Collection Items
NewspaperImage 6 of The Marietta journal (Marietta, Ga.), July 17, 1924 ... pride of his state. The Liberty Tree at Dalton Evidently the Junior Order wants the…
- Contributor: Digital Library of Georgia, a Project of Galileo Located at the University of Georgia Libraries
- Date: 1924-07-17
NewspaperImage 50 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), December 19, 1924 Fence Protects Liberty Tree From Souvenir Huntersl ANNAPOLIS, Md„ December 19. In line with the national…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1924-12-19
NewspaperImage 5 of The farmer and mechanic (Raleigh, N.C.), April 25, 1911 ... pursued. And their temple was Liberty Tree. like the tree. old, contentment pa- they troubles…
- Contributor: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, Nc
- Date: 1911-04-25
NewspaperImage 4 of The weekly Arizona miner (Prescott, Ariz.), October 23, 1869 ... sued, And their Temple was Liberty Tree. Beneath this fair tree, like the patriarchs of…
- Contributor: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
- Date: 1869-10-23
NewspaperImage 2 of The Bridgeport times and evening farmer (Bridgeport, Conn.), August 14, 1919 ... reminder today of tho celebrated Liberty Tree of Boston. The original Liberty Tree was the…
- Contributor: Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT
- Date: 1919-08-14
NewspaperImage 1 of The Brunswick news (Brunswick, Ga.;[Brunswick, Georgia?]), October 12, 1906 ... ceremonies connected with planting the “Liberty tree” on November 10. The Daugn cers are planning…
- Contributor: Digital Library of Georgia, a Project of Galileo Located at the University of Georgia Libraries
- Date: 1906-10-12
NewspaperImage 5 of Mower County transcript (Lansing, Minn.), July 2, 1902 Ana their temple, was Liberty Tree. Beneath'this fair tree, like the patriarchs of old, Their bread…
- Contributor: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
- Date: 1902-07-02
NewspaperImage 21 of The Montgomery advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.), October 13, 1907 ... John’s College, known as the "Liberty Tree,” which is not only supposed to be about…
- Contributor: University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa, AL
- Date: 1907-10-13
NewspaperImage 1 of The Salt Lake herald (Salt Lake City [Utah]), April 20, 1894 ... Madison Chapter MemphisTenn to Californias Liberty Tree was read I The Liberty Tree is a…
- Contributor: University of Utah, Marriott Library
- Date: 1894-04-20
NewspaperImage 1 of The Brunswick news (Brunswick, Ga.;[Brunswick, Georgia?]), November 11, 1906 The planting of a liberty tree In 3runswick yesterday afternoon was a notable event: one that…
- Contributor: Digital Library of Georgia, a Project of Galileo Located at the University of Georgia Libraries
- Date: 1906-11-11
NewspaperImage 16 of New-York tribune (New York [N.Y.]), October 20, 1907 ... an ode to the "Old Liberty Tree." composed by J. Wirt Randall was read by…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1907-10-20
NewspaperImage 4 of The New-Hampshire gazette and historical chronicle (Portsmouth, N.H.), November 12, 1773 ... hung out on the Liberty Tree, and at- 11 o’clock the Bells in the…
- Contributor: Dartmouth College
- Date: 1773-11-12
NewspaperImage 10 of The morning call (San Francisco [Calif.]), April 20, 1894 ... us the idea of the liberty tree as well as they gave us Lafayette. We…
- Contributor: University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
- Date: 1894-04-20
NewspaperImage 3 of The Butte daily bulletin (Butte, Mont.), August 14, 1919 ... ;-crmninder today of the celebrated Liberty Tree of Boston. The original Liberty .Tree was the…
- Contributor: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
- Date: 1919-08-14
NewspaperImage 5 of Southern Christian advocate (Charleston, S.C.), July 27, 1899 Liberty Tree la Charleston. An incident of the Revolutionary War. which is authentic, though not in…
- Contributor: University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC
- Date: 1899-07-27
NewspaperImage 2 of Virginia Argus (Richmond, Va.), May 24, 1799 ... intend*-' to cut down thifc Liberty tree-— nr., was their an fwer—they were alkcd furrier,…
- Contributor: Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA
- Date: 1799-05-24
NewspaperImage 30 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 14, 1957 ... and dis eased branches. Annapolis “Liberty Tree” Before the Revolutionary War, Boston, Providence, New port…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1957-07-14
NewspaperImage 215 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 14, 1957 ... on noth both! PT Famous Liberty Tree on front of each model! I ill Imagine!…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1957-07-14
NewspaperImage 4 of The hydraulic press (North San Juan, Nev. Co., Cal.), July 27, 1861 ... pursued, And their temple was Liberty Tree. Beneath this fair tree, like the patriarchs of…
- Contributor: University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
- Date: 1861-07-27
