Image 10 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
7 A long flight by 2. That the {Begin deleted text}Forests{End deleted text} A Long Flight by Curtiss. shall not merely be kept uninjured, but that a good road be maintained, and the public allowed free access to the mountain as a public park, under suitable restrictions for the safety of the Company's property. 3. That these conditions, of a free public fountain, and…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 100 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
97 I believe there is an important principle here of the greatest importance in aerodrome construction. If you have a copy of the Bulletins of the A.E.A., in Petewawa, read what I have said in Bulletin XXXVI, pp 6–8, about the sympathetic vibration of struts and wires. Here is an experiment for you that may show whether there is or is not, any importance…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 101 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
98 EXTRACTS FROM BALDWIN'S LETTERS. Aug. 4, 6, 7 August 4: —Work on Baddeck I is progressing very nicely indeed. The center section is pretty well up today, and the left wing. There is no question about it, that the new one is a tremendous improvement over the Dart in construction and cleanness of design, and unless our curves are very bad indeed should…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 102 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
99 be forgotten as an accident, and remembered only as an entirely satisfactory test of the new motor. Earl Gray sent us a very nice telegram from Glacier Mountain (Mr. Baldwin neglected to enclose a copy for the BB Recorder. AGB).***FWB August 7: —We have no intention of trying to see what the machine is capable of, for some time, until we got thoroughly…
Image 106 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
103 1909, Aug. 13 First attempt to fly across British Channel, July 19. Latham starts for his daring dash over the edge of a high cliff at Sangatte, France. Photo copied by J. McNeil from “Zeitschrift fur Luftschiffahrt” for July 28. The dash over the cliff. The machine safely in the air above the British Channel and headed for England. Photo copied by J.…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 107 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
104 End of first attempt to fly across the Channel. Machine floating on the surface of the sea, with Latham in his seat, calmly smoking a cigarette, and waiting for help. Photo copied by J. McNeil from above German periodical. Preparing to hoist Latham's machine on board a French torpedo boat. Photo copied by J. McNeil from above German periodical.
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 108 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
105 Rear view of the Bleriot XI. monoplane making its 25-mile cross-country flight. This is the same machine which, 12 days later, on July 25th, accomplished the record-breaking feat of flying across the English Channel in 37 minutes. The single-surface aerodrome in which Bleriot successfully flew across the British Channel July 25. Photo copied by J. McNeil from the Scientific American for August 7.
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 109 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
106 BADDECK NO. I TAKES THE AIR. Aug. 12, 1909. Aug. 13: — A night message from McCurdy, received this morning, announces that the aerodrome “Baddeck No. I” successfully took the air yesterday afternoon (Aug. 12) at Potowawa, Ontario. In this telegram Mr. McCurdy says:— Petewawa. Aug. 12: — Baddeck No. I made successful jump this afternoon about one hundred yards. Control sensitive. Action…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 11 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
8 Scientific American Trophy for you {Begin deleted text}r{End deleted text} Baldwin and Mc Curdy will soon try to rival your achievement in their new aerodrome “Bad deck No.I” which has been sent to Petewawa. (Signed) Graham Bell. McCurdy leaves for Petewawa . July 21: — Mr. J.A. Douglas McCurdy left Beinn Bhreagh for Petewawa, Wednesday morning, July 21. Arrival of Students from Princeton…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 110 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
107 1909, Aug.14 Aug. 13: — Impossible to keep you down. Good luck to Baddeck No. I. (Signed) John G. Davidson. Baddeck sends greeting Aug. 13: — Citizens of Baddeck salute their Aerial numesako. (Signed) Percy Blanchard Sec. of Board of Commissioners REPORT OF B. B. NURSERY by John G. Davidson, Supt. The season of 1909 has been a very busy one at Beinn…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 111 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
