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Collection Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, ca. 1870 to 1885

Greatest Hits, 1870-85: Variety Music Cavalcade

The following information is listed courtesy of Vincent dePaul Lupiano (author, along with Ken Sayers, of It Was a Very Good Year, (Holbrook, MA: Bob Adams, Inc., 1994./ Mr. Lupiano is the copyright holder for Julius Mattfeld's "Variety Music Cavalcade" 1620-1969: A Chronology of Vocal and Instrumental Music Popular in the United States (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971), where the following "Greatest Hits" were originally listed. See also Copyright and Other Restrictions.


  1. 1870

    Looking Back. w., Louisa Gray. m., Arthur Sullivan. London: Boosey & Co. [1870].

    Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour. Hymn. w., Fanny J. [Frances Jane] Crosby [Mrs. Alexander Van Alstyne]. m., W[illiam] H[oward] Doane. Biglow & Main [cop. 1980] (in: William Howard Doane, "Songs of Devotion," p. 39).

    Rescue the Perishing (audio clip). Hymn. w., Fanny J. [Frances Jane] Crosby [Mrs. Alexander Van Alstyne]. m., W[illiam] H[oward] Doane. Biglow & Main [cop. 1980] (in: William Howard Doane, "Songs of Devotion," p. 258).

    Safe in the Arms of Jesus. Hymn. w., Fanny J. [Frances Jane] Crosby [Mrs. Alexander Van Alstyne]. m., W[illiam] H[oward] Doane. Biglow & Main [cop. 1980] (in: William Howard Doane, "Songs of Devotion," p. 222).

  2. 1871

    Beware. Part song for ATTB (also for SATB). w., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. m., John Liptrot Hatton. London: Novello, Ewer & Co. [1871].

    Good-bye, Liza Jane. Arr. by Eddie Fox. Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, cop. 1871.

    The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane. w., m., Will[iam] S[hakespeare] Hays. J. L. Peters, cop. 1871.

    Mollie Darling. w., m., William Shakespeare Hays. J. L. Peters, cop. 1871.

    Onward, Christian Soldiers. w., Sabine Baring-Gould. m., Sir Arthur Sullivan. London: Novello & Co. [1871]. (Published as a supplement to the "Musical Times," London, December, 1871.)

    Reuben and Rachel. w., Harry Birch. m., William Gooch. Boston: White, Smith & Perry, cop. 1871.

    Romeo and Juliet. Symphonic poem. m., Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Berlin: Bote & Bock [1871].

    The Sea Hath Its Pearls. w., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, translated from the German of Heinrich Heine. m., Charles Gounod. London: Duff and Stewart [1871].

    [Silent Night! Holy Night!] Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! German words, Joseph Mohr. m., Franz Gruber. (Translation reprinted in William Reed Huntington, "The Church Porch; a Service Book and Hymnal for Sunday Schools," E. P. Dutton & Co., cop. 1874, No. 42).

    Something for Jesus. Hymn. w., S. D. Phelps. m., Rev. Robert Lowry. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1871.

    Susan Jane. w., m., Will[iam] S[hakespeare] Hays. J. L. Peters, cop. 1871.

    There Is a Green Hill Far Away. [w., Mrs. Cecil Frances Alexander (nÈe Humphreys)]. m., Charles Gounod. London: Novello, Ewer & Co. [1871]. (The words were wrongly attributed to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.)

  3. 1872

    The Angel and the Child. w., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. m., Virginia Gabriel. London: Duff & Stewart [1872].

    Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain. Hymn. Tune: "St. Kevin." w., John Mason Neale, translated from the Greek of St. John of Damascus, [?]th century. m., Arthur Sullivan. London: Novello & Co. [1872].

    I Need Thee Every Hour. Hymn. w., Annie S. Hawks. m., Rev. Robert Lowry. Cop. 1872 by Robert Lowry.

    Oh! Sam. w., m., Will[iam] S[hakespeare] Hays. J. L. Peters, cop. 1872.

    Polish Dance - original German title: Polnischer Nationaltanz. Piano solo. m., Xaver Scharwenka, op. 3, no. 1. Leipzig: Breitkopf & H"rtel [1872?].

    Les Rameaux - The Palm Trees; better known as: The Palms. French words, ? m., Jean Baptiste Faure. Arr. by Harrison Millard. G. Schirmer, cop. 1872. (Also published in translation as "Palm-Branches" by Oliver Ditson Co., Boston, cop. 1875, in "Gems of English Song," p. 103-05.)