NewspaperImage 4 of East Oregonian : E.O (Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Or.;Pendleton, OR), July 13, 1914, (DAILY … ... Troops paraded; Declaration read at Liberty Tree; heeis, flags, and drums. The j Liberty Tree…
- Contributor: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
- Date: 1914-07-13
NewspaperImage 167 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), October 13, 1957 ... before the Continental Congress, the Liberty Tree under which Mary land settlers signed a treaty…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1957-10-13
NewspaperImage 168 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), October 13, 1957 ... a quarter tour. J The Liberty Tree, on the campus of St. John's Col- A…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1957-10-13
NewspaperImage 6 of Marble Hill press (Marbel [sic] Hill, Mo.), May 27, 1909 ... people call the poplar the "liberty tree," and it has a right to the name.…
- Contributor: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
- Date: 1909-05-27
NewspaperImage 2 of Carbon County news (Red Lodge, Mont.), January 10, 1941 ... the his tory of the Liberty tree at Annap olis, Md. This tree, an immense…
- Contributor: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
- Date: 1941-01-10
NewspaperImage 6 of The Alamogordo news (Alamogordo, N.M.), August 19, 1909 ... people call the poplar the "liberty tree," and it has a right to the name.…
- Contributor: University of New Mexico
- Date: 1909-08-19
NewspaperImage 12 of Springfield weekly Republican (Springfield, Mass.), June 7, 1906 ... idea, and hope that the 'Liberty tree' so planted may grow to the dimensions and…
- Contributor: Boston Public Library
- Date: 1906-06-07
NewspaperImage 2 of Worcester daily spy (Worcester [Mass.]), January 6, 1876 ... pursu’d, And their temple was Liberty Tree. Beneath this fair tree, like the patriarchs of…
- Contributor: Boston Public Library
- Date: 1876-01-06
NewspaperImage 6 of The Sauk Centre herald (Sauk Centre, Stearns County, Minn.), June 6, 1895 Hallowed Earth For a liberty Tree. Congressman Benito Juarez, son of the hero of the Mexican…
- Contributor: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
- Date: 1895-06-06
NewspaperImage 3 of St. Johnsbury Caledonian (St. Johnsbury, Vt.), April 17, 1901 ... The Birmingham (Ala., Age-Herald. The Liberty Tree. The following is taken from a paper on…
- Contributor: University of Vermont
- Date: 1901-04-17
NewspaperImage 1 of The daily sentinel (Grand Junction, Colo.), March 14, 1899 "LIBERTY TREE” PLANTED. Santiago—Arbor day in Cuba was in augurated here yesterday by the plant ing…
- Contributor: History Colorado
- Date: 1899-03-14
NewspaperImage 1 of Chariton courier (Keytesville, Chariton County, Mo.), June 15, 1894 The liberty Tree. We take the following from the y lUlstrr; pufcEsHed at inddtrMjyjents to pay,…
- Contributor: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
- Date: 1894-06-15
NewspaperImage 4 of The liberator (Boston, Mass.), November 23, 1855 ... desiring him to appear under Liberty Tree, on December 16th, at 2 o’clock, P. M.,…
- Contributor: Boston Public Library
- Date: 1855-11-23
NewspaperImage 3 of The Harlem news (Harlem, Mont.), December 25, 1931 ... —Popular Me chanics Magazine. City’s Liberty Tree The Providence (R. I.) Journal says that on…
- Contributor: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
- Date: 1931-12-25
NewspaperImage 2 of The Kanabec County times (Mora, MN), May 28, 1909 ... people call the poplar the “liberty tree,” and it has a right to the name.…
- Contributor: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
- Date: 1909-05-28
NewspaperImage 7 of The Dawson news (Dawson, Ga.;Dawson, Georgia), June 19, 1895 ... News. Hallowed Earth For a Liberty Tree. Congressman Benito Juarez, son of the hero of…
- Contributor: Digital Library of Georgia, a Project of Galileo Located at the University of Georgia Libraries
- Date: 1895-06-19
NewspaperImage 1 of The record-union (Sacramento, Calif.), April 20, 1894 ... Memphis, Term., to Califor nia's Liberty Tree was read. The Liberty Tree is a fine…
- Contributor: University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
- Date: 1894-04-20
NewspaperImage 18 of Evening public ledger (Philadelphia [Pa.]), May 13, 1921, (Night Extra) ... miles. And their temple was Liberty Tree. Iteneath this fair tree, like the patriarchs of…
- Contributor: Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA
- Date: 1921-05-13
NewspaperImage 12 of The Ogden standard (Ogden City, Utah), April 28, 1916, (4 P.M. CITY EDITION) ... And the plant slie named Liberty Tree. The leaders of the Sons of Liberty were…
- Contributor: University of Utah, Marriott Library
- Date: 1916-04-28
NewspaperImage 3 of The New-Hampshire gazette and general advertiser (Portsmouth [N.H.]), January 16, 1788 ... 51@1’“( 10 50| Moderate, Our LIBERTY TREE A Federal O N G. N acharriotof light,…
- Contributor: Dartmouth College
- Date: 1788-01-16
NewspaperImage 11 of The morning call (San Francisco [Calif.]), April 19, 1894 ... French will read a poem, "Liberty Tree," and General W. H. L. Barnes Kill deliver…
- Contributor: University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA
- Date: 1894-04-19