Zhejiang hai yun quan an chu bian : shi juan
浙江海運全案初編 : 十卷 / | /
Includes imperial documents, official reports, register of granaries and stockpiles, records of sea charts, boat sizes and dimensions.
Zhejiang Sheng (China). Liang Dao Ku - Huang, Zonghan - Chun, Shou - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Zhang, Kailian. Yi Juan - Ge, Yuanxu. Er Juan - Xu, Lian - Hubei Sheng (China). Guan Shu Chu - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Pan, Wei
Book/Printed Material
Dao gu tang ji
In 3 cases. Title from title page. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 框18.8 x 13.4公分, 10行21字, 白口, 左右雙邊, 單黑魚尾. 版心中鐫書名, 卷次及小題. 鈐印二:書名葉右上鈐"道古堂"朱文長方印;左下鈐"本衙藏版翻刻必究"白文大方印. 書名葉正中題"道古堂集",含《文集》四十八卷,《詩集》二十六卷。卷首額題"道古堂文集卷之一",下署"仁和杭世駿大宗撰"。版心中題"道古堂文集" 或"道古堂詩集",卷次及小題,下題每卷頁碼. 卷前有乾隆四十一年汪沆序,王瞿舊序。汪序記是書之刊印云:"先生捐館之逾歲,嗣君賓仁奉其手訂《道古堂集》屬予審定。予辱交先生五十餘年,竊窺先生之學大抵以六經為之根,貫穿群史,出入百家 ... 爰商之先生舊交翟教授晴江,顧廣州涑園,梁侍講山舟互相讎校。三君子欣然襄事,而以教授君董其成。是集始開雕於先生之嗣君 ... 始工於乾隆乙未(40年,1775)春二月,迄工於丙申(乾隆41年,1776)冬十月,《文集》四十八卷,《詩集》二十六卷。"王瞿序稱"甲寅夏季,杭君堇浦編次所為文,得百有幾十首。"甲寅為雍正十二年,時世駿年38,曾編次其集,王瞿為之序,但未梓行。沒後子賓仁編此本,仍冠其序,故題曰"舊序"。按:據許宗彥《鑑止水齋集》"杭太史別傳",杭世駿生於康熙35年,卒於乾隆37年,則此本刻於其卒後三年,為最早刻本. 道古堂文集 : 四十八卷 -- 道古堂詩集 : 三卷.
Wang, Zhaijiu - Hang, Shijun - Wang, Hang - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Hang, Binren
Book/Printed Material
Zhi zhu tan : si juan
隻麈談 : 四卷 / | Zhi zhu tan
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. December 4, 1956 0798T. 框13.5 x 9.8公分, 9行21字, 白口, 左右雙邊, 單黑魚尾. 版心上鐫書名, 中鐫卷次. 封面鐫: "隻塵譚. 蟄夫居士纂述. 蒹人學者評訂. 乾隆己酉新鐫." 補:卷首題“朱慶湄卷一”,下署“宛涇蟄夫胡承譜韵仲甫纂述,同里蒹人朱慶湄青川甫評訂”。書名葉中題“隻塵譚”,右題“蟄夫居士纂述”,左題“蒹人學者評訂”,眉端橫題“乾隆己酉新鐫”。卷前有乾隆五十三年朱慶湄敘,同年自敘。另有《隻塵譚或問》、《隻塵譚述夢》兩篇.
Hu, Chengpu - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Zhu, Qingmei
Book/Printed Material
Chong ding zeng bu Taozhugong zhi fu qi shu : si juan
/ | Zeng bu zhi fu qi shu | Zhi fu qi shu | Taozhugong zhi fu qi shu
Fan Li, also known as Taozhugong, was an advisor in the state of Yue in the Spring and Autumn Period and became a successful entrepeneur. The horizontal title at the top of the printing area indicates that this edition was reprinted in 1775; included is a preface by Zhongshanyisou (Xu Zhonglin) from 1678.
Chen, Jiru - Xu, Zhonglin - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Fan, LI
Cui, Hua - Lai, Zhide - Huai De Tang - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Guo, Zizhang
Book/Printed Material
Xin ke Dong hai Wang xian sheng zuan ji yang zhai shi shu : si juan
新刻東海王先生纂輯陽宅十書 : 四卷 / | Quan tu Yang zhai shi shu
Introduction says the original work, "Yang zhai shi shu yin", was written by He Luowen in Shenyang in 1590; this edition compiled by Wang Junrong in 1597 based on variant editions of "Zhai jing", with paintings and rhyme formulas from the original edition.
San Duo Zhai - He, Luowen - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Wang, Junrong
Book/Printed Material
Dui pei quan tu : bu fen juan
/ | Tui bei tu
Famous Tang Dynasty work compiled by Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng; each leaf contains an elaborate illustration annotated by annotation; also includes vermilion seals.
