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CollectionAbraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress The papers of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), lawyer, representative from Illinois, and sixteenth president of the United States, contain approximately 40,550 documents dating from 1774 to 1948, although most of the collection spans…
- Contributor: Lincoln, Abraham
Collection Items: View 20,206 Items
CollectionAfter the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor After the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor presents approximately twelve hours of opinions recorded in the days and months following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,…
- Date: 1941
Collection Items: View 135 Items
CollectionAlexander Graham Bell Family Papers at the Library of Congress The collection contains over 145,000 items. The online version contains 4,695 items (equaling about 51,500 images), consists of correspondence, scientific notebooks, journals, blueprints, articles, and photographs documenting Bell's invention of the telephone…
- Contributor: Bell, Mabel Gardiner Hubbard - Bell, Alexander Melville - Fairchild, Marian - Hubbard, Gardiner G. (Gardiner Greene) - Bell, Alexander Graham
- Date: 1862
Collection Items: View 4,715 Items
CollectionAlexander Hamilton Papers The papers of Alexander Hamilton (ca. 1757-1804), first treasury secretary of the United States, consist of his personal and public correspondence, drafts of his writings (although not his Federalist essays), and correspondence…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Alexander - First Church in Albany
Collection Items: View 882 Items
CollectionAlexander Hamilton Stephens Papers The papers of Alexander Hamilton Stephens (1812-1883), lawyer, journalist, governor of Georgia, member of both houses of the United States Congress, and vice president of the Confederate States of America, span the…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
Collection Items: View 124 Items
CollectionThe Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana The collection contains more than 11,100 items. This online release presents more than 1,300 items with more than 4,000 images and a date range of 1824-1931. It includes the complete collection of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress - Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana (Library of Congress) - Stern, Alfred Whital
- Date: 1824
Collection Items: View 1,535 Items
CollectionAmerica Singing: Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets Contains 4291 song sheets. Included among these American songs are ninety-seven British song sheets from Dublin and London. The collection spans the period from the turn of the nineteenth century to the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program - Library of Congress. Rare Book and Special Collections Division
- Date: 1999
Collection Items: View 4,291 Items
CollectionAmerican Civil War Sesquicentennial Web Archive The American Civil War Sesquicentennial Web Archive is a collection of websites presenting various projects and events in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War. This anniversary is historically…
- Contributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. Researcher and Reference Services Division
- Date: 2011
Collection Items: View 199 Items
CollectionAmerican Colony in Jerusalem, 1870-2006 The papers of the American Colony in Jerusalem, a non-denominational utopian Christian community, consist of approximately 16,600 items, spanning the years 1786-2007, of which about three-fourths of the materials (50,288 images) have…
- Contributor: Vester, Bertha Spafford - American Colony (Jerusalem) - Spafford, Horatio Gates - Spafford, Anna T.
- Date: 1870
Collection Items: View 536 Items
CollectionAmerican Federation of Labor Records The records of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) span the years 1883-1925 and consist of letterpress volumes of correspondence of Samuel Gompers (1850-1924) and William Green (1870-1952), presidents of the organization,…
- Contributor: American Federation of Labor
Collection Items: View 359 Items
CollectionAmerican Folklife Center Web Archive The American Folklife Center Archive, established in the Library of Congress Music Division in 1928 as the Archive of American Folk Song, is now one of the largest archives of ethnographic materials…
Collection Items: View 23 Items
CollectionAmerican Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I The Nation's Forum recordings were made between 1918 and 1920 in an effort to preserve the voices of prominent Americans; in most cases, they are the only surviving recordings of a speaker.…
- Contributor: Rockefeller, John D., (John Davison) - Pershing, John J. (John Joseph) - Wood, Leonard - Owen, Robert L. (Robert Latham) - Colby, Bainbridge - White, George - Palmer, A. Mitchell (Alexander Mitchell) - Poindexter, Miles - Hitchcock, Gilbert M. (Gilbert Monell) - Clark, Champ ... Rockefeller, John D., (John Davison) - Pershing, John J. (John Joseph) - Wood, Leonard - Owen, Robert L. (Robert Latham) - Colby, Bainbridge - White, George - Palmer, A. Mitchell (Alexander Mitchell) - Poindexter, Miles - Hitchcock, Gilbert M. (Gilbert Monell) - Clark, Champ - Daniels, Josephus - Long, Breckinridge - Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt - Lane, Franklin K. - De Valera, Éamon - Gompers, Samuel - Cox, James M. (James Middleton) - Lewis, James - Coolidge, Calvin - Lodge, Henry Cabot - Gerard, James W. (James Watson) - Butler, Nicholas Murray - Purdy, Richard A. (Richard Augustus) - McAdoo, W. G. (William Gibbs) - Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel) - Vanderlip, Frank A. (Frank Arthur) - Baker, Newton Diehl - Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano) - Cummings, Homer S. (Homer Stillé) - Wise, Stephen S. (Stephen Samuel) - Hays, Will H. (Will Harrison)
- Date: 1918
Collection Items: View 97 Items
CollectionAmerican Notes: Travels in America, 1750-1920 Comprises 253 published narratives by Americans and foreign visitors recounting their travels in the colonies and the United States and their observations and opinions about American peoples, places, and society from about…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program
