These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Library of Congress of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. The Library of Congress bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
This list includes portal products which are primarily categorized as federated search systems. Portal product name links are arranged alphabetically followed by the vendor name link and a brief description. View the external product Web sites for specific features.
AGent -- Auto-Graphics, Inc.
The AGent portal module as a " ..."MetaSearch" tool provides a multiple tiered solution to information access. At its most basic, it's an effective way for your library to access its own catalog online (OPAC). At its broadest, the AGent portal allows you and your patrons to search globally — across many disparate databases and information resources. ... The portal's administrative components allow you to configure and manage your search interface to your own specifications ...". AGent "...does not "screenscrape", but only displays native content."
CARLweb -- TLC, The Library Corporation
"CARLweb is one of the public access interfaces of CARL.Solution®." CARLweb is a "gateway to your library's catalog, as well as to other Z39.50 catalogs, external Web sites, and other electronic resources. ... Using Unicode-code based architecture, CARLweb can present any language, including those with non-Roman characters."
Chameleon iPortal --
The Chameleon iPortal is part of the Virtua ILS, and is "an aggregate Web service for libraries that casts a wide net for capturing information via multiple Internet channels and search engines." "The Chameleon iPortal allows your patrons to see your catalog through their preferred interface, whether that interface is one for the advanced user and/or the researcher, one designed specifically for children, or a generic interface. ... The VTLS Chameleon iPortal offers your library's resources to a world-wide audience, reaching patrons in their dorm rooms, homes and offices."
DQM2, Deep Query Manager and Deep Federation Portal -- BrightPlanet® Corp.
The DQM2, Deep Query Manager is "a search and information management workspace that automates the discovery, processing and organizing of on-line information from all publicly accessible databases and search engines."
"BrightPlanet's Deep Federation Portal(DFP) is a turnkey content solution for existing Web portals that need to provide targeted, comprehensive information to site visitors." Content sources for the DFP may include: standard Web search engines, deep Web searchable databases, subscription Web databases and an organization's digital documents.
ENCompass Solutions
-- Endeavor Information Systems, Inc.
"ENCompass for Resource Access: providing instant access to e-resources and expanded search capabilities; ENCompass for Digital Collections: ensuring integrated access to a wide variety of local collections-including the local OPAC; ENCompass: the complete solution for accessing all of the resources of your library and your campus."
Explorit Software Suite -- Deep Web Technologies LLC
"Deep Web Technologies provides customized software and crawling solutions for knowledge management. Our premiere Explorit™ software suite can quickly index, link, and search both local and remote content with a single integrated search interface. In addition, we offer the following software and services: federated search and retrieval; relevance ranking; custom software module development; knowledge management solutions."
Horizon Information Portal
-- Dynix
"With Consolidated Searching, you can search your catalog and your web databases—in fact all of your electronic resources—with a single query. Dynix has partnered with WebFeat to create translators that search multiple sources simultaneously. The search results are then displayed in one result set, providing users with a convenient choice of resources.
iBistro Electronic Library and iLink Electronic Library -- SIRSI Corporation
"With Sirsi's e-Library solutions - iBistro for public libraries and consortia and iLink for academic and special libraries - library users "visit" well-organized areas of interest, then search myriad data sources with a single mouse-click. They can view value-added e-content (reviews, artwork, e-books, summaries, you name it) integrated directly with catalog data. They can enjoy personalized online services." See also Sirsi SingleSearch and Sirsi Resolver.
Keystone DSL -- Index Data ApS
Keystone DSL "supports, in one integrated package, digital content management, Web-based information portals, and federated searching/metasearching. Index Data customizes, installs and supports Keystone DLS as a turnkey system." It consists of "open source software based on international standards and communication protocols" such as Z39.50, but also supports non-Z39.50 searching. It "is a software system for operating information-driven web portals. ... These may be corporate or personal homepages, "subject gateways", or any number of other types of resources."
Livelink® Federated Query Server --
Open Text Corp.
This product provides "Unified access to information repositories, news feeds, document management systems, intranets, and the Internet. Livelink® Federated Query Server (formerly Query Server) provides a single access point, using a single search format, to query multiple repositories."
MetaLib® -- Ex Libris (USA), Inc.
"MetaLib®, the library portal product from Ex Libris, provides libraries with tools for the organization, dissemination, and retrieval of scholarly information in a heterogeneous environment of library catalogs and electronic databases. MetaLib® offers users a standardized interface to easily access the library's e-collections, obtain appropriate services exactly when needed, and personalize their environment for more effective and productive research. MetaLib® includes SFX, the OpenURL-compliant context-sensitive link server."
MetaSearch Solution
-- Blue Angel Technologies, Inc.
"Accessed from a Web browser, the MetaSearch Solution provides single search access to digital resources, library catalogs, commercial databases, and other systems either located within the library or at other organizations. ... MetaSearch Solution consists of the following integrated components: Authentication Module, Customizable Interface, MetaSearch Engine, Content Management Module, Administration Module."
Millennium Access Plus (MAP) -- Innovative Interfaces Inc.