Yuan, Tian'gang - Jin, Suolun - Yuan, Tiankang - LI, Chunfeng - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Zhou, Rudeng - Yunwen - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Zonggao
Book/Printed Material
Nanhua zhen jing ping zhu : shi juan
/ | Nanhua jing | Zhuangzi Nanhua zhen jing
In case. "Copy 2." Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. September 18, 1940 580875. 明刻本 四周單欄 白口 白魚尾 版匡高18.6+3.2+1.5 寬13.6公分. 九行十八字 夾註雙行字同. Nine lines, with eighteen characters per line; notes in paired lines of eighteen characters per line interspersed. 原題:「晉郭象子玄輯注,明歸有光熙甫批閱,文震孟文起訂正。」卷端有馮夢禎序,玩其語意,似為夢禎自撰之書而作。約之並當為書估所 託名。然板心刻「竺塢藏書」四字,竹塢震孟子秉所自號也,則又似確與文氏有關係。蔡毅中(序),馮夢禎(序).
Cai, Yizhong - Zhuangzi - Wen, Zhenmeng - Guo, Xiang - Feng, Mengzhen - Gui, Youguang - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Nanhua jing : shi liu juan
南華經 : 十六卷 / | Zhuangzi Guo zhu | /
In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. March 14, 1950 0653J. 明萬曆三十三年序刊本 四冊一函 匡上鐫評雙行六字 四周單邊 白口 無魚尾 無豎欄 版匡高20.4寬14.1公分 全書高26.6寬16.5公分. 八行十八字. Eight lines, with eighteen characters per line. 原題:「晉子玄郭象註,輯諸名家評釋,宋林[yan]齋口義,劉須溪點校,明王鳳洲評點,附陳明卿批注。」題名用五色,卷內評語註語,一如題名顏色。郭象用淺墨,諸名家用深墨,林[yan]齋用深紅,王鳳洲陳明卿用淺紅,劉須溪用黛。前有沈汝紳小序云:「余始有事於南華,而彙集諸家評點,譯其最以從,偶語與友人凌君寔氏」云云,然則彙評者沈汝紳,而印行者凌氏也。徐常吉(序),馮夢禎(序)萬曆三十三年(1605),沈汝紳(序),郭象(序).
Zhuangzi - Shen, Rushen - Xu, Changji - Feng, Mengzhen - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Xin ke Mei gong Chen xian sheng ping zhu Laozi juan : yi juan. Juan Mei gong Chen xian sheng ping xuan Lao Zhuang he juan : wu juan
/ | Laozi juan
In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. November 24, 1950 2051J. 明書林蕭鳴盛刻本 四周單欄 白口 無魚尾 匡高17.9+2.8寬12.3公分. 下欄九行二十字 上欄雙行四字. Lower column: nine lines, with twenty characters per line; upper column: paired lines of four characters per line. 無書名葉。版心上題書名,下題卷次及每卷頁碼。《老子隽》卷端額題"新刻眉公陳先生評注老子隽卷之一",下署"雲間眉公陳繼儒評註,侗初張鼐校閱,書林潭陽蕭鳴盛繡梓"。《老莊合雋》卷一額題"鐫眉公陳先生評選老莊合雋内篇卷之一",下署"雲間眉公陳繼儒評選,句容賓王張榜參校,潭陽儆韋蕭鳴盛繡梓"。但卷二至卷五額題"鐫眉公陳先生評選老莊合雋",無"内篇"二字。卷二下署"雲間眉公陳繼儒評選,句容賓王張榜參校,書林少渠蕭世燕繡梓",卷三至卷五下無署名。《老子隽》卷首有陳繼儒撰《老莊合雋序》,目錄題"老莊合雋目錄",實僅有《莊子》五卷細目,並無《老子》目錄。鈐印有"不禁偷看,訒堂珍藏"朱文方印,"蕉鹿窩"朱文橢圓印.
Lin, Xiaoming - Chen, Jiru - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Laozi yuan yi : er juan, Kao yi yi juan, fu lu yi juan
老子元翼 : 二卷, 考異一卷, 附錄一卷 / | Dao de jing yuan yi | 道德經元翼 [上下卷] 考異, 附錄 /
Chapter 1 is "Kao yi"; chapter 2 is a supplement; preface by Guo Qiansi is dated 1740; text includes red ink markings.
Laozi - San Duo Zhai - Su, Guangyu - Jiao, Hong - XI, Yu - Guo, Qiansi - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Wan wu zhen yuan : yi juan
萬物真原 : 一卷 /
The Italian author promotes Catholicism, but is critical of neo-Confucianism.