108 Apple, Pear, and Plum trees were all one solid mass of blossom. Even a young scion I grafted on to a tree in the Spring of 1907 of the Blenheim Pippin variety, bore its share of blossom although not more than eighteen inches in height. Although it will not be allowed to form fruit this year, I hope it may continue to show…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 112 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
109 and see the many spots where roses were planted, but killed by our severe winters, and have to be filled up by some other vine where the rose should have adorned every pillar in this walk. Potatoes, Turnips, Mangles, Sugar B??ts, etc., all have a promising appearance. Peas, first and second sowings, were exceptionally fine. Third, fourth and fifth successive sowings of the…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 113 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
110 Mr. Baldwin's Bungalow, and some new flower beds were made at Beinn Bhreagh Lodge and Panay Cottage for Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Grosvenor. A hawthorn hedge, started last fall, was completed thin Spring along the side of the fence of the front lawn at BB Hall. On this hedge it is very interesting to note the difference between Fall and Spring planting,…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 114 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
111 Roberts, Edward Dart, and James Stanton. (Signed) J.G. Davidson, Supt. THE FLOWER GARDEN AT B.B. HALL Mr. Davidson is justly very proud of the flower garden at Beinn Bhreagh Hall, which is under his charge as Superintendent of Beinn Bhreagh Nursery. Certainly the flower garden has never before presented so beautiful an appearance. Unfortunately, flowers die and beauty passes away. And it has…
Image 12 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
9 the Tower, but required a little assistance in coming down again. In the afternoon the students visisted Beinn Bhreagh Laboratory where they were received by Mr. Bedwin, Supterintendent, who explained the work going on there. They also visited the Aerodrome Factory of the Canadian Aerodrome Company where Mr. Ingraham took charge of them and explained the work of the Company. In the evening…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 120 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
117 SECOND FLIGHT OF BADDECK NO.I August 13, 1909. August 14: — The following night message from Baldwin and McCurdy was received here this morning:— August 13: — In trial this evening machine proved tail heavy, and slid down backward after travelling two hundred feet, breaking running gear, and rear of bottom surface. Nobody injured. (Signed) Baldwin and McCurdy. The telegram simply shows that…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 121 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
118 We may repeat to Baldwin and McCurdy as our own, the sentiment so well expressed to them yesterday by Mr. Davidson:— “Impossible to keep you down. Good luck to Baddeck No.I”. AGB LABORATORY NOTES By Wm. F. Bedwin, Supt. Aug. 9: — Took Mr. Watson on the Laboratory staff today. Aug. 10: — Making good programs with half-sized model of the proposed Oionos…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 122 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
119 Aug. 12: — The new upside-down kite of pure tetrahedral construction has been completed for some time. It was taken up to the kite field to-day for a trial; the wind however was so weak and fluctuating that it was thought best not to risk injuring the kite. Although we could probably have got her up, it was a little doubtful about the…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 123 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
120 We will have her in such shape within a few days that we will be able to show our visitors something that they will know is a flying-machine after looking it over with a little information. Mr. Rudderham, who has been in North Sydney for some time, will be back to work within a few days. KI. BEINN BHREAGH ITEMS. Aug. 7–14. Aug.…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 124 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
121 Scotia, at Amherst, N. S., initiated into agriculture and horticulture, as he is soon to take a College course in this line at the Provincial College, Truro, N. S. JCD. Aug. 10: — First appearance on Beinn Bhreagh of a completely closed-in carriage. This is a carriage imported from Boston. Mrs. Bell need no longer get wet, when she drives out in rainy…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 125 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
