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Full-text display of all LC Classification schedules and subject headings.
MARC Distribution Services
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Many of these discontinued print publications are available as free downloads at http://www.loc.gov/aba/.In addition, all MARC formats and other MARC documentation are available at http://www.loc.gov/marc/.
Browse for Products By Category or Title
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | X | Z
- Cataloging Concepts: Descriptive Cataloging (2002)
- Cataloging Service Bulletin
- Classification (database)
- Classification and Shelflisting Manual
- Classification Web
- Complete Service (database)
- Computer Files (database)
- CONSER Cataloging Manual
- CONSER Editing Guide
- Copyright Cataloging: Monographs, Documents, and Serials (database)
- Copyright Select (database)
- Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books)
- Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Serials). 2008 Edition (2008)
- Geographic Cutter Numbers Tables G1548 - G9804
- Graphic Materials: Rules for Describing Original Items and Historical Collections
- LC Classification - Additions and Changes
- LC Classification Outline
- LC Period Subdivisions Under Names of Places
- LC Subject Headings Weekly Lists
- Library of Congress Classification: A Content Analysis of the Schedules in Preparation for their Conversion into Machine-Readable Form (1995)
- Library of Congress Classification: A: General Works
- Library of Congress Classification: B-BJ: Philosophy, Psychology
- Library of Congress Classification: BL-BQ: Religion (General). Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism
- Library of Congress Classification: BR-BX: Christianity, Bible
- Library of Congress Classification: C: Auxiliary Sciences of History
- Library of Congress Classification: D-DR: History (General) and History of Europe
- Library of Congress Classification: DS-DX: History of Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
- Library of Congress Classification: E-F: History: America
- Library of Congress Classification: G: Geography. Maps. Anthropology. Recreation
- Library of Congress Classification: H: Social Sciences
- Library of Congress Classification: J: Political Science
- Library of Congress Classification: JZ and KZ: Historical Notes and Introduction to Application
- Library of Congress Classification: K Tables (apply to all Library of Congress Classification: K subclasses except KD, KE, and KF): Form Division Tables For Law
- Library of Congress Classification: K: Law in General. Comparative and Uniform Law. Jurisprudence
- Library of Congress Classification: KB: Religious Law
- Library of Congress Classification: KD: Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland
- Library of Congress Classification: KDZ, KG-KH: Law of the Americas, Latin America, and the West Indies
- Library of Congress Classification: KE: Law of Canada
- Library of Congress Classification: KF: Law of the United States
- Library of Congress Classification: KJ-KKZ: Law of Europe
- Library of Congress Classification: KJV-KJW: Law of France
- Library of Congress Classification: KK-KKC: Law of Germany
- Library of Congress Classification: KL-KWX: Law of Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica
- Library of Congress Classification: KZ: Law of Nations
- Library of Congress Classification: L: Education
- Library of Congress Classification: M: Music and Books on Music
- Library of Congress Classification: N: Fine Arts
- Library of Congress Classification: P-PA: Philology and Linguistics (General). Greek Language and Literature. Latin Language and Literature
- Library of Congress Classification: P-PZ Tables: Language and Literature Tables
- Library of Congress Classification: PB-PH: Modern European Languages
- Library of Congress Classification: PJ-PK: Oriental Philology and Literature, Indo-Iranian Philology and Literature
- Library of Congress Classification: PL-PM: Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania. Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages
- Library of Congress Classification: PN: Literature (General)
- Library of Congress Classification: PR, PS, PZ: English and American Literature. Juvenile Belles Lettres
- Library of Congress Classification: PT: German, Dutch, and Scandinavian Literatures
- Library of Congress Classification: Q: Science
- Library of Congress Classification: R: Medicine
- Library of Congress Classification: S: Agriculture
- Library of Congress Classification: T: Technology
- Library of Congress Classification: U-V: Military Science. Naval Science
- Library of Congress Classification: Z: Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources.
- Library of Congress Copyright Data as Distributed in the MARC 21 Format: Record Format Documentation for the Copyright Cataloging MARC Distribution Service
- Library of Congress Filing Rules
- Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI)
- Library of Congress Subject Headings
- Library of Congress Subject Headings
- Library of Congress Subject Headings Supplemental Vocabularies: Free-Floating Subdivisions, Genre/Form Headings, Children's Subject Headings
- Maps (database)
- MARC 21 Concise Formats: 2011 Edition
- MARC 21 Format for Authority Data: Including Guidelines for Content Designation
- MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: Including Guidelines for Content Designation
- MARC 21 Format for Classification Data: Including Guidelines for Content Designation
- MARC 21 Format for Community Information: Including Guidelines for Content Designation
- MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data: Including Guidelines for Content Designation
- MARC 21 Format: Proposed Changes
- MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media
- MARC Code List for Countries
- MARC Code List for Geographic Areas
- MARC Code List for Languages
- MARC Code List for Organizations
- MARC Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
- MARC Content Designation (training course). 2004 revision of 2002 edition (2004)
- Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms
- Music (database)
- Understanding MARC Authority Records. 2nd edition (2004)
- Understanding MARC Bibliographic