Collection Items
NewspaperImage 28 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 26, 1932 ... State's 16 votes in the Democratic National Convention ire due in Chicago tomorrow. Homer S.…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-26
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 23, 1932 ... be unable to attend the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week. Spellacv had been…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-23
NewspaperImage 18 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 19, 1932 ... Roosevelt in nomination at the Democratic National Convention, James A. Farley, manager of the gov…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-19
NewspaperImage 16 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 5, 1932 ... the Minnesota delegation to the Democratic National Convention this week when Joseph Wolf, rural banker,…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-05
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 4, 1932 ... out at the San Francisco Democratic National Convention. In the dozen years that succeeded. Roose…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-04
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 22, 1932 ... the Resolutions Committee at the Democratic National Convention, ac cording to word received at national…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-22
NewspaperImage 1 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 23, 1932 ... arrived in Chicago for the Democratic national convention. He was given an enthusiastic greeting by…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-23
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 22, 1932 ... the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention next week In Chicago were current today…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-22
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 29, 1932 ... as permanent chairman of the National Democratic Convention. Farley was first to congratulate the victor.—A.…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-29
NewspaperImage 1 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 30, 1932 ... repeal plank adopted by the Democratic national convention. Through James A. Farley, his campaign manager,…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-30
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 27, 1932 ... on the floor of the Democratic National Convention over the applica tion of the unit…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-27
NewspaperImage 3 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 3, 1932 ... J. Walsh, chairman of the Democratic National Convention, as he and other convention officials on…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-03
NewspaperImage 8 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 27, 1932 ... Chicago to at tend the Democratic National Convention. During her stay there she will be…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-27
NewspaperImage 8 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 27, 1932 ... the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention in St. Louis, John Kelly said: "Tilden…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-27
NewspaperImage 3 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 21, 1932 ... prepare for battle in the Democratic National Convention which opens next week. While a candidate…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-21
NewspaperImage 1 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 29, 1932 ... (1.N.5.). —Roosevelt leaders in the Democratic national convention drove hard today into the camps of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-29
NewspaperImage 3 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 28, 1932 VIRGINIA women in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention are shown here presenting former Gov. Harry…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-28
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 20, 1932 ... Committee, and lelegates to the National Democratic Convention. The convention tomorrow will noml late the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-20
NewspaperImage 3 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 4, 1932 ... Alfred E. Smith at he Democratic National Convention, eturued last night from Chicago. He praised…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-04
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 26, 1932 CAROLINA’S INTEREST CENTERS ON STATE RACES Democratic National Convention to Get Less Attention Than Local Elections.…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-26
NewspaperImage 3 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 29, 1932 ... nominations be adopted by the Democratic National Convention to be held in 1936. So passes…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-29
NewspaperImage 1 of Henderson daily dispatch (Henderson, N.C.), July 1, 1932 ... dripping wet plank by the National Democratic Convention on the senatorial primary in this Stale7…
- Contributor: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, Nc
- Date: 1932-07-01
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 29, 1932 ... second day's session of the Democratic National Convention It became evident that the presidential candidacy…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-29
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 30, 1932 ... nomination ior President in the Democratic National Convention this after noon. The nominating speech for…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-30
NewspaperImage 8 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 11, 1932 ... for so many hours over Democratic national conventions as has Senator Thomas J. Walsh of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-11
NewspaperImage 2 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 27, 1932 ... front, Roosevelt forces in the Democratic national convention were weakening somewhat today in their deter…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-27
NewspaperImage 20 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 24, 1932 ... to Chicago to attend the Democratic National Convention; and while there thev will be the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-24
NewspaperImage 2 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 3, 1932 ... In Indianapolis today from the Democratic National Convention at Chicago and attempted to get Into…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-03
NewspaperImage 5 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 27, 1932 ... DELIVERED BY SENATOR BARKLEY TO DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION f CHICAGO, June 27. The partial text…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-27
NewspaperImage 4 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), July 2, 1932 ... of them stirring, marked the Democratic National Convention at Chicago Jhursday night. During one of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-02
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 6, 1932 ... controversy came up In the Democratic National Convention and may rise to plague the Democrats…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-06
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), August 29, 1932 ... prohibition plank adopted b; the Democratic National Convention and which he has Indorsed 103 per…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-08-29
NewspaperImage 4 of Henderson daily dispatch (Henderson, N.C.), June 27, 1932 ... Raskob today called upon the Democratic National Convention to adopt a platform com mitting t\e…
- Contributor: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, Nc
- Date: 1932-06-27
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 28, 1932 ... for permanent chairman of the Democratic National Convention was j foreshadowed last night by the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-28
NewspaperImage 32 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 30, 1932 ... will be placed before the Democratic national convention here in an “impromptu, roof raisin’ speech.”…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-30
NewspaperImage 8 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 7, 1932 ... the wounds left by :he Democratic National Convention lust closed. That those wounds ran Jeep…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-07
NewspaperImage 17 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 22, 1932 ... dele gation leave for the Democratic national convention at Chicago. The special train on which…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-22
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 20, 1932 ... for the presidency at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week. He is John…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-20
NewspaperImage 8 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 3, 1932 ... Star. ι CHICAGO, July 2.—The Democratic National Convention adjourned tonight without considering a proposed rule…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-07-03
NewspaperImage 3 of The Washington times (Washington [D.C.]), June 30, 1932 ... a wet platform by the Democratic national convention will make him its presidential cltoicc. The…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1932-06-30