    The Son of God Goes Forth to War. Hymn. Tune: "All Saints New." w., Reginald Heber. m., Henry Stephen Cutler. F. J. Huntington and Co. [cop. 1872] (in: John Ireland Tucker, "Hymnal with Tunes Old and New," No. 176).

  4. 1873

    Eilleen Allanna. w., E. S. Marble. m., J[ohn] R[ogers] Thomas. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., cop. 1873 by J. R. Thomas.

    Good Night! Good Night, Beloved! Part song for SATB. w., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. m., Ciro Pinsuti. London: Novello, Ewer & Co. [1873].

    Good Sweet Ham. Words and melody by Henry Hart; arr. by James E. Stewart. J. L. Peters, cop. 1873.

    Jennie, the Flower of Kildare. w., Frank Dumont. m., James E. Stewart. J. L. Peters, cop. 1873.

    The Mulligan Guard. w., Edward Harrigan. m., David Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1873.

    Seven-fold Amen. Setting for SATB. m., John Stainer. London: Novello, Ewer & Co. [1873] (in: John Stainer, "Choir-Book for the Office of Holy Communion").

    Silver Threads Among the Gold. w., Eben E. Rexford. m., Hart Pease Danks. C. W. Harris, cop. 1873.

    Wiener Blut. Waltz. m., Johann Strauss, op. 354. Vienna: C. A. Spina, n. d. (Composed in 1873).

  5. 1874

    The Alabama Blossoms. Words and melody by Frank Dumont; arr. by James E. Stewart. J. L. Peters, cop. 1874.

    I Love to Tell the Story. Hymn. w., Catherine Hankey. m., W[illiam] G. Fischer. Cincinnati: John Church & Co. [cop. 1874] (in: Philip Paul Bliss, "Gospel Songs," p. 42).

    Patrick's Day Parade. w., Edward Harrigan. m., David Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1874.

    The Skidmore Guard. w., Edward Harrigan. m., David Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1874.

    Trabling Back to Georgia. w., Arthur W. French. m., Charles D. Blake. Boston: G. D. Russell & Co., cop. 1874.

  6. 1875

    All the Way My Saviour Leads Me. Hymn. . w., Fanny J. [Frances Jane] Crosby [Mrs. Alexander Van Alstyne]. m., Rev. R[obert] Lowry. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1875.

    Angel Gabriel. w., anon. m., James E. Stewart. J. L. Peters, cop. 1875.

    Angels Meet Me at the Cross Roads. w., m., Will[iam] S[hakespeare] Hays. J. L. Peters, cop. 1875.

    The Blue Alsatian Mountains. w., Claribel [pseud. of Mrs. Charles C. Barnard, née Charlotte Arlington]. w., Stephen Adams [pseud. of Michael Maybrick]. See below: "Gems of English Song."

    Fully Persuaded. Hymn. w., Rev. J. B. Atchinson. m., William F. Sherwin. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1875.

    Gems of English Song; a collection of very choice songs, duets and quartets. With an accompaniment for the pianoforte. Boston: Oliver Ditson Co., cop. 1875.

    It Was a Dream. w., R[obert] E[dward] Francillon. m., F[rederick] H[ymen] Cowen. See above: "Gems of English Song."

    The Kerry Dance. w., m., J[ames] L[yman] Molloy. See above: "Gems of English Song."

    Let Me Dream Again. w., B. C. Stevenson. m., Arthur Sullivan. London: Boosey & Co. [1875].

    The Midshipmite. w., Fred[erick] E[dward] Weatherly. m., Stephen Adams [pseud. of Michael Maybrick]. See above: "Gems of English Song."

    Nancy Lee. w., Fred[erick] E[dward] Weatherly. m., Stephen Adams [pseud. of Michael Maybrick]. See above: "Gems of English Song."

    [Non è Ver.] 'Tis Not True. Italian words, anon. English words, Theodore T. Barker. m., Titto Mattei, op. 20, no. 1. See above: "Gems of English Song."

    O Fair Dove, O Fond Dove. w., Jane Ingelow. m., Alfred Scott-Gatty. See above: "Gems of English Song."

    Twickenham Ferry. w., m., Theo[phile] Marzials. See above: "Gems of English Song." (The song was originally published at the composer's expense by Weekes and Co., London.)

    A Warrior Bold. w., Edwin Thomas. m., Stephen Adams [pseud. of Michael Maybrick]. See above: "Gems of English Song."

    Within the Cellar's Depth I Sit - original German title: Der Rheinweinzecher; also known as: (1) "Im kühlen Keller"; (2) "Im tiefen Keller sitz' ich hier"; (3) "Ewiger Durst." German words, ? English words, L[ouis] C[harles] Elson. m., [Karl Ludwig] Fischer. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., cop. 1875. (The song is also known in English as "Drinking" and "In Cellar Cool.")

