Collection Items
Book/Printed MaterialTefilah mi-kol ha-shanah : Minḥah ḳeṭanah : le-holkhe derekh ule-ʻovre yamim leha-nośʻim li-medinat Ameriḳa ... : eyne minyaṭur oyzgabe oyf fayner perl shrifṭ
תפלה מכל השנה : מנחה קטנה : להולכי דרך ולעוברי ימים להנושעים למדינת אמעריקא ... : אייע מיניאטור אויזגעבע אויף פיינער פערל שריפט | Minḥah ḳeṭanah Includes the text of Avot. Hebraic 14- Date: 1842-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialSeder tefilot : le-ḥodashim ule-moʻadim : ke-minhag ḳ.ḳ. Sefardim : ba-mitsṿot aḥim she-lo yitpardu : ha-talmidim ha-neʻimim Tsemaḥ, Yaʻaḳov, Daṿid ... bene he-ḥakham ha-r. R. Meʼir Ḳreśḳaś
סדר תפילות : לחדשים ולמועדים : כמנהג ק"ק ספרדים : במצות אחים שלא יתפרדו : התלמידים הנעימים צמח, יעקב, דוד ... בני החכם כמוהר''ר מאיר קרשקש | Seder tefilot : le-moʻadim ṭovim, ʻim Hoshaʻnot, ke-minhag ḳ.ḳ. Sefardim : ba-mitsṿot aḥim she-lo yitpardu : ha-talmidim ha-neʻimim Tsemaḥ, Yaʻaḳov, Daṿid ... bene he-ḥakham ha-r. R. Meʼir Ḳreśḳaś Miniature prayer book, edited by Meir Crescas, a rabbi and printer from Algeria whose three sons, Tsemaḥ, Yaʻaḳov, and Daṿid, covered the printing expenses in Amsterdam for him as a gift. He had traveled there in order to complete his project of editing and publishing the manuscript of Sefer Tashbets by Shimʻon bar Tsemaḥ. LC Copy: Set aside for digitization. Physical book not seen…- Contributor: Crescas, Meir - Leṿi, Naftali Hirts
- Date: 1739-01-01
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Book/Printed Material[Maḥzor ke-Seder ha-Ashkenazim]
[מחזור כסדר האשקנזים] Printed without title page. Interpretation of chronogram from the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book 1470-1960 in the National Library of Israel. Lacks fols. 1-6; colophon on fol. 256b intact. Heavily censored but no visible censor's signature. Marbled boards, quarter leather. Deinard Collection presented by Jacob H. Schiff. Described in: Sixteenth-century Hebrew books at the Library of Congress : a finding aid / Ann Brener,…- Contributor: Shaḥor, Ḥayim - Schiff, Jacob H. (Jacob Henry) - Ephraim Deinard Collection (Library of Congress)
- Date: 1536-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMaḥzor le-nusaḥ Bartselonah minhag Ḳaṭalunyah
מחזור לנוסח ברצלונה מנהג קאטאלוניה Hand-written title-page with title and owner's inscription in Ladino. Fols. 2-3 bound out of order; otherwise complete (and with one leaf more at the end than copy digitized at JNUL). Deinard Collection presented by Jacob H. Schiff. Described in: Sixteenth-century Hebrew books at the Library of Congress : a finding aid / Ann Brener, Hebraic Section, The Library of Congress (LCCN 2016298180). Hebraic 8…- Contributor: Ha-Shimʻoni, Eliʻezer - Shneʼur, Avraham - Schiff, Jacob H. (Jacob Henry) - Ephraim Deinard Collection (Library of Congress) - Falḳon, Mosheh Ben Shemuʼel - Ha-Śeridim Asher MI-GERUSH Ḳaṭalunya (Congregation : Thessalonikē, Greece) - Śontsino, Mosheh - Phinehas Ben Joseph
- Date: 1526-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialMaḥzor : mi-kol ha-shanah ke-minhag ḳehilot ḳodesh ashkenaz
מחזור : מכל השנה כמנהג קהלות קדש אשכנז | Ma'agle Tsedeḳ Steinschneider ; 2455 Vinograd ; Venice 535 Hebraic 9- Contributor: Cavalli, Giorgio De