122 too smart for his fences, and have got clear. He expects they are making their way back here, although it may be some time are they reach Beinn Bhreagh. He requests Mr. John McDermid to telephone to McKay's store in Baddeck if he should see them on the road beyond the entrance gate of Beinn Bhreagh. JCD. The Capt. of the Gauldrie knows…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 126 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
123 the storm, came over to the Laboratory wharf this morning, and Capt. Thomas F. Moore asked me if he could get a tank full of water. We allowed him to connect up the pipes we laid to the wharf to supply the “J.A. McCoah”, and he filled up with water. WFB. Filled up with Water, and a drop too much. Aug. 12: —…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 127 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
124 Aug. 13: — Miss Sarah McDonald, and Miss Annie McDonald went to town this evening and visited Miss Campbell's Ice Cream Parlors:— Escorts, Mr. Jack McIver, and Capt. Murdock McDonald. XYZ. Aug. 14: — Miss Mary Campbell of Warhabuck has been spending a few days at Beinn Bhreagh visiting her Aunt Miss Maggie Campbell, who was injured by a fall a few days…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 128 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
125 1909, Aug. 16, Laboratory Challenge Accepted. Aug. 14: — The Laboratory challenge to a game of Quoits (p. 25) is accepted by the Canadian Aerodrome Co. Wednesday, Aug. 18, preferred if convenient. KI. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS AUG. 7–14. Aug. 11:— Model of Cygnet II on the bay. 10 sets of observations. Aug. 12:— Preliminary experiments on the kite field with a new upside-down…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 129 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
126 THE CAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT TO BADDECK NO. I. By A G Bell. Aug. 16: — Upon reflection, I am unwilling to accept the explanation of the accident to Baddeck No. I given by the newspapers, and by McCurdy himself viz., that the machine was “tail-heavy” (see p. 117). Both Baldwin and McCurdy are experienced men, and would not be likely to make…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 13 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
10 8. Double Oionos kite of Red silk flown and towed by Mr. Bedwin's motor boat “Sw?rm”, on Baddeck Bay, July 20. 9. Sanitary disposal of Sewage matter:— Experiments at the Crematory July 20. DISCUSSION CONCERNING AERODROMES (Reported by Miss Mabel B. McCurdy, Stenographer, and Secretary of Beinn Bhreagh Laboratory) July 8, 1909: — The following contains the substance of a discussion between Messrs.…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 130 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
127 If the stern turned down, the head of course, turned up; and the effect might have been produced either by excessive weight at the stern, or by too much lifting power at the bow. I am satisfied, from my personal knowledge of the competence of both Baldwin and McCurdy, that there was NOT excessive weight at the stern; and therefore look to the…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 131 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
128 with the Silver-Dart, failed to bring the head down; and all he could do would be to depress the control still more. But all this time the headway of the machine would be diminishing because of the climb up hill; so that from this cause alone, quite inrespectively of the form of the control, the ability to steer down would be diminished as…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 132 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
129 as a tail. Unless McCurdy instantly reverses the position of his front control all is lost. Under stern-way the depressed control will steer the stern down still more; and this steering action will be increased and intensified by the fact that the concave surfaces are then presented to the wind of backward advance. Nothing can save him, but the elevation of the control…
Image 134 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
131 1909, Aug.17 KITE DATA AUG.11–14. Aug.17: — I give on p.132 the data secured with the half-sized model of Cygnet II, Aug.11, Aug.13, and Aug.14. The following are Mr. Bedwin's field notes relating to these experiments:— Aug.11:— In taking kite down when strain was on bow-line the kite turned completely over and flew that way for a few seconds. We slacked up on…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 135 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
132 MODEL OF CYGNET II. Aug.11–14. 736 winged cells. Surface 39.9 sq. m. oblique. Weight 27.240 kg., or 60.0 lbs. Weight of rope 4.852 kg., or 10.7 lbs. Weight of cord 1.053 kg., or 2.3 lbs. Conditions Observations Date Exp FL BL Wind Pull Altitude Aug 11 1 r100 c200 23.00 mph 27.8 kg 20°.8 Aug 11 2 r100 c200 23.60 mph 28.0 kg…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 136 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
