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Sema - Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Infraestrutura
The official website of the Bureau of the Environment and Infrastructure (Portuguese: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Infraestrutura) of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, abbreviated SEMA. Founded in 1999, SEMA is the central agency of the State Environmental Protection System (Portuguese: Sistema Estadual do Proteçao Ambiental, abbreviated Sisepra), and is responsible for developing policy related to the sustainable development of natural resources…
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Instituto Estadual do Ambiente
The official website of the State Institute of the Environment (Portuguese: Instituto Estadual do Ambiente) for Rio de Janeiro, abbreviated INEA. Formed in 2007, INEA is responsible for the protection of the environment and promotion of sustainable development in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The website contains information on environmental licensing, state parks and protected areas, restoration projects, and water air and soil…
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Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
The official website of the State Bureau of Urban Development and Sustainability (Portuguese: Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade) for the state of Pará, abbreviated SEMAS. Founded in 1988, SEMAS' mission is to manage and develop natural resources sustainably, improve quality of life and protect and conserve the environment. The website contains information on environmental licensing, education initiatives, water resources, climate change, access to…
Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Recursos HÃdricos
The official website of the Bureau of the Environment and Water Resources (Portuguese: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Recursos HÃdricos), abbreviated SEMARH, for the state of Tocantins. SEMARH coordinates the revision of policy regarding the environment and water resources, incentives and strengthens municipal environmental management, assesses the environmental assets of the state of Tocantins, promotes the restoration and conservation of watersheds, and implements projects…
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Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Recursos HÃdricos do Estado de PiauÃ
The official website for the Piauà State Bureau of the Environment and Water Resources (Portuguese: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Recursos HÃdricos do Estado do PiauÃ), abbreviated SEMAR. Established in 1995, SEMAR oversees the sustainable development of natural resources in PiauÃ. The website contains information on environmental legislation, meterological bulletins, and photos of events. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Secretaria do Meio Ambiente
The official website for the Bureau of the Environment (Portuguese: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente) of the state of Ceará, abbreviated SEMA. SEMA was established in 2015 with the responsibility of designing and implementing and monitoring environmental policy in Ceará. The website contains information on sustainable development and education initiatives, legislation on climate change, biodiversity and desertification, and plans to maintain coastal areas. Website. electronic…
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Superintendência de Administração do Meio Ambiente
The official website for the Superintendency of Environmental Administration (Portuguese: Superintendência de Administração do Meio Ambiente) of the state of ParaÃba, abbreviated SUDEMA. Established in 1978, SUDEMA is responsible for developing policy around environmental protection and education in order to guarantee current and future generations a quality of life compatible with nature. The website contains information on environmental licensing, botanical gardens, beach monitoring, and…
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Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
The official website for the Bureau of the Environment and Sustainability (Portuguese: Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade), abbreviated SEMAS, for the state of Pernambuco. SEMAS was formed in 2011 with the goal of addressing environmental problems in Pernambuco, and it is responsible for developing policy regarding climate change, coastal management, solid waste, forest management, and environmental education. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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IMA – Instituto do Meio Ambiente de Alagoas
The official website for the Institute of the Environment of Alagoas (Portuguese: Instituto do Meio Ambiente de Alagoas), abbreviated IMA. The oldest environmental policy agency in Brazil, IMA is responsible for the execution of environmental policy in Alagoas, focusing on the areas of preservation, licensing and education. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Portal Pick-upau - Agência Ambiental Pick-upau
The Pick-upau Environmental Agency is an NGO founded in 1990 dedicated to environmental education and raising awareness of environmental issues in Brazil, with the goal of supporting sustainable economic and social development to guarantee livable conditions for future generations. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Akatu - Akatu
