Collection Items
NewspaperImage 3 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 7, 1952 ... the opening day of the Republican National Convention: Morning Session—l2:3o P.M. (EDT). Call to order…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-07
NewspaperImage 21 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 6, 1952 ... glaring intensity tomorrow on the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION Republican National Convention. On the scene will…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-06
NewspaperImage 9 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 10, 1952 ... the dele gates to this Republican National Convention. 11. Hie regular Republican State Central Committee…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-10
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 7, 1952 ... Virginia delega tion to the Republican National Convention came today as an in formal poll…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-07
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 9, 1952 ... Creden tials Committee of the Republican National Convention today voted unanimously for the seating of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-09
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 3, 1952 ... next week. They’ll get their Republican National Convention news direct from a corps of staff…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-03
NewspaperImage 6 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 11, 1952 ... orchestration of tumult at the Republican National Convention. They proposed can didates for the G.…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-11
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 6, 1952 ... 1,206 dele gates to the Republican national convention begin their delibera tions. The fight between…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-06
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 8, 1952 ... July B.—Today’s program for the Republican National Convention (second day): Day Session—l2:3o P.M. (EBT). Convention…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-08
NewspaperImage 3 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 4, 1952 ... tabulation of delegates to the Republican National Convention based on delegates pledged, in structed or…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-04
NewspaperImage 6 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 10, 1952 ... of del egates to the Republican National Convention based on delegates pledged, instructed or willing…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-10
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 5, 1952 ... the keynote address of the Republican National Convention. At that moment he may well command…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-05
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 10, 1952 ... McCarthy of Wisconsin addresses the Republican National Convention. —AP Wirephoto. Kefauver Claims Strength In Illinois,…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-10
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 24, 1952 ... Maryland dele gation to the Republican National Convention. Will Still Give Out Data. The committee…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-24
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 23, 1952 ... Creden tials Committee of the Republican National Convention. The credentials group will rec ommend the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-23
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 10, 1952 ... are bringing Washington audiences the Republican National Convention proceedings. Here are the schedules, subject to…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-10
NewspaperImage 23 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 6, 1952 ... delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention left for Chicago this afternoon. Their “Empire…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-06
NewspaperImage 3 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 10, 1952 ... she OFFICIAL PIANO of the Republican National Convention in Chicago JULY 7-10 See and hear…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-10
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 4, 1952 ... next week. They’ll get their Republican National Convention news direct from a corps of staff…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-04
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 9, 1952 ... last night’s session of the Republican National Convention opened, the seats of the New York…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-09
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 25, 1952 ... Pennsylvania’s 70 delegates to the Republican National Convention, finds the floodlights and humidity a bit…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-25
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 9, 1952 ... as key noter of the Republican National Convention. Supporters of Senator Taft, Gen. Eisenhower’s chief…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-09
NewspaperImage 10 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 27, 1952 ... to the delegates to the Republican National Convention: You may have heard the story of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-27
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 29, 1952 ... New York delegates to the Republican National Convention to vote for whomever they choose "without…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-29
NewspaperImage 13 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 9, 1952 ... advice for televiewers watching the Republican National Convention: If you want to get a correct…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-09
NewspaperImage 6 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 6, 1952 ... pell et delefate. to the Republican national convention shows 530 favoring Sen ator Taft and…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-06
NewspaperImage 1 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 2, 1952 ... next week. They’ll get their Republican National Convention news direct from a corps of staff…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-02
NewspaperImage 6 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), August 19, 1952 ... strong pro-Taft man at the Republican National Convention, said last night that the West Virginia…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-08-19
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 12, 1952 ... and Vice President, the stormiest Republican National Convention in 40 years adjourned sine die. It…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-12
NewspaperImage 6 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 1, 1952 ... May 31. A shuffling of Republican national convention delegate sentiment in Oklahoma today reduced indicated…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-01
NewspaperImage 4 of The daily record (Dunn, N.C.), July 8, 1952 ... is permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention. (International Soundphoto) Governor Theodore McKeldin of Maryland…
- Contributor: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, Nc
- Date: 1952-07-08
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 1, 1952 ... Another Delaware delegate to the Republican National Convention switched his allegiance today from Senator Taft…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-01
NewspaperImage 1 of The daily record (Dunn, N.C.), July 10, 1952 ... the dele gates to this Republican national convention long after 1 the bitter Eisenhower-Taft fight…
- Contributor: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, Nc
- Date: 1952-07-10
NewspaperImage 7 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 8, 1952 ... the opening session of the Republican National Convention. —AP Wirephoto. i Convention Sidelights Spectators Almost…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-08
NewspaperImage 8 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 21, 1952 ... dur ing skirmishes at the Republican National Convention this month. Senator Wiley said the Gover…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-21
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 8, 1952 ... 38 dele gates to the Republican National Convention are involved was considered, it' was reported,…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-08
NewspaperImage 9 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 7, 1952 ... Southern dele gates to the Republican national convention.” When Senator Robert A. Taft decided that…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-07
NewspaperImage 4 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), July 11, 1952 ... and serious moods as the Republican National Convention approached its payoff sessions. —AP Wirephoto. Elliott…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-07-11
NewspaperImage 5 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 19, 1952 ... 70-member delega tion to the Republican National Convention, will speak briefly at Harrisburg. Gov. Fine…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-19
NewspaperImage 16 of Evening star (Washington, D.C.), June 11, 1952 ... but three of Maryland’s 24 Republican National Convention delegates shoved off for New York today…
- Contributor: Library of Congress, Washington, DC
- Date: 1952-06-11