Related Resources
In the Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress
- Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection,
An estimated 20,000 photographic prints and 3,700 glass and film negatives. (Most of the photographic prints have been grouped by subject matter into groups (LOTs). Catalog records describing those groups are available through the Groups of Images in High Demand category.)
- Pictorial Archives of Early American Architecture,
Johnston was one of the first contributors to the Library's Pictorial Archives of Early American Architecture.
Related Resources at the Library of Congress
- Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
Johnston's personal papers, spanning the years 1885 to 1953 and consisting primarily of correspondence. Also included are memoranda, articles, notes, the manuscript of her book Early Architecture of North Carolina (1941), and miscellaneous material relating to her photography of southern architecture. For collection summary, see
- Library of Congress. Librarian's records, Prints and Photographs Division, Carnegie Survey. 7 folders.
Related Resources Outside the Library of Congress
- Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, LA Frances B. Johnston Photograph Collection, External
"This collection represents her work in New Orleans and south Louisiana during the 1930s and 1940s. The photographs are of the French Quarter and Louisiana architecture." (More than 400 photos are online.)
- University of North Carolina, Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, North Carolina Photographic Archives
Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection, 1935-1938, External
About 2,280 photographic prints made between 1935 and 1938 of historic structures of architectural interest throughout North Carolina. Many of the photographs in this collection subsequently appeared in The Early Architecture of North Carolina by Frances Benjamin Johnston and Thomas T. Waterman.
- University of Virginia, Library, Digital Collections
Frances Benjamin Johnston Photograph Collection, External
948 photographs made between 1929 and 1935.
Selected Bibliography
Publications by Frances Benjamin Johnston
- Brock, Henry I. Colonial Churches in Virginia, . . . photographic studies by Frances Benjamin Johnston. Richmond: The Dale Press, [1930]. (Call number: F227 .B86 P&P Reference)
- Johnston, Frances B. The Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, 1927-1943, [microform]. Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey, 1985. (Call number: Microfiche (w) 86/19 (N) P"P Reference)
- _____. The Early Architecture of North Carolina: A Pictorial Survey. With an architectural history by Thomas Tileston Waterman; foreword by Leicester B. Holland. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. (Call number: NA730.N8 J6 P&P Reference) [The second edition, 1947, has additional photographs by Johnston.]
- Nichols, Frederick D. The Early Architecture of Georgia. With a pictorial Survey by Frances Benjamin Johnston. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1957. (Call number: NA730.G4 N5 P&P Reference)
- Stoney, Samuel G. Plantations of the Carolina Low Country. Charleston, SC: Carolina Art Association, 1939. (Call number: F270 .S76 1939) [Reprinted, 1949] The plates (p. 85-233) are from photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnston and Ben Judah Lubschez.
Books and Articles About Frances Benjamin Johnston
- Ausherman, Maria Elizabeth. The Photographic Legacy of Frances Benjamin Johnston. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, c2009. (Call number: TR659 .A924 2009 P&P Reference)
- Berch, Bettina. The Woman Behind the Lens: The Life and Work of Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1864-1952. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000. (Call number: TR140.J64 B47 2000 P&P Reference)
- Daniel, Pete, and Raymond Smock. A Talent for Detail: The Photographs of Miss Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1889-1910. New York: Harmony Books, [1974]. (Call number: TR140.J64 A34 1974 P"P Reference)
- Griffith, Bronwyn A.E., Ambassadors of Progress: American Women Photographers in Paris, 1900-1901. Giverney, France: Muse´e d’Art Ame´ricain Giverney in association with the Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Hanover, NH: Distributed by University Press of New England, c2001. (Call number: TR139 .A42 2001 P&P Reference)
- Vanderbilt, Paul. "Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1864-1952." Journal of the American Institute of Architects (November 1952): 224-28.
- Watters, Sam. Gardens for a Beautiful America, 1895-1935: Photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnston. New York: Acanthus Press in collaboration with the Library of Congress, 2012. (Call number: SB451.3 .W38 2012 P&P Reference)
- Wikipedia, External