Day 1 Wednesday November 15, 2000 |
8:00-8:30 | Arrival and registration |
All participants |
8:30-9:00 |
Coffee/Continental breakfast |
9:00-9:15 |
Welcome, introductions, etc. |
Winston Tabb, Beacher Wiggins, John Byrum |
9:15-9:45 |
From Card Catalogues to WebPACS: Celebrating Cataloging in the 20th Century |
Michael Gorman |
Topic 1: The Library Catalog and the Web
Discussion paper: Metadata for Web Resources:
How Metadata Works on the Web Martin Dillon |
9:45-10:05 |
Topic 1A: The Catalog as Portal to the Internet |
Sarah Thomas |
10:05-10:25 |
Topic 1B: The Library Catalogue in a Networked Environment |
Tom Delsey |
10:25-10:55 |
Break/Coffee service |
10:55-11:15 |
Topic 1C: International Metadata Initiatives: Lessons in Bibliographic Control |
Priscilla Caplan |
11:15-11:45 |
Panel reactions and questions (10 minutes per panelist to review highlights and ask questions of
presenter) |
Topic 1A: Panel reactor |
Brian Schottlaender |
Topic 1B: Panel reactor |
Jennifer Trant |
Topic 1C: Panel reactor |
Robin Wendler |
11:45-12:00 |
Q&A | All participants |
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch |
Topic 2: Assessing Current Library Standards for Bibliographic Control and Web Access
Discussion paper:
"Is Precoordination Unnecessary in LCSH? Are Web Sites More Important to Catalog than Books? : A Reference Librarian's Thoughts on the Future of Bibliographic Control" by Thomas Mann
1:00-1:20 |
Topic 2A: Crossing a Digital Divide: AACR2 and Unaddressed Problems of Networked Resources |
Matthew Beacom |
1:20-1:40 |
Topic 2B: Exploiting LCSH, LCC, and DDC to Retrieve Networked Resources |
Lois Mai Chan |
1:40-2:00 |
Panel Reactions and questions (10 min. for each panelist to review highlights and ask questions of
presenter) |
2A. Panel reactor |
Glenn Patton |
2B. Panel reactor |
Diane Vizine-Goetz |
2:00-2:15 |
Q&A | All participants |
2:15-2:35 |
Topic 2C. Resource Discovery Using Z39.50: Promise and Reality |
William E. Moen |
2:35-2:50 |
Q&A | All participants |
2:50-3:20 |
Break/Refreshments |
3:20-3:40 |
Topic 2D. Authority Control on the Web |
Barbara Tillett |
3:40-3:55 |
Q&A | All participants |
Topic 3: Future Directions |
3:55-4:15 |
Topic 3A: AACR2 and Its Place in the Digital World: Near-term Revisions and Long-term Direction |
Ann Huthwaite |
4:15-4:35 |
Topic 3B: Extending MARC to Meet New Challenges in Bibliographic Control of the Web |
Sally McCallum |
4:35-4:55 |
Panel Reactions and questions (10 min. for each panelist to review highlights and ask questions of
presenter) |
Topic 3A: Panel reactor |
Lynne Howarth |
Topic 3B: Panel reactor |
Paul Weiss |
4:55-5:10 |
Q&A |
All participants |
Day 2 Thursday November 16, 2000 |
8:00-8:45 |
Arrival and registration Coffee/Continental breakfast |
All participants |
8:45-9:05 |
Topic 3C: Business Unusual: How "Event-Awareness" May Breathe Life Into the Catalog? |
Carl Lagoze |
9:05-9:20 |
Q&A |
All participants |
9:20-9:40 |
Topic 3D: Descriptive Resource Needs from the Reference Perspective |
Carolyn Larson and Linda Arret |
9:40-9:55 |
Q&A |
All participants |
9:55-10:25 |
Break/Coffee service |
Topic 4: Experimentation
Discussion Paper: Some Observations on Metadata and Digital
Libraries Caroline Arms
Discussion Paper: An Initial Survey and Description of How Selected United States Government Libraries, Information Centers, and Information Services Provide Public Access to Information Via the Internet Thomas Downing |
10:25-10:45 |
Topic 4A: A Comparison of Web Resource Access Experiments: Planning for the New Millennium |
Jane Greenberg |
10:45-11:00 |
Q&A |
All participants |
11:00-11:20 |
Topic 4B: Redesign of Library Workflows: Experimental Models for Electronic Resource Description |
Karen Calhoun |
11:20-11:35 |
Q&A |
All participants |
Topic 5: Exploring Partnerships
Discussion paper: Metadata, Cataloging, Digitization and Retrieval: Who's Doing What to Whom: The Colorado Digitization Project Experience Liz Bishoff and Bill Garrison |
11:35-11:55 |
Topic 5A: Exploring Partnerships: Librarians, Producers and Vendors: What Do Librarians Need? |
Michael Kaplan |
11:55-12:10 |
Q&A |
All participants |
12:10-1:10 |
Lunch |
1:10-1:25 |
Video |
All participants |
1:25-1:55 |
Topic 5B: Panel: What Can Producers And Vendors Provide? (10 min for each Panelist) |
Lynn Connaway, Jeff Calcagno, Amira Aaron |
1:55-2:10 |
Q&A |
All participants |
2:10-2:30 |
Topic 5C: Partnerships to Mine Unexploited Sources of Metadata |
Regina Reynolds |
2:30-2:45 |
Q&A |
All participants |
2:45-3:05 |
Break/Refreshments |
3:05-5:00 |
Topical discussion groups |
All participants |
6:30-7:30 |
Reception and optional visits to LC exhibits in the Great Hall vicinity |
7:30-8:45 |
LC hosted dinner in Great Hall Featured speaker: Clifford Lynch |
Day 3 Friday November 17, 2000 |
8:00-8:30 |
Arrival/Registration |
All participants |
8:30-9:00 |
Coffee/Continental breakfast |
9:00-10:15 |
Topical discussion groups formulate prioritized list of short-term/long-term recommendations for
specified topics |
10:15-10:30 |
Break/coffee service
LC recorders input group recommendations into computer |
10:30-11:45 |
Facilitators of the 11 topical discussion groups present prioritized list of recommendations at plenary sessions; conferees pose questions/reactions (15 min. each) LC to use lists and the discussion in determining action plan/next steps following the conference |
11:45-12:15 |
Hosted brief lunch break--box lunch provided |
12:15-2:00 |
Facilitators' presentations (continued) |
2:00 |
Adjournment |