- Date: 2003
Collection Items: View 255 Items
CollectionAncestral Voices Among the very first activities of the American Folklife Center (AFC) -- created in 1976 -- was the Federal Cylinder Project (FCP), a large-scale initiative to preserve and provide access to historic…
Collection Items: View 25 Items
CollectionAndrew Jackson Papers The Andrew Jackson Papers is one of twenty-three presidential collections in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. The Jackson archival collection contains more than 26,000 items dating from 1767 to…
- Contributor: Jackson, Andrew
- Date: 1767
Collection Items: View 17,171 Items
CollectionAndrew Johnson Papers The papers of vice president, senator, and representative Andrew Johnson (1808-1875), who became the seventeenth president of the Unites States in 1865 after Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, consist of 40,000 items (63,710 images),…
- Contributor: Johnson, Andrew - Moore, William G. (William George)
Collection Items: View 98 Items
CollectionAnna E. Dickinson Papers The papers of lecturer, reformer, actress, and author Anna Elizabeth Dickinson (1842-1932) span the period 1859-1951, but are chiefly concentrated in the years from 1859 to 1911. The collection consists of approximately…
- Contributor: Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth)
Collection Items: View 404 Items
CollectionAnna Maria Brodeau Thornton Papers The seven volumes of diaries and notebooks, 1793-1861, of Anna Maria Brodeau Thornton (ca.1775-1865) document her position at the center of a Washington, D.C., social circle that included George and Martha Washington,…
- Contributor: Thornton, Anna Maria Brodeau
Collection Items: View 12 Items
CollectionAnsel Adams's Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar In 1943, Ansel Adams (1902-1984), America's most well-known photographer, documented the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California and the Japanese-Americans interned there during World War II. For the first time, digital scans…
- Contributor: Adams, Ansel
- Date: 1943
Collection Items: View 258 Items
CollectionAssociated Press News Dispatches, 1915-1930 The collection of news dispatches of the Washington, D.C., Bureau of the Associated Press spans the period 1915-1930 and consists of 375 volumes (387,082 images), housed in 254 boxes, the contents of…
- Contributor: Associated Press. Washington Bureau
Collection Items: View 380 Items
CollectionBain Collection The George Grantham Bain Collection represents the photographic files of one of America's earliest news picture agencies. The collection richly documents sports events, theater, celebrities, crime, strikes, disasters, political activities including the…
- Contributor: Bain News Service - Bain, George Grantham
- Date: 1860
Collection Items: View 41,519 Items
CollectionBand Music from the Civil War Era On September 27, 1974, the Music Division of the Library of Congress re-created a typical concert of brass band and vocal music from mid-nineteenth-century America. That concert has become the starting-point for…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program - Library of Congress. Music Division
- Date: 2000
Collection Items: View 55 Items
CollectionBefore and After the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco, 1897-1916 This collection consists of twenty-six films of San Francisco from before and after the Great Earthquake and Fire, 1897-1916. Seventeen of the films depict San Francisco and its environs before the 1906…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program - Library of Congress. Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division
- Date: 1999
Collection Items: View 34 Items
CollectionBenjamin Franklin Papers The papers of statesman, publisher, scientist, and diplomat Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) consist of approximately 8,000 items spanning the years 1726 to 1907, with most dating from the 1770s and 1780s. The collection's…
- Contributor: United States. Legation (France) - Franklin, Benjamin - Oswald, Richard - Franklin, William Temple
Collection Items: View 41 Items
CollectionBenjamin Harrison Papers The papers of U.S. senator from Indiana and U.S. Army officer Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901), who became the twenty-third president of the United States, consist of 69,600 items (178,479 images), most of which…
- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin
Collection Items: View 184 Items
CollectionBetty Herndon Maury Maury Papers The papers of diarist Betty Herndon Maury Maury (1835-1903) consist of a diary kept by Maury from June 3, 1861, to February 18, 1863. The two-volume diary was scanned from one reel…
- Contributor: Maury, Betty Herndon Maury
- Date: 1861
Collection Items: View 2 Items
CollectionBlackwell Family Papers The Blackwell Family Papers span the years 1759-1960, with the bulk of the material dating from 1845 to 1890. Consisting of approximately 29,000 items (58,002 images), most of which were digitized from…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Manuscript Division - Blackwell, Elizabeth - Blackwell, H. B. (Henry Browne) - Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa Brown - Blackwell, Alice Stone - Blackwell, Emily - Blackwell, Kitty Barry - Stone, Lucy
Collection Items: View 2,313 Items
CollectionBlair Family Papers The papers of the Blair family, a prominent nineteenth-century political family, consist of 19,100 items (48,166 images) most of which were digitized from 49 reels of previously produced microfilm. Spanning the years…
- Contributor: Woodbury, Levi - Blair, Francis Preston - Stevens, Samuel - Clapp, Charles Q. - Blair, Woodbury - Blair, Gist - Blair, Montgomery - Blair, Frank P., (Francis Preston)
Collection Items: View 602 Items
CollectionBrady-Handy Collection In 1954 the Library of Congress purchased from Alice H. Cox and Mary H. Evans, the daughters of Levin C. Handy approximately 10,000 original, duplicate, and copy negatives. The L.C. Handy Studio…
- Contributor: Handy, Levin C. (Levin Corbin) - Brady, Mathew B.
