About this Collection
This collection includes various forms of comics literature and criticism, such as blogs and other online publication platforms, to preserve contemporary discussion regarding this format/genre/subject in its various forms (comic books, comic strips, graphic novels, television, film, and other media). These websites complement the original work being collected as a part of the Small Press Expo Comic and Cartoon Art Collection and the Webcomics Collection, as well as the Library's extensive collections of comic and cartoon related materials (comic books, original art, graphic novels, films, television, music, etc). Also included in the collection are the websites of academic and professional organizations, comic cons and events, as well as websites specifically addressing underrepresented groups and subjects in comics.
Collection Period: January 2018 to present (this is an ongoing archive).
Frequency of Collection: Sites in the collection were targeted for capture weekly, monthly, quarterly, twice-yearly, or yearly.
Languages: Collection material in English.
Acquisition Information: Sites have been added incrementally since the project began and will continue to be added as they are identified.