About this Collection
The Climate Change Web Archive preserves representative, web-based content documenting the causes of, impacts of, and responses to climate change around the world. As a multidisciplinary collection, subjects and creators include federal, state, local, and tribal governments; science and technology; economics and labor; arts and culture; public and social policy; education; and environmental justice.
While the effects of climate change are international and affect everyone, low-income and communities of color are often disproportionately affected by climate change. This collection centers and amplifies the lived experiences, activism, and leadership of young people, LGBTQIA+ populations, and Black, Indigenous, and communities of color in relation to collective climate solutions and strategies.
Sites include blogs, domestic and international non-profit organizations, journalism and news sources, think tank analyses, grassroots advocacy centers, and conservation and climate mitigation resources.
Additional Library of Congress web archive collections with content related to the Climate Change Web Archive include the collections Earth Day 2020 Web Archive and Public Policy Topics Web Archive.
Collection Period: April 2023 to present (this is an ongoing archive).
Frequency of Collection: The majority of sites in the collection were added to crawl on a monthly or quarterly basis, with fewer added to crawl on a weekly basis or once.
Languages: Collection material in more than 20 languages from over 60 countries.
Acquisition Information: Sites have been added incrementally since the project began and will continue to be added as they are identified.