Collection Items
Web ArchiveAcademia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel The Academia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel collects and preserves cordel literature and fosters the work of cordelistas. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Academia Brasileira De Literatura De Cordel
- Date: 2010
Web ArchiveCordel de Saia This site, co-managed by Maria Rosário Pinto and Dalinha Catunda, seeks to promote the female production in a cordel world that is predominantly masculine. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Pinto, Maria Rosário De Fátima - Catunda, Dalinha
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveCantinho da Dalinha Website for cordelista Dalinha Cantunda. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Catunda, Dalinha
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveCentro Cultural dos Cordelistas do Nordeste
CECORDEL Website for CECORDEL, an organization of cordelistas from northeast Brazil that promotes and preserves the originality of cordel literature. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).- Contributor: Centro Cultural Dos Cordelistas Do Nordeste
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveA Voz do Cordel Site for professor, poet and cordelista António Barreto. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Barreto, António
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveCordel Paraíba A site promoting Brazilian popular culture through cordel literature. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Neto, Manoel Messias Belizario
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveMundo Cordel Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Silva, Marcos Mairton Da
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveCordel Atemporal This is the blog of poet, composer and folklorist Marco Haurélio Fernandes Farias. He was born in 1974 in Ponta da Serra, the Bahia backlands. He became involved with cordel literature at a very young age, writing his first story when he was just six years old. Marco has a degree in Literature from the University of Bahia and lectures on popular and cordel…
- Contributor: Haurélio, Marco
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveBlog de Cordel Blog for poet, professor, and cordelista Nelcimá de Morais. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Santos, Maria Nelcimá De Morais
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveAcorda Cordel This blog is a product of the project 'Acorda Cordel', an educational initiative founded by cordelista Arievaldo Viana Lima. The project, funded by the municipal government of Canindé and AESTROFE, the Association of Writers, Troubadours and Folheteiros of the State of Ceará, uses the cordel pamphlet as a means of teaching in the classroom. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Viana, Arievaldo - Projeto Acorda Cordel Na Sala De Aula
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveRosário Pinto Rosário Pinto is a leader in the digitization of cordels. She works at the National Center for Folklore and Popular Culture, which contains over 5,500 cordels in digital form. She is also co-creator of the Web site Cordel De Saia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Pinto, Maria Rosário De Fátima
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveOficina de Cordel This site represents cordel literature in the state of Bahia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveMovimento e Voz em Cordel The purpose of this project is to integrate the "Movement and Voice" of cordel with mamulengo, a type of puppet theater found in northeastern Brazil, and also with shadow theater. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Projeto Movimento E Voz Em Cordel
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveCordel do Brasil Teaches the techniques of how to compose a cordel, and does a historical analysis of Brazilian cordel. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Date: 2015
Web ArchivePoeta Cleydson Monteiro Website for poet Cleydson Monteiro, who uses cordel literature as a means of promoting reading and learning in the city of Timbauba. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Monteiro, Cleydson
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveAbdias nos Campos de Versos Website for singer-songwriter and cordelista Abdias Campos, promoter of cordel workshops and lectures addressing popular culture. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Campos, Abdias
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveChico Salles - Cantor, Compositor e Cordelista Website for singer-songwriter Chico Salles, promoter of cordel workshops and lectures addressing music and popular culture. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Salles, Chico
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveCacá Lopes, um artista popular Website for singer, songwriter, cordelista, cultural producer, and guitarist Cacá Lopes, who also promotes cordel literature in the schools of São Paulo. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Lopes, Cacá
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveJosé Honório Website for José Honório, one of the first cordelistas to disseminate cordel literature over the Internet. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Honório, José
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveCobra Cordelista Blog of singer-songwriter Cobra Cordelista, who promotes workshops, exhibitions, and shows about cordel literature. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Cordelista, Cobra
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveProjeto Cordel Projeto Cordel promotes cordel at cultural programs, lectures, and expositions at schools, public squares, and theaters. The site contains many full-text cordels. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Projeto Cordel
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveAcorda Cordel - Fotolog Images related to the "Acorda Cordel" blog, part of an educational initiative founded by cordelista Arievaldo Viana Lima. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Viana, Arievaldo
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveMarco Haurélio - Cordel & Cultura Popular Images related to the "Cordel Atemporal" blog of cordelista and folklorist Marco Haurélio. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Haurélio, Marco
- Date: 2012
Web ArchiveBeto Brito Website for Brazilian singer-songwriter, cordelista, and promoter of popular culture Beto Brito. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
- Contributor: Brito, Beto
- Date: 2012
Web Archive