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To enrich access to scholarly materials via the Library of Congress Online Catalog http://catalog.loc.gov, the Library of Congress' Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team (BEAT) has launched a collaborative project with H-NET: Humanities and Social Sciences Online, to link to H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences, H-Net's online scholarly journal (ISSN 1538-0661).
The project links LC catalog records to corresponding H-Net reviews, increasing access to valuable information about published works cataloged by the Library. The reviews cover contemporary publications as well as classic publications in a variety of academic fields. Many of the reviews, in addition to containing relevant Library of Congress subject headings, include footnotes and bibliographies.
The initial phase of the cooperative project, begun in early 2003, has resulted in 6,173 links from Library of Congress catalog records to corresponding H-Net reviews. An estimated 1,000 to 2,000 additional reviews will be added each year.
You can view an actual BEAT-enriched record, with the live link below. Note that the record for this book contains four Links near the bottom of the record display. The first of the links, Book review, is to the corresponding H-Net review. The other three links provide access to a sample text,a publisher's description, and the book's table of contents. In addition, the record's note field (shown also with the word "review" in the display) also includes a short description of this item from the Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS).
Here is a link to the sample, The Kingdom of Quito, 1690-1830 by Kenneth J. Andrien. (Please use your browser's back button to return to this page.)
Please direct questions and comments to Tracy Meehleib at
[email protected]
This page last updated June 15, 2005
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