- Date: 1567-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialTefilat yesharim ḳeriʼat ha-ʻedah anshe shem Sanhedrin : be-hitasef yaḥadaṿ ba-ʻir ṿe-im Paris ... mi-ṭaʻam Adonenu ha-adir Napoleʼon ha-rishon, Ḳesar ha-Tsarfatim ṿe-melekh Iṭaliyah, yom R.Ḥ. Adar rishon shenat ʼal ḥasdekha ṿe-ʹal emetkha …
תפילת ישרים קריאת העדה אנשי שם סנהדרין : ,בהתאסף יחדיו בעיר ואם פאריס ... מטעם אדונינו האדיר נפוליאון הראשון, קיסר הצרפתים ומלך איטאליה ... יום ר''ח אדר ראשון שנת על חסדך ועל אמתך = Prière des membres du Sanhédrin, récitée dans leur assemblée convoquée à Paris le 1er. jour d'Adar de l'année 5567 (9 février 1807) | Prière des membres du Sanhédrin, : récitée dans leur assemblée convoquée à Paris le 1er. jour d'Adar de l'année 5567 (9 février 1807) "À Paris, de l'Imprimerie Impériale. 1807." Has half-title: "Prière des membres du Sanhédrin". Printer's device on French title page. LC Copy: Housed in folder; bound in marbled crdboard. Plate of Deinard Collection. LC Copy: No. 10 of Hebrew Poems and Prayer Services for Special Occasions in the Life of the Jewish Community, 1600-1913. Hebrew prayers with French translation in facing pages. Deinard Collection presented…- Contributor: Schiff, Jacob H. (Jacob Henry) - Ephraim Deinard Collection (Library of Congress) - Marcel, J. J. (Jean Joseph) - Imprimerie Impériale (France) - Sanhédrin
- Date: 1807-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialShaʻar seliḥot
שער סליחות | Seder seliḥot ṿe-taḥanunim "Hevi li-defus Yonah Ṿilshṭeṭ"--added t.p. Y. Vinograd, Otsar ha-sefer ha-Ịvri, Vol.2, p.406, item 4. Hebrew vocalized text with Yiddish translation. LC copy 2: Deinard Collection presented by Jacob H. Schiff Hebraic 11- Contributor: Ephraim Deinard Collection (Library of Congress) - Schiff, Jacob H. (Jacob Henry) - Willstett, Jonah
- Date: 1798-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialSefer Śifte renanot : kolel tefilot, baḳashot ṿe-taḥanot ʻatirot u-Seliḥot ... le-23 lelot asher mi-R. Ḥ. Elul ṿe-ʻad Yo. ha-K. ke-minhag ḳ. ḳ. Ṭripoli ha-maʻarav ... ṿe-ḳ. ḳ. Gerbah
ספר שפתי רננות : כולל תפלות בקשות ותחנות עתירות וסליחות ... לכ''ג לילות אשר מר''ח אלול ועד יוה''כ כמנהג ק''ק טריפולי המערב ... וק''ק גירבה ... / | Śifte renanot Title page printed in red and black, with red engraved border. Pagination: Ḥeleḳ 1: 4 unnumbered pages, 488 pages ; ḥeleḳ 2: 4 unnumbered pages, 227 pages. LC Copy: Rare press print. Ancient hard cover. Cover wear, spine taped. Some leaves lacking. Last leaf, detached edge cut. Some cover scribed; few clean holes. Book sent to digitization, not seen by cataloger: description based on…- Contributor: Ibn Ghiyyat, Isaac - Hakohen, Shaʼul
- Date: 1926-01-01
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Book/Printed MaterialSefer Berit Yitsḥaḳ : li-ḳerot bo lel shemini ḳodem ha-milah ṿe-hu tiḳun lehamshikh ḥuṭ shel ḥesed la-yeled ha-nolad : kefi minhag ha-Sefaradim : ṿe-zot torat ha-adam asher be-shem Yiśraʼel yekhuneh be-yom she-nikhnas …
ספר ברית יצחק : לקרות בו ליל שמיני קודם המילה והוא תיקון להמשיך חוט של חסד לילד הנולד : כפי מנהג הספרדים : וזאת תורת האדם אשר בשם ישראל יכונה ביום שנכנס מבריתו של אברהם אבינו : וסדר תיקון המוהל / nidpas ... uve-vet ha-baḥur Yiśraʼel Mondaṿi. "Yaʻaḳov ben Yehudah Liyans, shats, ḳ.ḳ Sheʼarit Yiśraʼel, Nu Yorḳ"--Cover. Stain of blood and wine on leaves 10-11. M. Leveson, book-binder, 50 Chrystle St., New York. Hebraic 13 נדפס ... ובבית הבחור ישראל מונדווי. "יעקב ן יהודה לייאנס ש"ץ ק"ק שארית ישראל, נו יארק"--Cover.- Contributor: Belinfante, Isaac
