB)
F 100
- F 130 Alternate Class Numbers: Analytics in Collected Sets (PDF, 141 KB)
- F 150 Alternate Class Numbers: Bibliography (PDF, 146 KB)
- F 170 Call Number Changes (PDF, 146 KB)
- F 175 Editions (PDF, 13 KB) REVISED June 2019
- F 177 Translations (PDF, 21 KB) Revised August 2019
- F 180 Reserved Class Numbers (PDF, 76 KB)
- F 185 Obsolete Class Numbers (PDF, 99 KB)
- F 195 Subarrangement Within Disciplines (PDF, 148 KB)
F 200
- F 210 Periodicals and Serials (PDF, 129 KB)
- F 220 Periodicals: ".A" Cutters (PDF, 94 KB)
- F 225 Societies (PDF, 114 KB)
- F 230 Yearbooks (PDF, 94 KB)
- F 240 Congresses (PDF, 123 KB)
- F 250 Collected Works (Nonserial) (PDF, 112 KB)
- F 275 Biography (PDF, 148 KB)
- F 280 General Works (PDF, 126 KB)
- F 290 General Special (PDF, 103 KB)
F 300
- F 300 Addresses, Essays, Lectures (PDF, 106 KB)
- F 320 Classification and Time Periods (PDF, 119 KB)
- F 350 Cutter Numbers: Topical Cutters (PDF, 128 KB)
F 400
- F 430 Cuttering by Region or Country, A-Z (PDF, 157 KB)
- F 440 Providing Classification Information for Shelflisting (PDF, 141 KB)
- F 475 Abridgments of Individual Works (PDF, 120 KB)
- F 480 Abstracts (PDF, 121 KB)
- F 495 Archival Inventories and Manuscript Catalogs (PDF, 118 KB)
F 500
- F 520 Bound-with and Upside-down Books (PDF, 95 KB)
- F 550 City Regions and Metropolitan Areas (PDF, 109 KB)
- F 560 Cartographic Materials (PDF, 112 KB)
- F 565 Comic Books and Graphic Novels (PDF, 130 KB)
- F 570 Commentaries on Individual Works (PDF, 100 KB)
- F 582 Discographies (PDF, 112 KB)
- F 585 Dissertations and Theses (PDF, 94 KB)
- F 587 Ethnic Groups (PDF, 109 KB)
- F 590 Folklore and Folk Literature (PDF, 122 KB)
- F 592 Foreign Relations (PDF, 132 KB)
- F 595 Historic Preservation (PDF, 105 KB)
F 600
- F 600 Genealogy (PDF, 106 KB)
- F 603 Government Documents (PDF, 19 KB) REVISED February 2015
- F 605 Government Officials' Biographies, Speeches, and Papers (PDF, 102 KB)
- F 610 Indexes (PDF, 97 KB)
- F 615 Juvenile Materials (PDF, 204 KB) REVISED February 2024
- F 618 Legislative Hearings and Reports (PDF, 98 KB)
- F 620 Library of Congress Publications (PDF, 16 KB) REVISED November 2015
- F 630 Library and Archival Resources (PDF, 111 KB)
- F 632 Literary Authors (PDF, 302 KB) REVISED February 2024
- F 633 Literary Authors: Subarrangement of Works (PDF, 161 KB)
- F 634 Literary Collections (PDF, 138 KB)
- F 635 Local Court Records (PDF, 101 KB)
- F 650 Microforms (PDF, 108 KB)
F 700
- F 710 Software (PDF, 105 KB)
- F 720 Supplementary Works (PDF, 134 KB)
- F 730 Teaching of Particular Subjects (PDF, 109 KB)
- F 750 Washington (D.C.) (PDF, 127 KB)
G 000
- G 053 Determining the Call Number (PDF, 105 KB)
- G 055 Call Numbers (PDF, 34 KB) REVISED February 2018
- G 058 Interpreting the Classification Schedules (PDF, 218 KB)
- G 063 Cutter Numbers (PDF, 172 KB)
- G 065 Preferred Shelflist Order (PDF, 132 KB)
- G 070 Input of LC Call Numbers/Copy Statements (050/051 Fields) (PDF, 146 KB)
G 100
- G 100 Filing Rules (PDF, 187 KB)
- G 140 Dates (PDF, 169 KB)
- G 145 Editions (PDF, 121 KB)
- G 150 Translations/Texts in Parallel Languages (PDF, 140 KB) REVISED January 2020
- G 155 Supplementary Works (PDF, 146 KB)
- G 180 Non-Literary Compilations (PDF, 121 KB)
G 200
- G 220 Corporate Bodies (PDF, 183 KB)
- G 230 Conferences, Congresses, Meetings, Etc. (PDF, 165 KB)
- G 240 Societies (PDF, 134 KB)
G 300
- G 300 Regions and Countries Table (PDF, 39 KB) REVISED June 2019
- G 302 U.S. States and Canadian Provinces (PDF, 129 KB)
- G 320 Biography (PDF, 170 KB)
- G 330 Artists (PDF, 129 KB)
- G 340 Criticism/Commentaries (PDF, 27 KB) REVISED June 2014
- G 350 Title Work Letters in Subclass PZ (PDF, 131 KB)
G 600
- G 605 LC-Specific Information (PDF, 108 KB)
- G 610 Basic Shelflisting Procedures (PDF, 156 KB)
- G 615 Designations for Volume, Part, Etc. (PDF, 106 KB)
- G 620 Assignment/Location of Materials (PDF, 165 KB)
- G 622 Assignment/Location of Materials: Asian and AMED (PDF, 165 KB)
- G 630 Reference Assignments (PDF, 101 KB)
- G 640 Forwarding Items to the Dewey Section (PDF, 112 KB)
- G 660 Historical and Obsolete Legends and Symbols (PDF, 161 KB)
- G 670 Shelflist Information Card (SLIC) (PDF, 181 KB)
G 700
- G 750 Law and Legal Materials: General (PDF, 37 KB) REVISED February 2015
- G 760 Law and Legal Materials: Superseded Materials (PDF, 74 KB)