Aleni, Giulio - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Da zang jing : shi san zhong
大藏經 : 十三種 /
In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. November 30, 1949 0377J. 北宋刻崇寧藏零本 經摺裝 無竪欄 上下單邊通欄 無版心 版匡高24.9公分,寬22.5公分(以整葉邊緣至邊緣計,因冊一殘,尺寸據冊二首葉)全書高27.5寬11.3公分 硬黃紙. 半葉六行十七字. On each half leaf, six lines, with seventeen characters per line. v. 1. 《二經同卷》(殘)(半葉六行十七字 存四個半葉) -- v. 2. 《根本說一切有部毗奈耶雜事》(卷三十八)(殘)(半葉六行十七字 存十六個半葉) -- v. 3. 《切如來真實攝大乘現證三昧大教王經》(殘)(半葉六行 上半部殘 存二十個半葉) -- v. 4. 邑字函音釋》(七卷 半葉六行十七字 存六個半葉) -- v. 5. 《雜阿含經》卷九 (殘) (半葉六行十七字…
Dagao - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Lingfeng Ouyi da shi zong lun : shi juan, juan shou yi juan
靈峰〓益大師宗論 : 十卷, 卷首一卷 / | Lingfeng zong lun | 靈峰澫益大師宗論 : 十卷, 卷首一卷 /
In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. W. W. Rockhill. Ou is written: 上草下水禺. 清嘉慶五年碩親王裕豐刻本 四周單邊 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高21.7寬14.1公分 黃紙. 十行二十字. Ten lines, with twenty characters per line. 無書名葉。正文卷端題"靈峰〓益大師宗論卷第一之一",下署"古歙門人成時編輯"。正文前卷首一卷含"靈峰〓益大師自傳",順治乙未成時續傳,癸卯(康熙二年)成時附記,成時"靈峰始日大師私諡竊議",成時"靈峰〓益大師宗論序",成時"靈峰〓益大師宗論序說",目錄。卷末有"書重刻靈峰〓益大師宗論後",末題"嘉慶嵗次庚申(五年,1800)春正月穀旦,和碩親王裕豐敬刻"。〓益大師 (1599-1655)吳縣 (江蘇) 木瀆人,俗姓鍾,名際明。又名聲,字振之。號八不道人。廿四歲從憨山弟子雪嶺師剃度,改名智旭。由於晚居靈峰 (浙江杭縣),建寺創社著書,故世稱靈峰〓益大師。此書為其弟子成時法師編輯其遺文而成。其他著作頗多,有楞嚴經玄義二卷、楞嚴經文句十卷、阿彌陀經要解一卷、金剛經破空論一卷、梵綱經合註七卷、毘尼事義集要十七卷、相宗八要直解八卷、閱藏知津四 十八卷、周易禪解十卷、四書〓益解四卷等四十餘部。其中,閱藏知津一書係解說大藏經之經、律、論、雜等四部,為介紹佛教經籍之目錄學著作.
Zhixu - Chengshi - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - He Shi Xiang Qin Wang Yufeng
Book/Printed Material
Fo shuo Emituo jing shu chao : si juan
/ | Fo shuo Amituo jing shu chao | Emituo jing shu chao | Amituo jing shu chao | Mituo jing shu chao
In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. 框19.2 x 12.7公分, 10行20字, 白口, 左右雙邊, 雙黑順魚尾. 版心中鐫"彌陀經疏鈔"及卷次, 卷一首頁下鐫"趙文奎刻". 所附"彌陀經圖"後有牌記鐫"大明萬曆二十五年歲次丁酉十一月十七日刊成 ..."及"大清乾隆十四年冬月潭柘監院比丘來琳重修板存翊教寺".
Zhuhong - Yi Jiao Si (Beijing, China) - Zhao, Wenkui - Cheng, Yingqu - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Lailin
Book/Printed Material
Nanping Jing ci si zhi : shi juan
/ | Jing ci si zhi
In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 6XX changed to Hangzhou Shi from Hangzhou; yb11 2003-12-16 著者據"自序". 萬曆乙卯(43年, 1615)虞淳熙"序"及萬曆丙辰(44年, 1616)鄭圭"序". 紀事至康熙四年(1665). 框20.6 x 15公分, 10行20字, 白口, 左右雙邊, 單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫"淨慈寺志", 中鐫卷次. 明釋大壑撰。大壑字元津,杭州淨慈寺僧。以寺無志,乃創修之,凡二十載而成,用力至勤,該寺在杭州城西南屏山,亦一名勝也。虞淳熙(序)萬曆乙卯(1615),鄭圭(序)「萬曆」丙辰(1616),大壑(序).
