Conference Home Page

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Greetings from the Director for Cataloging

Topical discussion groups

NAS study and 2 articles from the LC staff Gazette

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Cataloging Directorate Home Page

Library of Congress Home Page

Bicentennial Conference  on 
	Bibliographic Control for the New Millenium: Confronting the Challenges of Networked 
	Resources and the Web
sponsored by the Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate

What's New on the
Conference Web Site

Marcia Bates presentation at LC, December 12, 2003, "Supporting the Digital Library User Through Information Design Devices"

Draft Action Plan now available

All final versions of papers and commentaries are up as of January 31, 2001

Topical Discussion group recommendations January 04, 2001

All Cybercasts of the speakers are now available.

Logistical information for participants last updated 10/31/00


11/8/00 Digests of comments submitted to the BibControl listserv are available. One digest deals with general comments about the conference and ideas presented in the papers, the other deals with comments about specific papers

11/7/00 Metadata, Cataloging, Digitization and Retrieval: Who's Doing What to Whom: The Colorado Digitization Project Experience
Authors: Liz Bishoff and Bill Garrison

11/2/00 An Initial Survey and Description of How Selected United States Government Libraries, Information Centers, and Information Services Provide Public Access to Information Via the Internet
Author: Thomas A. Downing

11/2/00 From Card Catalogues to WebPACS: Celebrating Cataloguing in the 20th Century
Author: Michael Gorman

10/31/00 Is Precoordination Unnecessary in LCSH? Are Web Sites More Important to Catalog than Books? : A Reference Librarian's Thoughts on the Future of Bibliographic Control
Author: Thomas Mann

10/31/00 The sidebar link to the NAS report has been changed to take you to a page that includes 2 articles from the LC staff paper, the Gazette.

10/26/00 Descriptive Resource Needs from the Reference Perspective
Authors: Carolyn Larson and Linda Arret

10/23/00 All conference participants may want to familiarize themselves with the National Academy of Sciences report, LC21: A Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress (

10/18/00 Partnerships to Mine Unexploited Sources of Metadata
Author: Regina Reynolds

10/18/00 Business Unusual: How "Event-Awareness" May Breathe Life Into the Catalog?
Author: Carl Lagoze

10/16/00 Crossing a Digital Divide: AACR2 and Unaddressed Problems of Networked Resources
Author: Matthew Beacom

10/02/00 A Comparison of Web Resource Access Experiments: Planning for the New Millennium
Author: Jane Greenberg

10/02/00 Some Observations on Metadata and Digital Libraries
Author: Caroline R. Arms

9/28/00 Extending MARC for Bibliographic Control in the Web Environment: Challenges and Alternatives
Author: Sally McCallum

9/11/00 The Catalog as Portal to the Internet
Author: Sarah Thomas

8/31/00 Metadata for Web Resources: How Metadata Works on the Web
Author: Martin Dillon

8/17/00 Summary for dinner speaker Clifford Lynch's paper The New Context for Bibliographic Control In the New Millennium

8/16/00 Redesign of Library Workflows: Experimental Models for Electronic Resource Description
Author: Karen Calhoun

8/16/00 Summary for discussion paper Metadata, Cataloging, Digitization and Retrieval: Who is doing what to whom? The Colorado Digitization Project Experience
Authors: Liz Bishoff, Bill Garrison

8/10/00 Authority Control on the Web
Author: Barbara Tillett

8/3/00 Exploiting LCSH, LCC, and DDC to Retrieve Networked Resources
Author: Lois Mai Chan

8/3/00 Resource Discovery Using Z39.50: Promise and Reality
Author: William E. Moen

7/24/00 Exploring Partnerships: What Can Producers and Vendors Provide?
Author: Michael Kaplan

7/18/00 The Library Catalogue in a Networked Environment
Author:Tom Delsey

7/5/00 International Metadata Initiatives: Lessons in Bibliographic Control
Author: Priscilla Caplan

6/30/00 AACR2 and Its Place in the Digital World: Near-term Revisions and Long-term Direction
Author: Ann Huthwaite

10/31/00 Participants directory is now available in PDF format

10/26/00 Communication page established providing information on internet access for participants while attending the conference, message center information, and the conference emergency number

10/26/00 Program page adjusted to move LC dinner to day 2 and adjust schedule accordingly

10/24/00 Cybercast page initiated. This is where the cybercasts will be made available.

10/23/00 In preparation for the delayed cybercast presentations, interested parties may want to view a test cybercast of an LC staff presentation on the use of CORC, the BEOnline+ and CECites+ projects as well as CORC pathfinders at LC. It is possible that your browser or some of its plug-in components may need upgrading to view the cybercast and your browser should inform you if this is the case.

10/23/00 Topical discussion groups added to the sidebar for all pages.

10/23/00 Conference attendees may choose to stay within the Madison Building during the no-host lunch or may want to get a snack during a conference break. A list of food service locations in the Madison Building is provided for your convenience. A more thorough list of places to eat city-wide will be provided in the registration packets for your free evenings.

9/1/00 Logistics page updated to add directions for driving to the conference hotel and directions from the Metro to the hotel.

8/16/00 Logistics page updated to add information about conference entrance procedures, registration, and to add maps

7/24/00 Conference program is now available.

7/13/00 Information about hotel reservations for conference participants is available on the logistics page.

7/12/00 The discussion list is up and running. It will foster discussion regarding the conference papers and the issues they address. It will provide interested parties with a means for sharing constructive feedback on the topics. This discussion list is intended to encourage interested colleagues throughout the world -- particularly those who could not be invited to attend in person due to logistical constraints and other considerations -- to participate by commenting on conference issues. Presenters and Commentators have been asked to monitor this discussion and to take into account important points you raise when developing the final versions of their papers. To subscribe, send a message to [email protected] with the message "subscribe bibcontrol [your name]".

Library of Congress
January 31, 2001
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