133 ANEMOMETER RULES. Aug.16:— All our anemometers register the number of feet of wind passing the instrument during the time observed. To get miles per hour: — Allow the anemometer to run for 68 seconds, and note the number of feet registered. Divide this by 100 and call the answer miles per hour. Example:— 1120 ft. in 68 seconds equals 11.20 miles per hour.…
Image 14 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
11 1909, July 26, to slide down hill sideways towards the ground. Bedwin: — Wouldn't a vertical surface cure that? Bell: — Vertical surfaces would certainly prevent her from sliding down as quickly to one side as if they were omitted altogether; but put one tail and vertical surfaces and she is no longer the “Silver-Dart”. The changes that have improved the efficiency and…
Image 15 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
12 give such a kite efficient engine power. This should constitute one of the main problems before the Laboratory this summer. The Oionos form seems to me, although imperfect in stability, to be superior in that respect to the Hammondsport type of structure, and to give promise of greater lifting power with loss head resistance. It would be advisable I think to use lateral…
Image 152 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
149 1909, Aug.21, CONCERNING SHEEP TABLES. In the tables relating to the ancestry of the multi-nippled sheep of Beinn Bhreagh (pp.135–14?), seven columns of dentils are given:— 1st Column:— Ancestral numbers. 2nd Column:— Names of the sheep. 3rd Column:— Color (b black, w white). 4th Column:— Sex (m male, f female). 5th Column:— No. of nipples (2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8). 6th Column:— Single or twin…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 153 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
150 The ancestral numbers seem to possess many curious properties, which may perhaps facilitate the investigation of questions concerning heredity. I shall only allude to a few points here. The ancestral number 2, represents the father of the sheep whose ancestry we are considering; but it does more than this, for it seems to represent the abstract relationship indicated by the word “father”. If,…
Image 155 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
152 acertain at once, from its number, the year of birth of any sheep. For the purpose of systematically introducing into the flock each year, a little new blood to prevent too close inbreeding, we purchase lambs having the characteristics of our flock from neighboring farmers, helping them to produce such lambs by leaning them our multi-nippled rams. The purchased sheep are named by…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 156 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
153 B — Black (not white) — w White (not black) ... Unknown whether white or black. m — Male (not female) — f Female (not male) ... Unknown whether male or female. 2 2 nipples (not 3,4,5,6,7 or 8) 3 3 nipples (not 2,4,5,6,7 or 8) 4 4 nipples (not 2,3,5,6,7 or 8) 5 5 nipples (not 2,3,4,6,7 or 8) 6 6 nipples…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 157 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
154 1909, Aug.23, LABORATORY. The Oionos Aerodrome. Aug. 16: — We received into stock to-day all the three different sized wires for the new Oionos aerodrome; also the sail-silk for the surfaces. WFB. The Cygnet II. Aug.17: — The weight of Cygnet II, ready to be flown as a kite, is 430 lbs. or 195.220 kg. I beg to forward a photograph showing her…
Image 16 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
13 lateral dsiplacement of the center of pressure. Then it would commence to rise up again. The whole machine would thus tend to fail with an oscillating motion, swaying now to one side and then to the other, a dangerous condition. We are talking here, of course, of the lateral automatic motions. When we use lateral rudders then the skill of the aviator comes…
Image 162 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
159 the socket on this portion, and think that we will overcome the difficulty in this way. I forward photographs illustrating the progress of the work on this model (see pp 156,157,158). WMB. THE CANADIAN AERODROME COMPANY. The Baddeck No. II. Aug.17: — Glad to any that Baddeck No.II is coming along very nicely, and would dare say it will be ready for flying…
Image 165 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
162 138210-A Alb 1 GENERAL OTTER WAITING TO SEE TRIAL OF AIR-SHIP Baddeck No.I at Petewawa. Photo copied by J. McNeil from a postal card photo issued in Pembroke. 138211-A Alb 1 PETAWAWA AIR SHIP READY FOR FLIGHT Baddeck No.I at Petewawa. Photo copied by J. McNeil from a postal card photo issued in Pembroke.
