Collection Items
Book/Printed MaterialImage 71 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting a relatively advanced age fortyseven and assiduously working the land He and his political party HaPoel HaTzair The Young Worker were a major force behind the movement to collectivize Jewish…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 79 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting The British military occupation authority in Palestine fearing an Arab rebellion published an AngloFrench Joint Declaration issued after the armistice with Turkey in November 1918 which called for selfdetermination for…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 58 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study The Arab caliph Umar designated Jerusalem as the third holiest place in Islam second only to Mecca and Medina Under the Umayyads based in Damascus the Dome of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 405 of Israel : a country study Bibliography Halpern Ben The Idea of a Jewish State 2d ed Cambridge Harvard University Press 1976 Harkabi Yehoshafat Palestine and Israel New York Halsted Press 1974 Heller Mark Begin s False Autonomy…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 449 of Israel : a country study Index Pale of Settlement 20 21 22 61 Palestine see also Balfour Declaration Britain Arab population of 30 under British French and Russian control 1916 3435 38 British Mandate for 1923 3644…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 92 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study In May 1946 the AngloAmerican Committee of Inquiry unani mously declared its opposition to the White Paper of 1939 and pro posed among other recommendations that the immigration…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 295 of Israel : a country study National Security settling in the area of Palestine and determined to end the centu ries of persecution created selfdefense units called Shomrim or Guardsmen to protect the early settlements In 1909 the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 87 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting and the Mandate authorities pursued a policy of appeasement with respect to the Arabs Britain s policy change in Palestine was not however easily im plemented Since the 1917 Balfour…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 70 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Labor Zionism The defeat of Herzl s Uganda Plan ensured that the fate of the Zionist project would ultimately be determined in Palestine In Palestine the Zionist movement…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 90 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Despite rising BritishJewish tensions thousands of Jewish volun teers served in the British army and on September 14 1944 the Jewish Brigade was established The event that did…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 28 of Israel : a country study The Zionist cause was furthered during World War I by Chaim Weizmann a British Jewish scientist skilled in diplomacy who recognized that Britain would play a major role in the postwar set…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 76 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study administered by an international condominium of the British French and Russians also signatories to the agreement The final British pledge and the one that formally committed the British…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 69 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting he moved to Odessa with the vague hope of modernizing Juda ism His views on Zionism were rooted in the changing nature of Jewish communal life in Eastern Europe Ahad…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 80 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study the curtailment of Jewish immigration According to the census of 1922 the Jews numbered only 84000 or 1 1 percent of the popu lation of Palestine The Zionists…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 59 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting East empire led to increased Western involvement in Palestine The trend toward Western influence accelerated during the nine years 1831 40 that the Egyptian viceroy Muhammad Ali and his son…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 86 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Although the Passfield White Paper was publicly repudiated by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald in 1931 it served to alienate further the Yishuv from the British The year 1929…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 317 of Israel : a country study National Security Israel could draw only tentative conclusions regarding the im provement in Arab military leadership and manpower resources Arab field commanders had not yet demonstrated the successful adaptation of modern command…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 84 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study aspirations of Palestinian Arabs He called for the establishment of a strong Jewish military force capable of compelling the Arabs to accept Zionist claims to Palestine Jabotinsky also…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 454 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Turkey 242 armistice with 37 arms sales to 318 defeat of 35 nationalism of 30 32 Tyre 10 264 266 Tzaban Yair 216 Uganda Plan 27 28 ulpan…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 27 of Israel : a country study Introduction ISRAEL OBSERVED THE fortieth anniversary of its founding as a state in 1988 Although a young nation in the world commu nity Israel has been profoundly influenced by Jewish history that…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 77 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting civil and religious rights of existing nonJewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country The Balfour Declaration radically changed the status…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 82 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study numbers of Arab peasants unable to pay either their Arab land lords or taxes to the government sold their land The British did not intervene in the land…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 64 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study A smaller but growing number of Jews were attracted to the ancient but newly formulated notion of reconstituting a Jewish nation state in Palestine Zionism as it evolved…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 89 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting Palestine as separate from its commitments elsewhere in the Mid dle East by 1939 panArab pressure carried increasing weight in London In the Yishuv the Palestinian Revolt reinforced the already…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 57 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting in an exodus from what they continued to view as the land promised to them as the descendants of Abraham Following the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD and…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 242 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study elections were held in the West Bank in 1976 The civilian adminis tration of the area until late 1987 employed approximately 13000 to 14000 Palestinian civil servants The…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 144 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Religious Institutions The basis of all religious institutions in Israel dates back to the Ottoman Empire 14021921 and its system of confessional group autonomy called the millet system…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 66 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Jewish thinkers to see that emancipation would ultimately exacer bate antiSemitism in Europe He concluded that the only solu tion to the Jewish problem was the establishment of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 46 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Jews a defenseless pariah people As such Zionism is the most radi cal attempt in Jewish history to escape the confines of traditional Judaism The new order from…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 91 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting summarized In 1939 about 10 million of the estimated 16 million Jews in the world lived in Europe By 1945 almost 6 million had been killed most of them in…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 140 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study is true traditional Judaism has been playing a more dominant role since the late 1960s and affecting more of the political and eco nomic dimensions of everyday life…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 93 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting December 1947 said it would take whatever measures were re quired to prevent implementation of the resolution Despite the passage of the UN partition plan the situation in Palestine in…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 85 of Israel : a country study Historical Setting organization in protest against its defensive orientation and joined forces with Betar to set up a new and more militant armed underground organization known as the Irgun The formal name…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 68 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study Another important element contained in Herzl s concept of a Jewish state was the enlightenment faith that all men including antiSemites are basically rational and will work for…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 11 of Israel : a country study Contents Page Foreword iii Acknowledgments v Preface xiii Country Profile XV Introduction xxiii Chapter 1 Historical Setting 1 Mark A Lewis ANCIENT ISRAEL 6 HELLENISM AND THE ROMAN CONQUEST 11 PALESTINE BETWEEN…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 403 of Israel : a country study Bibliography Chapter 1 Abu Lughod Ibrahim ed The Transformation of Palestine Evan ston Illinois Northwestern University Press 1971 Allon Yigal Israel The Case for Defensible Borders Foreign Affairs 55 No 1 1976…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 404 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study The West Bank Data Project A Survey of Israel s Policies Washington American Enterprise Institute 1984 Brookings Institution Toward Peace in the Middle East Report of a Study…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 406 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study The Emergence of Modern Israel Middle Eastern Studies London 8 No 3 1972 42127 Louis William Roger The British Empire in the Middle East 194551 Oxford Oxford University…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 407 of Israel : a country study Bibliography Quandt William B Decade of Decision American Policy Toward the ArabIsraeli Conflict Berkeley and Los Angeles University of California Press 1977 Quandt William B Fuad Jabber and Ann Lesch Politics of…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01
Book/Printed MaterialImage 72 of Israel : a country study Israel A Country Study immediate declaration of Jewish statehood in all of biblical Pales tine He viewed the world in Machiavellian terms military and political power ultimately determine the fate of peoples…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Metz, Helen Chapin
- Date: 1990-01-01