November 13, 2007
Presentation of the Draft Report
The Library of Congress | Coolidge Auditorium, Thomas Jefferson Building | Washington, DC 20540
View webcast
of the November 13, 2007 presentation
The Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control presented its draft report of recommendations to Library of Congress managers and staff. The group held three public hearings in the past year to elicit ideas and comments from the library and publishing communities about needed changes in the description of bibliographic information for the 21st century.
July 9, 2007
Topic: Economics and Organization of Bibliographic Data
The Library of Congress |
Mumford Room, The James Madison Building |
Washington, DC 20540
View webcasts
of the July 9, 2007 meeting
Meeting materials: Agenda | Background paper (PDF, 25KB) | Summary
May 9, 2007
Topic: Structures and Standards for Bibliographic Data
American Library Association |
50 E. Huron Street |
Chicago, Illinois 60611
View webcasts of the May 9, 2007 meeting
Meeting materials: Agenda | Background paper (PDF, 15KB) | Summary
March 8, 2007
Topic: Users and Uses of Bibliographic Data
Google, Inc. | 1500 Plymouth Street | Mountain View, California 94043
Meeting materials: Invitation | Agenda | Background paper (PDF, 35KB) | Summary
November 2-3, 2006
Inaugural Meeting of the Working Group
Library of Congress
Meeting materials: Meeting minutes (PDF, 42KB)
The inaugural meeting of the Working Group took place on November 2-3, 2006 at the Library of Congress. After agreeing on the charge, the group decided to hold three regional meetings on different aspects of bibliographic control and present its findings to Associate Librarian for Library Services Deanna Marcum in November 2007.