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 166 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
163 DEPARTMENT. Damage to Beinn Bhreagh Roads. Aug.19: — Last night's rain storm has done great damage to the Beinn Bhreagh roads. It came down in such torrents that in some cases the bridges and al?ices were not large enough to allow all the water to pass through; while in other cases the stones and gravel carried along by the force of the water…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 167 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
164 The public road outside Beinn Bhreagh entrance is in a very bad condition, the rain treating it in a similar m?mo to the BB roads, and also carried away the bridge in the hollow below John McDonald's house. PM. News of the Zulu Sheep. Aug.21: — Dr. Bell has received advices from England explaining why the black-and-white four-horned Zulu sheep for the Farm…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 168 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
165 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND WHARVES. Damage to Crescent Grove Boat-house. Aug.20: — A visit to Crescent Grove Boat-house this morning showed conditions resulting from yesterday's freshet which render it inadvisable to remodel said boat-house, as proposed, into a summer cottage for Mr. and Mrs. Frost and Miss Georgina McCardy, as a similar storm might undermine a heavier structure with serious results. The proposition…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 169 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
166 BEINN BHREAGH ITEMS Aug.15–?1. Visitors at BB Nursery Aug.16. Aug.16: — Visitors registered at BB Nursery to-day:— James Pryer Chester of Penn., Albert M. McLeod of Sydney, George Hollifield of Baddeck, and Angus McInnis of Big Baddeck. JGD. Aug.16: — Angus McInnis, A.M. McLeod, M.H. Morrison, and J.C. Davidson leave to-morrow morning (Aug.17) for Margaree. This is the eighth annual fishing excursion the…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 17 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
14 Bell: — It may be so; but I have a suspicion that it is not. McCurdy: — I don't think it is. I think that the velocity of a flying-machine is always along the line of its adavacne; whereas in the case of a kite its velocity at one instant is in a certain direction, and if a squall comes from another direction,…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 170 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
167 Malcolm McFarlane goes to Sydney. Aug.16: — Word received from Mr. Malcolm McFarlane on Saturday (Aug.14) that he was not any better. His eyes are in such a condition that he has gone to Sydney to-day to consult a specialist. WFB. Aug.16: — Miss Mabel B. McCurdy has thrown away her crutches, and has gone off for a weeks vacation. AGB. Visitors at…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 171 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
168 A Ghost seen on Beinn Bhreagh. Aug.16: — Some of the good people here have been much excited over the reported appearance of a ghost on Beinn Bhreagh Aug.13. In order to get at the exact facts of the case I requested a gentleman to interview the eye witnesses, and get an authentic account for the Recorder. The following is his report:— Something…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 172 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
169 An Ant Story. Aug.18: — A little engineering work done by ants the other day would, if in any way interesting to you, make quite a little story for the Recorder. An ant was observed trying to haul a green grub three times it own size, and therefore probably twenty-seven time s its weight, and was having a good deal of trouble in…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 173 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
170 Rain Storm of Aug.18–19. Aug.19: — We had the biggest rain storm of the seasson last night and this morning. Great damage has been done on Beinn Bhreagh. AGB. Aug.19: — Queit game between the Laboratory and the Aerodrome Company was called off yesterday on account of the weather. There are motor boat races to-day and to-morrow, so the game is postponed until…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 174 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
171 Aug.20: — Mrs. Wynne Bedwin, with two little daughters, visiting Mrs. Rudderham at the farm house, arrived at Beinn Bhreagh Aug.13. Mrs. Bedwin is a sister of Mr. Rudderham who is working at the Aerodrome Factory. CCB. Visitors at BB Laboratory Aug.20. Aug.20: — Visitors registered at the Laboratory to-day were Mr. and Mrs. John MacVicker, and Mrs. Andrew Walker of New Glasgow,…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 175 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