"MAP is made up of three independent components: WebBridge, MetaFind, Web Access Management. WebBridge offers a smart linking capability, which seamlessly enables libraries to link together information resources when appropriate. MetaFind is a one-stop search across the library's defined information resources. These can be licensed full-text or citation databases, Web sites, search engines, Z39.50 databases, library catalogs, local digital collections, and more. Web Access Management fully controls the access and authentication issues that are so important to libraries serving a geographically distributed user base."
Muse Solutions and MuseSearch -- MuseGlobal, Inc.
"MuseSearch, unifies all library electronic sources through a common user interface. Unlimited numbers and types of information sources can be searched simultaneously with a single user query, and OpenURL
linking allows further navigation to items of interest."
OpenSiteSearch -- Hosted by
"OpenSiteSearch is the new Open Source version of OCLC's original java-based web application for building Z39.50 portals (i.e. virtual union catalogues)." "OpenSiteSearch is a java-based Z39.50 portal system. Its primary use is for libraries to build search interfaces to one or more Z39.50 targets, such as library catalogue Z39.50 servers, vendor database/ejournal Z39.50 servers, or local digital collections."
Polaris® PowerPAC Portal -- GIS Information Systems, Inc.
"... a standard subsystem of the Polaris® Integrated Library system...Perform simultaneous searches in your library's catalog, other library catalogs, and Z39.50 databases using one common results from non-Z39.50 sites are displayed in the same consistent format as Z39.50 sites." It has a customizable-interface and offers patrons access to library services, such as circulation requests and ILL, and links to enhanced-content providers.
Searcher Analyzer
-- TDNet Inc.
"Searcher Analyzer is a solution for federated search across external sources and internal repositories, for abstracting, categorization and analysis of retrieved items. Searcher Analyzer particularly suits enterprise and library portals.
The interface accepts a query in plain language. The analysis is executed on the fly. It returns an abstract of each item retrieved. Subject to the user's preferences, it clusters items retrieved into concepts. The user may personalize the system for preferences, profiling, alerting, etc.
Searcher Analyzer operates on the local network of the customer or hosted by TDNet, as fits the circumstances."
SerialsSolutions Central Search
Federated Search from Serials Solutions
"Central Search, Serials Solutions' federated search engine, allows patrons to search a wide variety of resources from a single, easy to use interface. The application combines industry leading search technology with robust results handling to provide a clear starting point for research at your library."
Sirsi SingleSearch
-- Sirsi Corporation
"Users choose what they want to search - library catalogs, popular search engines like Google and TeomaSM, commercial abstract and index databases, selections from nearly 5,000 free and licensed information services. Then Sirsi SingleSearch delivers a variety of quality information resources on the search topic in one result set.... Designed to complement Sirsi's iBistro, iLink and Web2 interfaces, Sirsi SingleSearch is also a supporting technology, along with Sirsi Resolver, for Sirsi Rooms..."
Vivísimo Content Integrator
Many Information Repositories. Just One Search.
"The Vivísimo Content Integrator brings federated search, or meta-search, capabilities to public and private organizations. Federated search allows users to perform multiple searches at the same time through as many diverse informational sources as needed, whether they are internal documents, intranets, partner extranets, web sources, subscription services and databases, syndicated news feeds, or intelligence portals such as Hoover's. A user enters a search query through a single search interface that acts as an intermediary to various informational repositories. The query is sent simultaneously to all designated search sources and results are returned to the user in a single list."
WebClarity Resource Gateway and BookWhere -- WebClarity Software Inc.
Resource Gateway is a customizable Web-based portal for searching and retrieving records from multiple databases simultaneously. It supports Z39.50 and a variety of other record formats. "BookWhere allows users to simultaneously search thousands of bibliographic and media databases. Users also have the ability to export retrieved records in a wide variety of formats." (BookWhere is available as a Windows client or as a subscription service.)
WebFeat 3
-- WebFeat, Inc.
"... WebFeat 3 features include Alerts, MyWebFeat personalized federated search, ProCite®/EndNote® compatibility, dynamic results sorting, OpenURL compatibility, and SMART, our next generation database usage tracker. ... WebFeat user interface can actually be custom designed and seamlessly integrated into your library's own Web pages."
YouSeeMore -- TLC, The Library Corporation
"YouSeeMore is a portal to Internet resources ... with access to your library's catalog. ... You can include federated searching capabilities in your YouSeeMore with WebFeat. ... WebFeat Prism is aggregation software for searching multiple databases, fully integrated with CARL.Solution® and Library.Solution OPAC software."
ZONE-Pro and Zones line of products -- BiblioMondo, Inc.
ZONE-Pro which is "now available as a standalone, platform independent MetaSearch environment" can "provide aggregated access to all local and global information resources, incorporate news and subscription services in real time, streamline retrieval with the latest relevancy ranking and result clustering technologies, deliver administration tools to develop specialized information domains and targets and integrate user sign-in and authentication." ZONES line of products include MyZONE, LibraryZONE, SearchZONE and additional applications, including WordSurfer and KidsZONE.