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CollectionAnna E. Dickinson Papers The papers of lecturer, reformer, actress, and author Anna Elizabeth Dickinson (1842-1932) span the period 1859-1951, but are chiefly concentrated in the years from 1859 to 1911. The collection consists of approximately…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
Collection Items: View 404 Items
CollectionBetty Herndon Maury Maury Papers The papers of diarist Betty Herndon Maury Maury (1835-1903) consist of a diary kept by Maury from June 3, 1861, to February 18, 1863. The two-volume diary was scanned from one reel…
- Contributor: Maury, Betty Herndon Maury
- Date: 1861
Collection Items: View 2 Items
CollectionCarrie Chapman Catt Papers The papers of suffragist, political strategist, and pacifist Carrie Lane Chapman Catt (1859-1947) span the years 1848-1950, with the bulk of the material dating from 1890 to 1920. The collection consists of…
- Contributor: Catt, Carrie Chapman - Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Collection Items: View 573 Items
CollectionClara Barton Papers The papers of nurse, educator, philanthropist, and lecturer Clara Barton (1821-1912) consist of 62,000 items (81,608 images), most of which were digitized from 123 reels of previously produced microfilm. Spanning the years…
- Contributor: Hubbell, Julian B. (Julian Bertine) - Barton, Clara
- Date: 1805
Collection Items: View 970 Items
CollectionElizabeth Cady Stanton Papers The papers of suffragist, reformer, and feminist theorist Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) cover the years 1814 to 1946, with most of the material concentrated between 1840 and 1902. Consisting of approximately 1,000…
- Contributor: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Collection Items: View 169 Items
CollectionGender Issues in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan Web Archive Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Tajikistan are low-income countries where the status of women is far lower than that of women in neighboring countries. Women are frequently deprived of opportunities in education, adequate…
Collection Items: View 284 Items
CollectionGeospatial Applications Story Maps and web maps produced at the Library of Congress utilize geospatial technology to create curated entry points into our digital collections. We invite you to explore the incredible stories of…
Collection Items: View 125 Items
CollectionJohnston (Frances Benjamin) Collection NEW! See Gardens and Historic Houses in more than 1,000 hand-colored photos Collection Overview: Lantern Slides for Garden & Historic House Lectures Frances Benjamin Johnston (1864-1952) was one of the first American…
- Contributor: Johnston, Frances Benjamin
- Date: 1864
Collection Items: View 3,147 Items
CollectionLGBTQ+ Politics and Political Candidates Web Archive The LGBTQ+ Politics and Political Candidates Web Archive captures digital content related to LBGTQ+ political candidates and political issues and topics at various levels of government, with a focus on lesser-known local…
- Contributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. Researcher and Reference Services Division
- Date: 2018
Collection Items: View 382 Items
CollectionLGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive The LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive collects and preserves online content which documents LGBTQ+ history, scholarship, and culture in the United States and around the world. Sites include domestic and international non-profit organizations,…
- Contributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. Researcher and Reference Services Division
- Date: 2018
Collection Items: View 487 Items
CollectionManuscript Division Web Archive The Manuscript Division Web Archive includes principally websites of organizations with which the Division has an existing relationship. Although diverse in content, they fall into several broad categories. First, there are sites…
- Contributor: Sigmund Freud Copyrights (Firm) - Freud Museum (London, England) - National Council of Jewish Women - Library of Congress - American Studies Association - Macdowell Colony (Peterborough, N.H.) - Streit Council for a Union of Democracies - American Historical Association - American Council of Learned Societies - Dr. Frederick A. Cook Society ... Sigmund Freud Copyrights (Firm) - Freud Museum (London, England) - National Council of Jewish Women - Library of Congress - American Studies Association - Macdowell Colony (Peterborough, N.H.) - Streit Council for a Union of Democracies - American Historical Association - American Council of Learned Societies - Dr. Frederick A. Cook Society - Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training - National Coalition for History - National Urban League - Navy League of the United States - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund - Center for International Private Enterprise - American Society of Landscape Architects - National Democratic Institute for International Affairs - Ameen Rihani Organization - Civil Rights Coalition for the 21st Century - Historical Society of the District of Columbia Circuit - National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.) - National Consumers' League - Sigmund Freud Museum (Vienna, Austria) - League of Women Voters (U.S.) - Sigmund Freud Archives - Solidarity Center (Afl-Cio) - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Society of Woman Geographers - National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (U.S.) - Phi Beta Kappa
- Date: 2008
Collection Items: View 44 Items
CollectionMary Church Terrell Papers The papers of educator, lecturer, suffragist, and civil rights activist Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954) consist of approximately 13,000 documents, comprising 25,323 images, all of which were digitized from 34 reels of previously…
- Contributor: Terrell, Mary Church
Collection Items: View 767 Items
CollectionNational American Woman Suffrage Association Collection The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) Collection is a library of nearly 800 books and pamphlets documenting the suffrage campaign that were collected between 1890 and 1938 by members of NAWSA…
- Contributor: Blackwell, Alice Stone - Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Stone, Lucy - National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection (Library of Congress) - Howe, Julia Ward - National American Woman Suffrage Association - Stanton, Elizabeth Cady - Catt, Carrie Chapman
- Date: 1800
Collection Items: View 1,931 Items
CollectionNational American Woman Suffrage Association Records The records of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) span the years from 1839 to 1961 but are most numerous for the period 1890 to 1930. The collection consists of approximately…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Manuscript Division - National American Woman Suffrage Association
Collection Items: View 2,141 Items
CollectionSusan B. Anthony Papers The papers of reformer and suffragist Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) span the period 1846-1934 with the bulk of the material dating from 1846 to 1906. The collection, consisting of approximately 500 items…
- Contributor: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) - Anthony, Mary S.
Collection Items: View 56 Items
CollectionWomen of Protest: Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party This collection includes 448 digitized photographs selected from approximately 2,650 print photographs in the Records of the National Woman's Party, a collection of more than 438,000 items, housed in the Manuscript Division…
- Date: 1913
Collection Items: View 472 Items
CollectionWomen's and Gender Studies Web Archive The Women's and Gender Studies Web Archive collects and preserves online content on topics of importance to the interdisciplinary field of Women's and Gender Studies. Collection priorities include primary sources, first hand…
- Contributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. Researcher and Reference Services Division
- Date: 2018
Collection Items: View 171 Items
CollectionWomen's Suffrage in Sheet Music For as long as socially and politically aware citizens have gathered to voice dissent, music has served a paramount role; the women's suffrage movement proves no exception. From local community suffrage meetings,…
Collection Items: View 242 Items