    The Yeoman's Wedding Song. w., Maria X. Hayes. m., Prince [Josef Michel Xavier Franciszek Jan] Poniatowski. See above: "Gems of English Song."

  7. 1876

    Grandfather's Clock (audio clip). w., m., Henry Clay Work. C. M. Cady, cop. 1876.

    I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen (audio clip). w., m., Thomas P. Westendorf. Cincinnati: John Church & Co., cop. 1876.

    It Is Well with My Soul. Hymn. w., H. C. Spafford. m., Paul P. Bliss. Cincinnati: John Church & Co., cop. 1876.

    My Dearest Heart. w., ? m., Arthur Sullivan. London: Boosey & Co. [1876].

    The Ninety and Nine. Hymn. w., E. C. Clephane. m., Ira D[avid] Sankey. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1876; renewed 1904 by Ira D. Sankey.

    Rose of Killarney. w., George Cooper. m., John Rogers Thomas. J. L. Peters, cop. 1876.

    Trusting Jesus, That Is All. Hymn. w., E. P. Stites. m., Ira David Sankey. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1876.

    What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Hymn. w., Horatius Bonar. m., Charles Crozat Converse. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1876 (In: Philip Paul Bliss and Ira David Sankey, "Gospel Hymns No. 2," p. 59).

  8. 1877

    The Better Land. w., Mrs. Felicia Dorothea Hemans (née Browne). m., Frederic H[ymen] Cowen. London: Boosey & Co. [1877].

    Early in de Mornin'. w. m., Will[iam] S[hakespeare] Hays. J. L. Peters, cop. 1877.

    Hiding in Thee. Hymn. w., William O. Cushing. m., Ira D[avid] Sankey. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1877.

    I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby (Lalla Rookh). w., W[illiam] G[orman] Wills. m., Frederic Clay. London: Chappell & Co., Ltd. [1877.] ("Lalla Rookh" was a popular cantata first produced at the Brighton Festival, England, Feb. 1877.)

    In the Gloaming. w., m., Annie Fortesque Harrison. London: Hutchings & Romer [1877]. (The composer became Lady Hill, wife of Lord Alfred Hill, comptroller of Queen Victoria's household;...)

    The Lost Chord. w., Adelaide Procter. m., Arthur Sullivan. London: Boosey & Co. [1877.]

    [La Paloma.] La Colombe - The Dove. Spanish words, anon. English words, anon. m., Sebastian Yradier. G. Schirmer, cop. 1877. (Published earlier in Paris by Au Ménestrel [Henri Heugel].)

    Roll Out! Heave Dat Cotton. w., m., Will[iam] S[hakespeare] Hays. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., cop. 1877.

    Where Is My [Wand'ring] Boy To-night? Hymn. w., m., Rev. Robert Lowry. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1877.

  9. 1878

    Baby Mine. w., Charles Mackay. m., Archibald Johnston. [ca. 1878.]

    Carry Me Back to Old Virginny. w., m., James A. Bland. Boston: John F. Perry & Co., cop. 1878.

    [Emmet's] Lullaby (Fritz, Our Cousin German). w., m., Joseph K[line] Emmet. Cincinnati: John Church & Co., cop. 1878 by J. K. Emmet.

    A Flower from Mother's Grave. w., m., Harry Kennedy. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., cop. 1878 by William H. Kennedy, Brooklyn, N. Y.

    Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessing. Hymn. w., J. Edmeston. m., George Coles Stebbins. Cop. 1878 by George C. Stebbins.

    The Skidmore Fancy Ball (The Skidmore Fancy Ball). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1878.

    Sweet Mary Ann, or Such an Education Has My Mary Ann (Malone's Night Off, or the German Turnverein). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1878.

    Tell Me the Old, Old Story. Hymn. w., Catherine Hankey. m., William H[oward] Doane. London: Morgan and Scott [1878?] (in: Ira David Sankey, "Sacred Songs and Solos," p. 18-19).

    Where Was Moses When the Light Went Out? w., anon. m., arr. by Max Vernor. Chicago: S. Brainard's Sons, cop. 1878.

  10. 1879

    The Babies on Our Block (The Skidmore Fancy Ball). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1879.

    Crucifix. Duet. m., Jean Baptiste Faure. Boston: Oliver Ditson Co., cop. 1879, English words by Theodore T. Barker; G. Schirmer, cop. 1879, English words by F. W. Rosier. (Published earlier in Paris.)