- Date: 1767-01-01
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Manuscript/Mixed Material[Qurʼān] Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Manuscript. Arabic and Persian. Title supplied by cataloger. Written by "Ibn ʻAlī". Gift of Cyrus Ebrahim Zadeh, Nov. 9, 2009. Written in Iran? Text proceeded by 2 lithographed fragments pasted front and back; the second one, facing first page of manuscript, is lithograph of Sūrat al-fātiḥah from unidentified edition of the Qurʼān.…
- Date: 1695
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Manuscript/Mixed Material[Qurʼān]
[قران] Manuscript. Arabic. Title supplied by cataloger. Scribe not identified. Written in the Caucasus? Paper; thin, cream color laid paper with horizontal laid lines and no visible chain lines or watermarks; fol. 1b and 2a elaborately decorated in gold, light blue, and red; text enclosed in an outer ruled border of a single blue line and an inner border of a blue, a very thin…- Date: 1700-01-01
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Manuscript/Mixed Material[Qurʼān] Manuscript. Arabic and Persian. Title supplied by cataloger. Written by Aḥmad al-Nayrīzī. Written in Iran. Paper; thin, cream color polished paper with no watermarks; elaborate floral unwan in gold, black, blue and red; fol. 1b and 2a have gold floral design in borders; in remainder of the work, the text is enclosed in an elaborate ruled border of blue, gold, red and blue; the…
- Contributor: Nayrīzī, Aḥmad
- Date: 1708
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Manuscript/Mixed Material[Qurʼān] Manuscript. Arabic. Title suppllied by cataloger. Written by Muṣṭafá al-Khaṭīb in the Sulṭanīyah mosque. Written in Iran. Paper; polished, cream color laid paper with horizontal chain lines and no visible watermarks; elaborate decoration on fol. 1b and 2a in gold, dark blue, red, and light blue; remainder of text enclosed in wide ruled border of gold and black; individual sūrah's have titles in white…
- Date: 1739
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Manuscript/Mixed Material[Qurʼān]
[قرأن] This 19th-century manuscript Qurʼan is in a Nashki script with diacritical marks in black. Nashki was the calligraphic style used for the most beautiful Qurʼans of the period, because of its small size and great delicacy. The first two pages are elaborately illuminated in green, blue, and red on a gold background. The titles of the surahs (chapters) are in gold. The borders are…- Contributor: McVicker, Charles C. - Balawī, Ibrāhīm Adʹham Gharbaldah - Ṣāfī, Aḥmad Rashīd
- Date: 18??
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Manuscript/Mixed MaterialQurʼān bā tarjumah-i Fārsī Manuscript. Arabic and Persian; colophon in Turkish (Arabic script). Title from container. Scribe not identified. Probably written in Iran. Paper; cream color paper with no visible watermarks; elaborate unwans on fol. 1b and 2a with text enclosed in a wide ruled border of gold red and green; remainder of text enclosed in ruled border in gold black and red; interlinear Persian translation in red…
- Date: 1877
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Manuscript/Mixed MaterialSūrat al-Qāf
سورة القاف | Title on container: SURAT / AL / AHQĀF Sūrat al-Ahqāf with interlinear Persian translation.- Date: 17??