- Date: 1855
Collection Items: View 5,003 Items
CollectionBranch Rickey Papers The approximately 1,750 baseball scouting reports from the 1950s and 1960s presented here are part of the papers of Branch Rickey (1881-1965), best known as the executive who broke Major League Baseball's…
- Contributor: Rickey, Branch
Collection Items: View 34 Items
CollectionBuckaroos in Paradise: Ranching Culture in Northern Nevada, 1945-1982 Includes 41 motion pictures and 28 sound recordings, motion pictures produced from 1945 to 1965 by Leslie Stewart (owner of the Ninety-Six Ranch), 2,400 still photographs drawn from the Center's ethnographic field…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program - American Folklife Center
- Date: 1998
Collection Items: View 2,441 Items
CollectionCalvin Coolidge Papers The papers of John Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), thirtieth president of the United States, consist of approximately 179,000 documents (222,732 images), which have been digitized from 190 reels of previously reproduced microfilm. Held…
- Contributor: Coolidge, Calvin
Collection Items: View 230 Items
CollectionCaptain Pearl R. Nye: Life on the Ohio and Erie Canal Captain Pearl R. Nye: Life on the Ohio and Erie Canal captures the culture and music of the men, women, and children who worked and lived along the Ohio and Erie Canal.…
- Contributor: American Folklife Center - Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program - Archive of American Folk Song - Lomax, Alan - Lomax, John A. (John Avery) - Nye, Pearl R.
- Date: 1937
Collection Items: View 141 Items
CollectionCarrie Chapman Catt Papers The papers of suffragist, political strategist, and pacifist Carrie Lane Chapman Catt (1859-1947) span the years 1848-1950, with the bulk of the material dating from 1890 to 1920. The collection consists of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Manuscript Division - Catt, Carrie Chapman
Collection Items: View 573 Items
CollectionCartoon Drawings Offers more than 9,000 original drawings for editorial cartoons, caricatures, and comic strips spanning the late 1700s to the present, primarily from 1880 to 1980. The cartoons cover people and events throughout…
- Contributor: Kirby, Rollin - Berryman, Clifford Kennedy - Crockett, Gib - Mahony, Felix - Mauldin, Bill - Kelly, Walt - Cesare, Oscar Edward - Frueh, Alfred Joseph - Bartholomew, Charles Lewis - Conacher, John C. - Covarrubias, Miguel - Johnson, Herbert - Harrington, Oliver W. (Oliver Wendell) - Muḥaṣṣiṣ, Ardashīr
- Date: 1794
Collection Items: View 6,139 Items
CollectionCartoon Drawings: Herblock Collection Herbert L. Block (1909-2001), known to the world as Herblock, was one of the most influential political commentators and editorial cartoonists in American history. His long chronicle of major social and political…
- Contributor: Block, Herbert
- Date: 1930
Collection Items: View 9,234 Items
CollectionCartoon Drawings: Swann Collection of Caricature and Cartoon Contains 2,085 drawings, prints, and paintings related to the art of caricature, cartoon, and illustration, spanning the years 1780 to 1977 and includes works by 521 American and foreign artists and illustrators.…
- Contributor: Swann, Erwin - Caroline and Erwin Swann Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1780
Collection Items: View 790 Items
CollectionCartoon Prints, American This assemblage of more than 800 prints made in America during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries encompasses several forms of political art. Most of the prints are from the division's PC/US series,…
- Contributor: Bucholzer, H. - Baillie, James S. - Robinson, Henry R. - Currier & Ives - Maurer, Louis - Currier, Nathaniel - Childs, John - Magee, John L. - Clay, Edward Williams
- Date: 1766
Collection Items: View 807 Items
CollectionA Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1875 Beginning with the Continental Congress in 1774, America's national legislative bodies have kept records of their proceedings. The records of the Continental Congress, the Constitutional Convention, and the United States Congress make…
- Contributor: Law Library of Congress (U.S.) - Library of Congress. National Digital Library Program
- Date: 1998
Collection Items: View 40 Items
CollectionCharles S. Hamlin Papers The digitized portion (8,096 items; 17,808 images) of the papers of lawyer, politician, assistant secretary of the treasury, and governor of the Federal Reserve Board Charles S. Hamlin (1861-1938) includes diaries (1887-1937),…
- Contributor: Hamlin, Huybertie Pruyn - Hamlin, Charles S. (Charles Sumner) - Hamlin, Anna - Robles, Sebastian T. (Sebastian Tomas)
Collection Items: View 209 Items