Akatu is a non-profit educational organization created in March 2001 to raise awareness about conscious consumption, or the use of resources with minimal social, environmental and economic impacts. The group promotes a balance of material well-being, biodiversity, and social progress. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Amigos da Terra – Amazônia Brasileira
Friends of the Earth – Brazilian Amazon (Portuguese: Amigos da Terra – Amazônia Brasileira) is an NGO that was founded in 1989 to promote the sustainable use of natural resources, serve isolated communities, and recommend environmental policy. Since its inception it has been recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice as a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP). Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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InÃcio | Associação | Amigos da Natureza - ANAP
The Association of Friends of Nature in Alta Paulista (Portuguese: Associação Amigos da Natureza da Alta Paulista), abbreviated ANAP, is a non-profit organization established on September 14, 2003 in São Paulo. It works to defend and preserve the environment in accordance with the 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. ANAP also promotes sustainable development, eco tourism, community education, training, and assistance in…
Associação Brasileira de Entidades Estaduais de Meio Ambiente
The Brazilian Association of State Environmental Entities (Portuguese: Associação Brasileira de Entidades Estaduais de Meio Ambiente), abbreviated ABEMA, is a non-profit responsible for directing the implementation of environmental policy. More specifically, the organization works to enforce Brazil’s National Environmental Policy which includes facilitating zoning, environmental impact assessments, and the management of biodiversity and finite resources. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Homepage | Apremavi
The Association for the Preservation of the Environment and Life (Portuguese: A Associação de Preservação do Meio Ambiente e da Vida), abbreviated Apremavi, is a non-profit Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (Portuguese: OSCIP) established on July 9, 1987. It provides environmental education programs, has planted millions of trees, and seeks to influence environmental policy in Brazil. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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AMDA - Associação Mineira de Defesa do Ambiente
The Minas Gerais Association for the Defense of the Environment (Portuguese: Associação Mineira de Defesa do Ambiente), abbreviated AMDA, was founded in 1978 by a group of students studying economics and biological sciences at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). AMDA seeks to counter environmental degradation caused by state and corporate actors. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Associação Civil Alternativa Terrazul
Terrazul Alternative Civil Association (Portuguese: Associação Civil Alternativa Terrazul) is a socio-environmental NGO founded on April 29, 1999 in Fortaleza, Ceará. The group emerged as an alliance between trade unionists and environmentalists seeking to defend the environment in collaboration with social movements. Focusing on peripheral communities in rural areas, Alternativa Terrazul promotes sustainable local development projects. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Ascema Nacional | Associação Nacional dos Servidores Ambientais
The Brazilian National Association of Environmental Careers (Portuguese: Associação Nacional dos Servidores Ambientais), abbreviated ASCEMA, is a nonprofit that organizes for the rights of workers from an environmental perspective. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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((o))eco - Jornalismo Ambiental
((o))eco is a non-profit news site focused on environmental journalism. Founded in 2004, the site covers topics including nature conservation, biodiversity and environmental policy in Brazil. ((o))eco publishes reports, news articles, photo essays, videos, podcasts, and documentaries. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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Bionorte - Rede de Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia da Amazônia Legal
The Bionorte Amazon Biodiversity and Biotechnology Legal Network (Portuguese: Bionorte Rede de Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia da Amazônia Legal) brings together institutions from the Legal Amazon, the largest socio-geographic division in Brazil composed of the Amazon region. The network was established within the scope of the Ministry of Science and Technology by MCT Ordinance No. 901, of April 12, 2008. Research focuses for the group…
Centro de Estudos Rioterra
The Rioterra Studies Center (Portuguese: Centro de Estudos Rioterra) is a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP) and an institution of Innovation, Science and Technology (IICT) created in 1999. Emphasizing institutional and social cooperation, the Center provides education based upon a socioeconomic and environmental framework in its mission to preserve the Amazon. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
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The Northeast Environmental Research Center (Portuguese: Centro de Pesquisas Ambientais do Nordeste), abbreviated CEPAN, is a non-profit founded by students and faculty of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). CEPAN plans, coordinates, and executes biodiversity conservation projects at the national level. Some programs that CEPAN works on include the valuation of natural capital, support for the conservation of fauna and flora, implementation of environmental…