L'héritage byzantin en Italie (VIIIe-XIIe siècle).
Catalog Record Only
Vol. 1. contains the papers presented at the 1st round table held June 12-13, 2008 at the Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, Rome; vol. 2: 2nd round table held May 4-5, 2009, École française de Rome; vol. 3: 5th round table held Nov. 25-26, 2011, École française de Rome; vol. 4: 4th round table held Dec. 17-18, 2010, Rome, Italy. Includes bibliographical…
Martin, Jean-Marie - Istituto Storico Italiano Per Il Medio Evo - École Française De Rome - Peters-Custot, Annick - Prigent, Vivien