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Collection Dayton C. Miller Collection

Abstract of Master's Report

Maynard, William J. "Dayton C. Miller: his life, work, and contributions as a scientist and organologist." Master's Report, Palmer Graduate Library School, Long Island University, Brookville, New York, 1971, 101 pp.

The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the relationship between Dr. Miller's profession as a scientist and his avocation as an organologist.

Investigations began at the Music Division in The Library of Congress where the Miller collection of flutes and related materials is housed. His correspondence relative to the collection were read, and the books and flutes were given a cursory examination. Books and articles written by Miller pertaining to both his scientific and musical activities were read, as were works written about his dual interests.

Living family members, friends, and colleagues contributed their retrospective thoughts about Miller as a person and as a collector and scientist.

It is the writer's opinion that a direct relationship did indeed exist, and that in this marriage of science and music, each complemented the other in their hypotheses and conclusions. Dr. Miller's contributions to science, organology, pedagogy, writing and lecturing, are on the highest plateau of scientific inquiry and humanism.

Submitted: May 15, 1971. A. Louis Morse, Advisor.

Acceptance of Master's Report

This report has been accepted by the Faculty of the Graduate Library School of Long Island University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science.
