Collection Items
Photo, Print, DrawingDemocratic ticket. Stop Van!!! 1 print : wood-engraving and letterpress on wove paper ; 4 x 6.4 cm. (block) | An illustrated election ticket for Martin Van Buren and Richard M. Johnson, listing Ohio Democratic electors for the presidential race of 1836. The ticket is illustrated with a small vignette of a man, possibly Van Buren, bettering another candidate in a race on hogs. The losing rider shouts,…
- Date: 1836-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingDemocratic ticket. Liberty & equal rights 1 print : wood-engraving and letterpress on wove paper ; 4 x 6.2 cm. (block) | An illustrated election ticket for Martin Van Buren and Richard M. Johnson, listing Ohio's Democratic electors for the presidential race of 1836. The ticket is illustrated with a wood-engraving of Van Buren as the "Little Magician," a nickname he acquired for his political adroitness. Dressed in a costume…
- Date: 1836-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingJinnoowine [i.e. "genuine"] Johnson ticket. "Carrying the war into Africa" 1 print : wood-engraving with letterpress ; 9.3 x 6.8 cm. (block) | An illustrated election ticket for the presidential campaign of 1836. Oddly, the ticket lists Ohio's Democratic electors for Van Buren while making a vicious and obscene slur on the wife of his running-mate Richard M. Johnson. It seems to reflect the widespread internal dissatisfaction with the party's choice of Johnson as…
- Date: 1836-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingDemocratic ticket. Going the whole hog 1 print : wood-engraving and letterpress on wove paper ; 5.8 x 3.4 cm. (block) | An illustrated election ticket for Martin Van Buren and Richard M. Johnson, listing Ohio Democratic electors for the presidential race of 1836. The ticket is illustrated with a small vignette of a man carrying a hog, and uttering the Democratic campaign slogan "Going the whole Hog." The hog…
- Date: 1836-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingBaltimore Convention, Old Tippecanoe, a patriotic song 1 print : lithograph on wove paper ; 35.3 x 27.2 cm. (image) | An illustrated sheet music cover for a "Patriotic Song. Written, to be sung at Baltimore during the Young Men's Whig Convention" of May 1840. The composer is identified as "a Pennsylvanian." The illustration, like the song itself, celebrates the distinguished military record of Whig presidential candidate William Henry Harrison. A…
- Contributor: Leopold Meignen & Co. - Queen, James Fuller
- Date: 1840-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingDemocratic simplicity or the arrival of our favourite son 1 print : lithograph with watercolor on wove paper ; 33.3 x 47.9 cm. (image) | A satirical attack on alleged excesses in the Van Buren administration and on the President's Loco Foco or radical Democratic supporters in New York. Martin Van Buren rides past New York's Tammany Hall in a luxurious British carriage. With him are editors and advisers Frances Preston Blair and…
- Contributor: Robinson, Henry R. - Dacre, Henry, Approximately 1820 - Dacre, Henry
- Date: 1840-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingThe North Bend farmer and his visitors 1 print : lithograph on wove paper ; 29.8 x 46.2 cm. (image) | A slanderous portrayal of Democratic tactics against Whig presidential candidate William Henry Harrison. The supposedly insidious and high-living Van Buren and his minions suffer by comparison to the Whig candidate, here portrayed as rustic and plainspoken. Harrison is shown dressed in buckskins and standing near a plough on his Ohio…
- Contributor: Robinson, Henry R. - Dacre, Henry, Approximately 1820 - Dacre, Henry
- Date: 1840-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingThis log cabin was the first building erected on the North Bend . . . 1 print : lithograph on wove paper ; 25.4 x 30 cm. (image) | A Whig campaign print, showing William Henry Harrison greeting a wounded veteran before a log cabin by a river. The cabin flies an American flag with the words "Harrison & Tyler" and with a liberty cap on its staff. A coonskin is tacked to the side of the cabin, two…
- Contributor: French, John Taylor - Sinclair, Thomas S.
- Date: 1840-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingA correct chart of Salt River 1 print : lithograph on wove paper ; 45.1 x 22 cm. (image) | "Salt River," the fictitious river of political doom, is charted here as a meandering stream of Democratic misfortunes. The chart was purportedly "prepared by Father Ritchie," i.e., Democratic editor and Polk administration spokesman Thomas Ritchie. Swipes are taken at the Tariff of 1846, Polk's Vice President George M. Dallas, Martin…
- Date: 1848-01-01
Photo, Print, DrawingThe poor man's friend 1 print on silk : wood engraving and letterpress ; fabric 20 x 7.5 cm. | A Whig campaign ribbon, "Dedicated to the Young Men's National Convention," probably issued for the Baltimore ratifying convention of May 4, 1840. (Whig presidential candidate William Henry Harrison was actually nominated by the party in December 1839.) A roundel portrait of Harrison is framed by a wreath, with…
- Contributor: Medairy, John
- Date: 1840-01-01