Dahe - Yu, Chunxi - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Zheng, Gui
Book/Printed Material
Tiantai shan fang wai zhi : san shi juan
/ | Tiantai shan zhi
In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 05/14/03 T;10/31/01 T 框20.5 x 15.2公分, 9行18字, 白口, 左右雙邊, 單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫"幽溪講堂", 中鐫"天台山志"及卷次. 書中有楊廷筠等天啓年間所作詩文. 有萬曆四十年(1612)顧起元"序". 著者據明萬二十九年(1601)傳燈"序".
Chuandeng - You XI Jiang Tang - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Ping shan tang xiao zhi : jiu juan
平山堂小志 : 九卷 / | Ping shan tang zhi
Chapters 1-7 include poems and essays about Pingshan tang; chapters 8-9 have poems and essays about scenic locations near Pingshan tang.
Wang. Lide - Cheng, Mengxing - Shen, Deqian - Wang, Bingde - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Book/Printed Material
Da Qing guo chu shi wang da chen qi zhi tu ce : bu fen juan
大清國出使王大臣旗幟圖冊 : 不分卷 /
Manuscript. Captions also in English. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 一冊一夾板. One volume in wooden case. 清末彩繪本 冊葉裝裱 四周單邊 白口 無魚尾 内芯高26.4寬36.6公分 全書高31.0寬41.8公分 白絹本. 圖繪. All illustrations. 錦緞上下木夾板,金紙簽題"大清國出使王大臣旗幟圖冊",五彩繪白絹上,四周以天藍暗花紋絹裝裱,裝潢考究。共十一圖,每圖左邊題字,計有: "和碩親王出使旗式","多羅郡王出使旗式","多貝勒出使旗式","固山貝子出使旗式","公爵出使旗式","文職一品大臣出使旗式","武職一品大臣出使旗式","文職二品大臣出使旗式","武職二品大臣出使旗式","文職三品大臣出使旗式","武職三品大臣出使旗式"。下方另紙貼有英文翻譯。"和碩親王出使旗式"左下鈐"慶寫繪"朱文長方印. 每圖旗為黃色,邊為鋸齒形。正中繪藍色金鱗五爪龍,頭向左方,上方繪一紅日,與清朝國旗大龍旗相近,只是國旗紅日正對龍鬚,此冊各旗紅日在龍首上方。龍身上方繪圓形或方形圖標,表明身份官階。親王、郡王四團龍,貝勒、貝子二團龍,公爵二方形龍,文、武職一品至三品繪仙鶴、麒麟、鳳凰等方形圖,邊上均以彩雲環繞.
Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - China. Nei Fu
Mu shi zong pu
木氏宗譜 / | Mu shi huan pu
Joseph Rock invited painters who were Mu family relatives to reproduce Mu family ancestors' portraits in accordance with style of the original illustrations; included are portraits of chiefs of the Mu tribe in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, from the first to the thirty-third generation.
Yang, Shen - Chen, Zhaotang - Cao, Yongxian - Rock, Joseph F. (Joseph Francis)
Book/Printed Material
Dai Tō Seiiki ki
大唐西域記 / | Daitō Seiikiki
In Chinese, with Japanese reading marks. Caption title. Within single border, except outside open (22.7 cm.), text in 10 vertical lines. On double leaves, oriental style (fukurotoji). LC set wormed, with loss of text. Shina gakugei daijii, p. 798 (Dai Tō Seiiki ki, 12-kan, by Genshō jutsu, Benki sen). Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 2832 LC set…
Xuanzang - Japanese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - Bianji
Book/Printed Material
Ming shan tu.
Maps include several geographic features; the names of mountains are marked on the left or right corner above the pictures.
Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress)
Da Ming yi tong zhi : jiu shi juan
In 8 cases. 有眉批. 參見《中國古籍善本書目》史部, no. 8098 框25.8 x 17.7公分, 黑口, 四周雙邊, 順黑魚尾, 版心中鐫書名及卷次. 十行二十二字 小字雙行二十二字. Ten lines, with twenty-two characters per line; small characters in paired lines of twenty-two characters per line. 疑此書為翻刻明天順五年(1461)刻本. 天順五年"御製大明一統志序". 著者據"職名". 明李賢等奉敕撰。按劉若愚《內版經書記略》云:「《大明一統志》四十本三千一百五十葉」,即此本也。此書文字稍模糊,當因後印。卷內鈐「廣運之寶」,又有:「中吳錢氏收藏印」,「吳越王子孫」,「懸罄室」,「錢穀」,「叔寶」等印記。「廣運之寶」上,又有墨文長方木記云:「賣衣買書志亦迂,愛護不異隨侯珠,有假不返遭神誅,子孫鬻之何其愚」;與《愛日精廬藏書志》卷二十九畫上人集所鈐印文稍異。眉端有批註,蓋出錢氏父子手,為可寶也。御製序 天順五年(1461),李賢(序) 進表 天順五年(1461).
LI, Xian - Wan, an - Chinese Rare Book Collection (Library of Congress) - China. Nei Fu