    Dankgebet (No. 6 in: Sechs Altniederländische Volkslieder aus der Sammlung des "Adrianus Valerius"). Male chorus with piano acc. German words translated from the Dutch by Joseph Weyl. m., arr. by Edward Kremser. Leipzig: F. E. C. Leuckart [1879]. (The music was originally published in Valerius's "Nederlandtsche Gedenkclanck," Haarlem, 1626, reprinted in part in 1871...An arrangement for SATB with English words by Theodore Baker, .. was published under the title "Prayer of Thanksgiving" by G. Schirmer, cop. 1894; renewed 1923.)

    Oh! dem Golden Slippers (audio clip). w., m., James Bland. Boston: John F. Perry & Co., 1879.

    In the Morning by the Bright Light. w., m., James A. Bland. Boston: John F. Perry & Co., cop. 1879.

  11. 1880

    Cradle's Empty, Baby's Gone. w., m., Harry Kennedy. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., cop. 1880 by William H. Kennedy, Brooklyn, N.Y.

    Daddy. w., Mary Mark Lemon. w., Arthur Henry Behrend. Boston: Oliver Ditson Co. [ca. 1880] (Published earlier in London.)

    Don Juan. Symphonic Poem. m., Richard Strauss, op. 20. Munich: Jos. Aibl [1880].

    The Five-Cent Shave. w., ml, Thomas Cannon. E. H. Harding, cop. 1880.

    The Full Moon Union (The Mulligan Guards' Surprise). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1880.

    Funiculi-Funicula. Song in Neopolitan dialect. m., Luigi Denza. Milan: G. Ricordi & C. [1880].

    De Golden Wedding. w., m., James A. Bland. Boston: John F. Perry & Co., cop. 1880.

    Hide Thou Me. Hymn. w., Fanny J. [Frances Jane] Crosby [Mrs. Alexander Van Alstyne]. m., Rev. Robert Lowry. The Biglow & Main Co., cop. 1880.

    Locked Out After Nine (The Mulligan Guards' Picnic). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1880.

    The Mulligan Braves (The Mulligan Guards' Nominee). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1880.

    Never Take the Horse Shoe From the Door (The Mulligan Guards' Surprise). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1880.

    The Skidmore Masquerade (The Mulligan Guards' Nominee). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David Braham]. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1880.

    Songs My Mother Taught Me--German title: Als die Alte Mutter (No. 4 in: Zigeunermelodien, Op. 55). German words, Adolph Heyduk; English words, Mrs. Natalia Macfarren. m., Anton Dvorák. Berlin: N. Simrock [1880].

    When the Mists Have Cleared Away. [w., Annie Herbert.] m., Arthur Henshaw. Boston: G.D. Russell, cop. 1880.

    Why did They Dig Ma's Grave So Deep? w., m., Joseph P. Skelly. Richard A. Saalfield, cop. 1880.

  12. 1881

    All on Account of Eliza (Billee Taylor). w., Henry P. Stephens. m., Edward Solomon. (See below.)

    Good-bye. w., G. T. Whyte-Melville. m., F[rancesco] Paolo Tosti. London: G. Ricordi & Co. [1881.]

    I Am Coming. Hymn. w., Helen R. Young. m., Ira D[avid] Sankey. Biglow and Main [cop. 1881 by Biglow and Main, and John Church & Co.] (in: "Gospel Hymns No. 4" by Ira David Sankey, James McGranahan and George C. Stebbins, p. 45).

    Paddy Duffy's Cart (Squatter Sovereignty). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1881.

    Tell It Out Among the Nations [Heathen] That the Lord is King. Hymn. w., Frances R[idley] Havergal. m., "arranged by Ira D[avid] Sankey." Biglow and main [cop. 1881 by Biglow and Main, and John Church & Co.] (in: "Gospel Hymns No. 4 by Ira David Sankey, James McGranahan and George C. Stebbins, p. 4).

    The Torpedo and the Whale (Olivette). SATB with piano acc. w., H[enry] B[rougham] Farnie. m., [Edmond] Audran. Boston: Oliver Ditson Co., cop. 1881 (in the vocal score). (For "Olivette," see 1880.)

    Wait Till the Clouds Roll By. w., J. T. Wood. m., H. T. Fulmer. T.B. Harms & Co., cop. 1881.

  13. 1882

    The Holy City. Cantata. w., selected. m., Alfred R[obert] Gaul, op. 36. London: Novello, Ewer and Co. [1882.] (First performed at the Birmingham Festival, England, in Aug., 1882.)

