Center for the Study of Democracy
Web site of the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), an interdisciplinary public policy institute dedicated to the values of democracy and market economy. CSD is a non-partisan, independent organization fostering the reform process in Bulgaria through impact on policy and civil society. Publishes reports on various aspects of public policy and reforms in Bulgaria, many of which are available on the site.…
Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria)
Makove za Meri (Poppies for Mary)
Website of an NGO that focuses on parents of children with disabilities or of those who have died. The lack of basic social services for families has turned into one of the main source of anti-government protests. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Initiative BG
Initiative BG is an NGO that works to promote active citizenship and direct decision-making in governance. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Website of the Bulgarian political party GERB. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Български Червен кръст, Bulgarian Red Cross
Website of the Bulgarian Red Cross, a non-profit organization established in the 19th century. Its headquarters are in Sofia. One of its many tasks in the 21st century is helping with the refugee crisis. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Фондация "За Нашите Деца". For Our Children Foundation, Bulgaria
Website of the Bulgarian non-profit For Our Children Foundation, which is dedicated to helping at risk children. The foundation deals with abandonment and support for children with disabilities, among other problems. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Заедно в час. Teach for Bulgaria
Website of the non-profit organization Teach for Bulgaria. The mission of the the foundation is to find, train and develop capable and motivated professionals who work long-term for a positive change in education in Bulgaria. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Сдружение за споделено учене ЕЛА. Association for Shared Learning, Bulgaria
Website of the non-profit Association for Shared Learning in Bulgaria. This organization, formerly known as the Center for Inclusive Education, works with schools in Bulgaria at the system level (and not for individual individual teaching practices), to increase the capacity and skills of teaching staff to build an inclusive school environment. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Фондация “Общество на децата.” Children's Society Foundation, Bulgaria
This is the site of the Bulgarian non-profit Children's Society Foundation, which supports the realization of the rights of children and young people in Bulgaria by developing alternative social, educational and health services in the community. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Български център за нестопанско право. Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law
Website of the foundation Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law. Its mission is to support the creation and implementation of laws and policies for the development of civil society, civic participation, and good governance in Bulgaria. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Институт по Социални Дейности и Практики. Social Activities and Practice Institute, Bulgaria
Website of the Bulgarian non-profit Social Activities and Practice Institute. It specializes in the research, training, and professional support of people in the social services profession, in particular those who work with at risk children and families. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Национална мрежа за децата. National Network for Children, Bulgaria
Website of the Bulgarian non-profit National Network for Children, which is an alliance of civil society organisations and supporters, working with and for the children and families across the whole country. It works to prevent child abuse, supports the human rights of children, and fights hate speech, among other activities. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Асоциацията на европейските журналисти-България. Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria
Website of the non-profit Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria. The Association was created in 2010 with the idea of working to build a healthy and sustainable media environment in Bulgaria, in which freelance journalists bring a positive change to society. The Association actively seeks to broaden knowledge of quality journalism, media freedom and civic participation in public processes. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Тръст за социална алтернатива. Trust for Social Achievement, Bulgaria
Website of the Bulgarian non-profit Trust for Social Achievement, which is dedicated to reducing poverty and decreasing achievement gaps. It works to create opportunities for disadvantaged groups, with a focus on the Roma. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Асоциация за развитие на София. Sofia Development Association, Bulgaria
Website of the Bulgarian non-profit Sofia Development Association, which was founded with the decision 348 of the Sofia Municipal Council to work for the sustainable development of the capital. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Far. Association for Democratic Education. Bulgaria
Website of Far, the Association for Democratic Education, a non-profit in Burgas that encourages young people to get involved in political and social processes. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Web Archive
Multi Kulti Collective
Website of Multi-Kulti Collective, a "leading Bulgarian not-for-profit organizations working on migrant and refugee integration, community development and human rights since 2011." Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).
Българска Фондация Биоразнообразие. Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation.
Website of the non-profit Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, which "brings together people with different perceptions for the preservation of Bulgarian nature. Underlying everything we do is a belief that natural resources preservation is only possible through public awareness. We strive to increase recognition of the opportunities and benefits of protected areas and work for their long-term protection." Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).