172 THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF XYZ. Explanation of the Ghost. Aug.21: — The appearance of a veritable ghost on Beinn Bhreagh is rather an unusual occurrence worthy of being chronicled in the Recorder; especially a ghost provided with wings, and able to fly like the “Silver-Dart”. The female figure, robed in white, and dimly seen in the growing dusk advanced from the direction of the…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 176 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
173 for he was in the machine at the time. He now finds, by making a sufficient allowance for a difference of local time, that the apparition appeared on the very day, at the very hour, at the very minute, and at the very moment when the Baddeck No. I landed on her tail at Petewawa. Here then is the explanation:— The apparition was…
Image 178 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
175 1909, Aug.28 SOME FACTS CONCERNING THE CANADIAN AERODROME COMPANY AND ITS WORK: by J.A. Douglas McCurdy Aug.27:— The Aerial Experiment Association which expired by time limitation on March 31, 1909, had performed a certain work. It was fully realized that, although the different steps had gone under the head of “experimental work”, still the machines embodied the essential features which go to make…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 179 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
176 model. One of the greatest departures, however, was in using trussed ribs which allowed of three distinct advantages. 1. That of greater strength afforded by the depth of rib; 2. Two layers of cloth which would completely imbed the rib; and 3. Afford a space where the horizontal diagonal wires could be placed where they could be completely hidden and so reduce the…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 18 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
15 the aerial pressure. If you can get a speed of 40 miles an hour as you do with the “Silver-Dart”, almost anything would fly — Mr. Bedwin says a barn door for instance. The supporting surfaces in such a case become sources of retardation if the machine can be supported in the air at a lower velocity, and the thing would fly better…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 180 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
177 After consulting with Baldwin by telegraph the order was speedily placed and delivery guaranteed within three weeks. A few days before the date set for delivery Baldwin arrived at Bath and ran a test on the new motor which fully satisfied our expectations and orders were at once given to have the motor shipped to Petewawa, Ontario, where, at the invitation of the…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 181 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
178 flat as in former cases. This curve is not in the lateral but in the fore-and-aft direction. Tubing was used throughout the machine where necessary, bamboo being entirely done away with. The hubs of the wheels and the running gear were made from our design and have twice the length of the ordinary hub in a wheel. This gives the spokes a greater…
Image 186 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
183 1909 Aug 30 BLOOD VALUES OF THE MULTI-NIPPLED RAMS 17A 1814 1821 1824 1836 wm 6n tw wm 6n s wm 6n tw Bm 7n s wm 6n s Black Sh 25.000 P1 12.500 P2 6.250 6.250 12.500 P3 6.250 9.375 3.125 6.250 White Sh 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 P1 12.500 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 P2 12.500 18.750 25.000 18.750 12.500 P3 6.250…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 187 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
184 1903 1912 1917 1921 1928 wm 6n s wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n s wm 6n s Black Sh P1 12.500 12.500 P2 6.250 12.500 6.250 12.500 12.500 P3 3.125 6.250 6.250 12.500 6.250 White Sh 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 P1 25.000 12.500 25.000 12.500 25.000 P2 18.750 12.500 18.750 12.500 12.500 P3 18.750 12.500 18.750 12.500 12.500 Unkn.…
Bell, Alexander Graham
Manuscript/Mixed Material
Image 188 of Beinn Bhreagh Recorder by Alexander Graham Bell, from July 24, 1909 to October 19, 1909
185 1929 1933 19A 19D wm 6n tw wm 7n s wm 6n s wm 6n s Black Sh P1 12.500 P2 12.500 6.250 6.250 P3 6.250 9.375 9.375 White Sh 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 P1 12.500 25.000 25.000 25.000 P2 12.500 25.000 6.250 6.250 P3 25.000 18.750 3.125 3.125 Unkn. Sh P1 P2 12.500 12.500 P3 12.500 12.500 Total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000…