Home » Library of Congress Demographic Group Term and Code List

Library of Congress Demographic Group Categories Term and Code List

List identifier: lcdgt

Term and Code List

The purpose of this list of demographic categories and associated codes is to allow terms that are authorized in Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT) to be collocated at a broad level.

The demographic group category codes are three-character lowercase alphabetic strings. They are derived from the first letter of the demographic group category and two additional letters from the word(s) making up the demographic group category name.

Age [age]
Use for the chronological age of the group members (e.g., Adults, Children, Infants).
Educational level [edu]
Use for the educational level of the group members (e.g., First grade students, Graduate students, High school students).
Ethnic/cultural [eth]
Use for the ethnic or cultural identification of the group members (e.g., Asian Americans, Maratha (Indic people), Muscogee (North American people). For ethnic and cultural groups that are also demonyms associated with a supra-national region, a country or a sub-national region or jurisdiction, prefer Nation/regional category.
Language [lng]
Use for the language associated with the group members (e.g., Arabic speakers, English speakers, Zulu speakers).
Medical, psychological, and disability [mpd]
Use for the medical or psychological condition, or the physical or mental disability, of the group members (e.g., Breast cancer patients; Mentally ill; Deaf).
National/regional [nat]
Use for the demonym related to a supra-national region, a country, or a sub-national region or jurisdiction that is associated with the group members (e.g., Angolans, Bavarians, Easterners (United States)). For ethnic and cultural groups that are not also demonyms, prefer Ethnic/cultural category.
Occupation/field of activity [occ]
Use for the activity or avocation associated with the group members (e.g., Hunters, Mathematicians, Textile artists).
Religion [rel]
Use for the religion or denomination, sect, etc., of the group members (e.g., Buddhists, Presbyterians, Shiites).
Social [soc]
Use for identifiable social groups that cannot be included in the other categories (e.g., Children of divorced parents, Nursing students, Socialists).

List Maintenance

The Library of Congress is the maintenance agency for this value list. Questions and requests for information should be sent to: Policy and Standards Divison, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Avenue, S.E., Washington, DC 20540-4402; Fax: +1-202-707-6629; Internet: [email protected]. Requests for additions to the value list should include an explanation and justification.

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