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Manuscript/Mixed Materialal-Sifr al-thālith min al-Jāmiʻ al-ṣaḥīḥ al-mukhtaṣar min umūr Rasūl Allāh sallá Allāh ʻalayhi wa-sallama wa-sannafahu wa-aqāmahu tālīf al-Imām Abī ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismāʻīl al-Bukhārī, raḥimahu Allah tatlūhu fī al-sifr al-rābʻ tafsīr …
السفر الثالث من الجامع الصحيح المختصر من امور رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وسبفه واقامه تاليف الامام ابي عبد الله محمد بن اسماعيل البخاري رحمه الله تتلوه في السفر الرابع تفسير القرءان | Title in ʻunwan folio 1b: Kitāb badʾ al-khalq Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari (810-70) was born in Bukhara, in present-day Uzbekistan, and died in Khartank, near Samarkand. He is considered by Sunni Muslims to be the most authoritative collector of hadiths--reports of statements or deeds attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. This work, completed in 846, is al-Bukhari's best-known collection. It was the first work of its kind exclusively dedicated to hadiths, and is…- Contributor: Bukhārī, Muḥammad Ibn Ismāʻīl
- Date: 16??
- Resource: - 406 pages
Manuscript/Mixed Material[Anonymous Islamic treatise on creation in Persian] Manuscript. Persian. Title supplied by cataloger. Written by Mīrzā Muḥammad Shīrāzī. Gift of Amir Jafar and Parvindokt Hasheminejad, donated by their son, Mehdi Hasheminejad, item belonged to Amir Jafar Hasheminejad's collection and originated from Qajar era minister, Mehdi Lahooti, Badaye Negar's holdings. May 31, 2019. Written in Iran. Paper; polished, cream color commercial paper with no visible watermarks; black ink with rubrication; catchwords. Naskh;…
- Date: 1877
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Manuscript/Mixed Material[Unidentified Persian treatise on the Miʻrāj and several other topics from the Hadith]
Kitāb al-emān Treatise on the Miʻrāj, and several other doctrines from the Hadith of the Prophet Muḥammad.- Contributor: Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Foreign Missions. Library
- Date: 15??
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Manuscript/Mixed MaterialTuḥfat al-salāt
تحفة الصلوات | Kitāb tuḥfat al-ṣalāt Treatise in eight chapters on ritual prayer.- Contributor: Kāshifī, Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ
- Date: 16??
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Manuscript/Mixed MaterialNamāz va duʻā
نماز و دعا | Anthology Incomplete manuscript on prayer, possibly Shīʻah tradition.- Date: 18??
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Manuscript/Mixed MaterialKitāb Dalāʼil al-khayrāt
كتاب دلائل الخيرات | Title in pencil on fol. 1b (1st section): Delayel-al-Khayrat, or Supplications and religious Islamic prayers and devotions. This manuscript preserves an untitled compilation of Sufi prayers, mainly litanies of peace and blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad. It begins with Dalā'il al-khayrāt (The guide to benevolent deeds) by Shadhili saint Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli (died 1465), and includes ten more devotional texts in both verse and prose, all written by Shadhili saints except as noted. These are al-ḥizb…- Contributor: Jazūlī, Muḥammad Ibn Sulaymān
- Resource: - 404 pages
Manuscript/Mixed MaterialKitāb Dalāʼil al-khayrāt
كتاب دلائل الخيرات | Title on frontispiece: Dilayil-khayrat = A guide for the good | Guide for the good A collection of prayers for the Prophet, with a description of his tomb and his names. This Muslim prayer book is a 1785 copy of an original 15th-century manuscript. The work includes a panorama of Mecca and Medina, the holy cities of Islam in Saudi Arabia. Mecca, where the Prophet Muhammad was born and lived for the first 50 years of his life, is…- Contributor: John Davis Batchelder Collection (Library of Congress) - Batchelder, John Davis - Jazūlī, Muḥammad Ibn Sulaymān - Mawlawī, Muḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm
- Date: 1772
- Resource: - 300 pages
Book/Printed MaterialHâzâ kitab-i Risale-yi edʻiye
Edʻiye Turkish Arabic script. Caption title. Library of Congress. Karl Süssheim Collection, no. 2150. Özege, M. S. Eski harflerle, 16894 Süssheim Collection, gift of Yale University, March 1992. Near East 45/47- Contributor: Karl Süssheim Collection (Library of Congress) - Mehmet Tevfik
- Date: 1856-01-01
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Manuscript/Mixed MaterialMenasik ül-hac : hâzâ risâle-yi Sinan Efendi, Mekke-yi kebir Treatise on the Hajj pilgrimage.
- Contributor: Sinan Efendi
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