Ghana Journals Indexed (June 4, 2010)
Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, Sam-Woode Ltd., POB AN12719, Accra-North, Ghana
Faculty of Arts University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana
Legal Research Centre, POB 13054, Accra-Central, Ghana
Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association
Ghana Geographical Association , Department of Geography and Resource Development , University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
FASS Bulletin
University of Ghana, Legon Faculty of Social Studies , POB 72, Legon, Ghana
Ghana Bulletin of Theology (2006)
University of Ghana, Dept. for the Study of Religions, POB 66, Legon, Accra, Ghana, Email: [email protected]
Ghana Educational Media & Technology Association Journal
UCEW, POB 25, Winneba, Ghana, Email: [email protected]
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), POB M.32, Accra, Ghana
Ghana Journal of Consumer Affairs
Consumer Research Group, Accra, Ghana
Ghana Journal of Development Studies
University for Development Studies, Centre for Research and Postgraduate Studies, POB 24, Navrongo, Upper East Region, Ghana
Ghana Journal of Literacy and Adult Education
University of Ghana, Institute of Adult Education, POB LG 31, Legon Ghana
Ghana Journal of Science
POB M. 32, Accra, Ghana
Ghana Library Journal
Ghana Library Association, POB 4105, Accra, Ghana
Ghana Medical Journal
The Editor, Ghana Medical Journal , POB 1596, Accra, Ghana
Ghana Policy Journal
Institute of Economic Affairs, POB 01936, Accra, Ghana, Email:
[email protected], [email protected]
Ghana School of Law Journal (2002)
Ghana School of Law, University of Ghana POB 72,
Legon, Ghana
Ghana Social Science Journal
University of Ghana, Faculty of Social Studies, POB 72, Legon, Ghana
GIMPA Journal of Leadership, Management and Administration
POB AH 50, Achimota, Ghana
Governance (Accra, Ghana)
Institute of Economic Affairs, POB 01936, Christiansborg, Accra, Ghana
Journal of African Christian Thought
Akrofi-Christaller Memorial Centre for Mission Research and Applied, Theology, POB 76, Akropong-Akuapem, Ghana
Journal of Applied Science & Technology
Industry, Natural & Social Sciences Sector, CSIR, POB M32, Accra, Ghana, Email: [email protected]
Journal of Educational Management
University of Cape Coast, Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, Ghana
Journal of Management Studies
University of Ghana, School of Administration, POB 78, Legon, Ghana
Journal of Natural Sciences
University of Cape Coast, Dept. of Botany, Cape Coast, Ghana, , Email: [email protected]
Journal of Performing Arts
University of Ghana, Legon School of Performing Arts , POB 19, Legon, Accra, Ghana
Journal of the Ghana Science Association
Ghana Science Association, POB 7, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
Language Centre Journal
University of Ghana, Language Centre, POB LG 119, Legon,
Legislative Alert (Accra, Ghana)
Institute of Economic Affairs, POB 01936, Christiansborg, Accra, Ghana
Legon Journal of International Affairs
University of Ghana, Legon Centre for International Affairs, POB LG 25, Legon, Ghana
Legon Journal of Sociology
University of Ghana, Dept. of Sociology, POB 65, Legon, Accra, Ghana
Legon Journal of the Humanities
Managing Director, Black Mask Ltd., POB C770, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana
Nature et faune
F.A.O. Regional Office for Africa, POB 1628, Accra, Ghana, Email: [email protected]
Research Review (University of Ghana. Institute of African Studies)
University of Ghana, Institute of African Studies, POB 73, Legon, Ghana
Research Review. Supplement
University of Ghana, Institute of African Studies , POB 73, Legon, Ghana
Social Policy (Legon, Ghana)
Centre for Social Policy Studies, University of Ghana, POB 72, Legon, Ghana
Studies in Gender and Development in Africa
University for Development Studies, Gender Programmes Unit, POB 24, Navrongo, Ghana
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana
Historical Society of Ghana, POB 12, Legon, Ghana
Trinity Journal of Church and Theology
Trinity College , POB 48, Legon, Ghana
University of Ghana Law Journal
University of Ghana, Faculty of Law, Legon, Ghana
West African Journal of Applied Ecology
University of Ghana, Ecological Laboratory, Legon, Ghana
West African Journal of Monetary and Economic Integration
West African Monetary Institute, Premier Towers, PMB CT 75, Accra, Ghana
Last Updated: November 19, 2010