1584 results containing "strohmeyer wyman"
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Troop A, Ninth U.S. Cavalry - famous Indian fighters
[1898] | 1 photograph | Strohmeyer & Wyman
LOT 11524 [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-ds-05462 (digital file from original item) -
On the beach, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.A.
[1899] | 1 photograph | Strohmeyer & Wyman
STEREO U.S. GEOG FILE - New Jersey--Atlantic City [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-stereo-1s13876 (digital file from original) -
Bound for the land of promise
c1895. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO SUBJ FILE - African Americans--Housing [item] [P&P] | LC-USZ62-125056 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Ninth U.S. Cavalry--famous Colored Regiment--Draw Sabers!
c1898. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO SUBJ FILE - African Americans in the Military [item] [P&P] | LC-USZC4-7967 (color film copy transparency) -
A morning ride in a jinrikisha, Sugita, Japan
c1896 June 17. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO FOREIGN GEOG FILE - Japan--Sugito [item] [P&P] | LC-USZ62-134387 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Nevada Falls and cap of Liberty, Yosemite Valley, U.S.A. : Catarata de Nevada y cima de la Libertad, valle Yosemite, E.U. de A.
c1894. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
LOT 11958-9 [item] [P&P] | LC-USZ62-136266 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Chopping meat, sausage department, Armour's Chicago, U.S.A. = Picadero de carne, Departamento de salchichas, Gran casa de envase de Armour, Chicago, E.U. de A.
c1893. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
LOT 11985-2 [item] [P&P] | LC-USZ62-137043 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Lieut. Col. Theo. Roosevelt of the "Rough Riders"
c1898 August 4. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman
STEREO PRES FILE - Roosevelt, Theodore--Rough Riders--1898 [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-stereo-1s01907 (digital file from original) -
Cheering Governor Roosevelt, Dewey Celebration, New York
c1899 November 20. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman
STEREO PRES FILE - Roosevelt, Theodore--Dewey Celebration--New York--1899 [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-stereo-1s01910 (digital file from original) -
In the heart of the flowery kingdom, Nara, Japan
c1896. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO FOREIGN GEOG FILE - Japan--Nara [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-stereo-1s02959 (digital file from original stereograph) -
Church at San Pedro Macati, used as a hospital, Philippine Islands
c1899. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman
LOT 11522-3 [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-ds-02759 (digital file from original item) -
The church at Pasig, showing barricaded tower windows and stone wall defences, Philippines
c1899. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman
LOT 11522-3 [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-ds-02758 (digital file from original item) -
Washington troops at the Taquig [i.e. Taguig] church, just before they charged the Filipinos - sentinels watching the enemy - P.I.
c1899. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman
LOT 11522-1 [item] [P&P] | LC-DIG-ds-02761 (digital file from original item) -
Our pets dream of old Santa Claus
c1897. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO SUBJ FILE - Holidays--Christmas <item> [P&P] | LC-USZ62-112643 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Sticking hogs, Armour's great packing house, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, U.S.A.
c1893. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
LOT 11985-2 <item> [P&P] | LC-USZ62-114375 (b&w film copy neg.) -
First company of native Porto Ricans enlisted in the American Colonial Army, Porto Rico
c1899 Aug. 22. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
LOT 12300-9 <item> [P&P] | LC-USZ62-117206 (b&w film copy neg.) -
On the "Iowa" - Marine Guard drilling
c1899. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
LOT 12302-3 <item> [P&P] | LC-USZ62-119302 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Col. Wm. Astor Chanler--at the front
c1898. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO BIOG FILE - Chanler, William Astor, 1867-1934 <item> [P&P] | LC-USZ62-121298 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Major General Miles and army transports - Sailing-day, Tampa, U.S.A.
c1898 | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO BIOG FILE - Miles, Nelson <item> [P&P] | LC-USZ62-122403 (b&w film copy neg.) -
Major General Nelson A. Miles - Commander of the United States Armies
c1898. | 1 photographic print on stereo card | Strohmeyer & Wyman.
STEREO BIOG FILE - Miles, Nelson <item> [P&P] | LC-USZ62-122405 (b&w film copy neg.)