    I Never Drank Behind the Bar (The McSorleys). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1882.

    I'll be Ready When the Great Day Comes. w., m., James S. Putman. Chicago: S. Brainard's Sons, cop. 1882.

    The Market on Saturday Night. w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1882.

    McNally's Row of Flats. w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1882.

    When the Clock in the Tower Strikes Twelve. w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1882.

  14. 1883

    Forget-Me-Not. Intermezzo for orch. m., Allan Macbeth. (Performed 1883 at the Glasgow Choral Union concerts, of which the composer was the conductor; date from James Duff Brown, "Biographical Dictionary of Musicians," Paisley, 1886. The piece was long a favorite in American café concerts.)

    God Be with You [Till We Meet Again.] Hymn. w., J[eremiah] E[ames] Rankin. m., W[illiam] G[ould] Tomer. Chicago: Henry A. Sumner & Co. [cop. 1883] (in: "Gospel Bells: a choice collection of new and popular songs" by Prof. J.W. Bischoff, Otis F. Presbrey and Rev. J.E. Rankin, p. 51).

    Marguerite. w., mu., C.A. White. Boston: White-Smith & Co., cop., 1883.

    My Dad's Dinner Pail (Cordelia's Aspirations). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1883.

    Strolling on the Brooklyn Bridge. w., George Cooper. m., Joseph P. Skelly. Richard A. Saalfield, cop. 1883.

    When the Mists Have Rolled Away. Hymn. w., Annie Herbert. m., Ira D[avid] Sankey. Cop. 1883, by Ira D. Sankey.

    There's a Tavern in the Town. w., m., anon. Cambridge, Mass: Moses King, cop. 1883 (in: "Students' Songs, comprising the newest and most popular college songs as now sung at Harvard, Yale, Collumbia, etc., etc., compiled and edited by William H. Hills"). (This is apparently the first appearance of the song in print, according to Miss margaret M. Mott ("A Bibliography of Song Sheets" in "Notes," Washington, D. C., 1949, vol. 6, p. 385). Miss Mott states: "Hill printed a separate copyright notice underneath the song, giving himself as claimant, but he didn't print his name as author, arranger, or composer in the customary spots above the music." The editions of the song, published by Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., cop. 1911 and 1934, ascribe the music to William H. Hills.)

    When the Robins Nest Again. w., m., Frank Howard. T.B. Harms & Co., cop. 1883 by J.F. Martindale.

  15. 1884

    Always Take Mother's Advice. w., m., Jennie Lindsay. Willis Woodward & Co., cop. 1884.

    My Ideal--original Italian title: Ideale. Italian words, Carmelo Errica. English words, H[arrison] Millard. m., F[rancesco] Paolo Tosti. G. Schirmer, cop. 1884. (Published earlier in Italy or England.)

    Plum Pudding. w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1884.

    The Sea Hath Its Pearls. Part song for SATB. w., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [translated from the German of Heinrich Heine]. m., Ciro Pinsuti. London: Novello, Ewer & Co. [1884.]

    Voices of the Woods--also known as: Welcome, Sweet Springtime! w., anon. m., "adapted to Rubinstein's Melody in F" by M[ichael] Watson. G. Schirmer [1884]

    White Wings. w., m., Banks Winter. Willis Woodward & Co., cop. 1884.

  16. 1885

    At the Cross. Hymn. w., Isaac Watts. m., R. E. Hudson. Cop. 1885 by R. E. Hudson.

    The Gum Tree Canoe. w., S.S. Steele. m., A. F. Winnemore. Cleveland: S. Brainard's Sons, cop. 1885 ("new edition").

    Poverty's Tears Ebb and Flow (Old Lavender). w., Edward Harrigan. m., Dave [David] Braham. Wm. A. Pond & Co., cop. 1885.

    Remember, Boy, Youiire Irish (Shane na Lawn). w., m., William J. Scanlan. T.B. Harms & Co., cop. 1885.

    Sleep, Baby, Sleep--also known as: Irene's Lullaby. w., m., John J. Handley. Chicago: National Music Co., cop. 1885; cop. 1912; assigned 1912 to Frank Earl Hathaway, Music Publisher, Chicago; cop. 1912 by F. E. Hathaway.

    Still as the Night--original German title: Still wie die Nacht (No. 27 in: Lieder, op. 326). German words, anon. English words, Mrs. John P. Morgan. m., Karl Bohm. Berlin: N. Simrock [1885?]. (Published in the United States by Oliver Ditson Co., Boston, cop. 1890, and G. Schirmer, New York, cop. 1890.)