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Collection Author Websites Web Archive

About this Collection

The Author Websites Web Archive is a collection of official author websites. These sites offer a unique record of the intellectual and creative activities of authors and the ways in which they interact with readers. An author's official website typically documents these activities by presenting an array of content: biographical information; a list of published and forthcoming books; a calendar of readings, appearances, and other events; multimedia offerings; and newsletters, notes, FAQs, and other resources written by the author for fans.

The collection's initial focus is on archiving websites of authors who have participated in the annual Library of Congress National Book Festival (2001-present). However, websites of other fiction and nonfiction writers who have made significant contributions to the world’s creative and intellectual record through their books are also included.

Collection Period: April 2018 to present (this is an ongoing archive).

Frequency of Collection: Sites in the collection were targeted for capture quarterly.

Languages: Collection material in English and Spanish.

Acquisition Information: Sites have been added incrementally since the project began and will continue to be added as they are identified.