Collection Items

  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    I've got orders to run you in, Spike : and how! 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Adams, Edwin
    • Date: 1930-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    [Cave drawings] 1 drawing on illustration board : ink, watercolor, gouache and pastel, color ; 59.7 x 43.4 cm (mount) | Cartoon published within the New Yorker magazine showing two archaeologists in a cave where they discover an ascending sprial ramp with drawings on the walls. Recalls the interior of the Guggenheim Museum, New York City, New York, 1959, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
    • Contributor: Addams, Charles
    • Date: 1960
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Come on, Uncle Sap, remember the great time we had in 1917! 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Afonsky, Nicholas
    • Date: 1939-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    [Our boarding house] The start of a big flop 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Ahern, Eugene L. - Nea Service, Inc
    • Date: 1930-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    [Two young women arrive at a vacation resort for senior citizens] 1 drawing : gouache and watercolor ; 40.3 x 29 cm. (sheet) | Two young woman arrive at a vacation resort. They have brought tennis rackets, record albums and a record player with them, anticipating an active social life; with looks of dismay they discover that the other guests are senior citizens.
    • Contributor: Alajalov, Constantin
    • Date: 1954-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    All set for the kick off 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1962-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Slap-stick is back 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1962-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Baa-baa, black sheep 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1962-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Only adult, responsible views wanted 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1961-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    No lack of guidance 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1962-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Tea leaves 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1962-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1962-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Father! o, Father! come home to us now 1 drawing.
    • Contributor: Alexander, F. O. (Franklin Osborne)
    • Date: 1930-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    "Got an overtime card, buddy?" 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows labor leader John L. Lewis asking Father Time for his overtime card on Leap Day.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1940-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Have to learn to live within it 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows a fat unhappy figure (labeled "Gov't Workers") whose belt is drawn tightly around his middle. The end containing the additional holes (labeled "Additional Hiring") has been cut off. Comments on the announcement by Bureau of the Budget Director Joseph Dodge on February 3, freezing government hiring and instituting other measures designed to fulfill the Republican pledge during the 1952…
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Fixed Joe's little red wagon 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows Stalin looking on in dismay at Dulles who has removed the wheels (labeled "Disloyal 'Wheels' in the State Dep't") from a child's wagon. Refers to Dulles's pledges, as he became Secretary of State, to weed out disloyalty in the State Department.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Plainly posted 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows the GOP elephant with clippers in hand inspecting a sign reading "Danger High Voltage" as he prepares to cut electrical wires held up on poles formed by the letters TVA. Reflects the political perils faced by Republicans who hoped to dismantle the Tennessee Valley Authority.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Everybody's happy except the dishwasher 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows Soviet leader Malenkov as a dishwasher unhappily viewing a huge pile of dirty dishes labeled "All His Troubles." Probably refers to the problems in the Soviet Union (including the East German worker riots) inherited by Malenkov when he came to power after Stalin's death.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Beginning to believe it? 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows a perplexed and despondent Uncle Sam, surrounded by papers labeled "Compromise," "Proposal," "Plea," and "Concession," seated before a blackboard on which is written: "There is no substitute for victory!" Reflects discouragement at the prospects for ending the Korean War by negotiation, after the armistice talks at Panmunjom had dragged on for two years.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Better take keer, Br'er Rabbit 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows Senator McCarthy socking a tar baby labeled the "Victims" and shouting "I said answer my question!" Alludes to the story by Joel Chandler Harris in which Br'er Fox entices Br'er Rabbit into hitting (and subsequently being stuck to) a tar baby. Reflects the perception that McCarthy may eventually be trapped by his abusive attacks.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    The real burden is on the heart 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows Uncle Sam carrying a huge bundle labeled "Korean War's Dollar Cost" and pointing to a hill covered with graves. Drawn as the end of the Korean War appeared near, the cartoon, with its caption, is a reminder of the cost of the war in terms of American lives.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Valley of the shadow 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows a convoy of prisoner of war trucks labeled "The Few to Return" traveling through a valley over which looms a huge ghostly figure of a soldier with a bullet hole in his helmet. The caption refers to the Biblical "valley of the shadow of death" from the 23rd Psalm. Reflects American anger, as the first Korean War prisoner exchange…
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    The "old" dealer 1 drawing. | Three-panel cartoon shows an older man (labeled "G.O.P.") attempting (and failing) to shuffle a deck of cards (labeled "Patronage"). As he picks up the cards, he complains of being out of practice for 20 years. Reflects Republican inexperience in handling political patronage as they return to power in January 1953.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    The endless night 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows a couple, standing arm-in-arm beside a lighted candle, staring out a window into the darkness. Symbolizes the American families waiting, as the Korean War drags on, for their sons to come home.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01
  • Photo, Print, Drawing
    Arms and the man 1 drawing. | Cartoon shows a barrel-chested Uncle Sam wearing a shirt labeled "Tough Talk" flexing a puny muscle labeled "Production." Probably contrasts the Eisenhower Administration's hardline Cold War rhetoric with its plans to cut back on military spending.
    • Contributor: Alley, Cal
    • Date: 1953-01-01