Advent Herald (Boston [Mass.]) 1846-18??
Weekly Vol. 11, no. 1 (Feb. 11, 1846)- = whole no. 249- Published simultaneously in New York, 1846-<1847>. Published by the American Millennial Association, <1869-1873>. Messiah's herald
Himes, Joshua V. (Joshua Vaughan) - American Millennial Association
Advertiser and Register (Mobile, Ala.) 1864-1865
Daily (except Mon.) Vol. 4, no. 913 (June 12, 1864)-v. 5, no. 1243 (Oct. 12, 1865). Editor: J. Forsyth, <1864-1865>. Some issues accompanied by supplements. Also issued on microfilm from Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Div. Published also in weekly and triweekly eds. Mobile daily advertiser and register (Mobile, Ala. : 1865) (DLC)sn 84020535 (OCoLC)11108535
Alabama State Journal (Montgomery, Ala.) 1868-187?
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 16, 1868)- Supplements accompany some issues. Also issued on microfilm from the University of Alabama. Weekly ed. : Alabama State journal (Montgomery, Ala. : 1869).
Alabama State Sentinel (Montgomery, Ala.) 1860-186?
Weekly Began in 1860? Available on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm of New England. Daily ed.: Daily state sentinel (Montgomery, Ala.). Description based on: Vol. 8, no. 1 (May 25, 1867). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 8, no. 28 (Nov. 28, 1867).
The American (Providence [R.I.]) 1808-1809
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 21, 1808)-v. 1, no. 104 (Oct 17, 1809). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers 332 Also issued on microopaque from the Readex Microprint Corp. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplicaton Service, and Readex Microprint Corp. as part of the Early American newspapers series. Rhode-Island American, and general advertiser 2574-3317 (DLC)sn 83025442 (OCoLC)2267189
Dunham, William W. - Hawkins, David
American and Commercial Advertiser (Baltimore [Md.]) 1861-1869
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 123, no. 20,209 (June 14, 1861)-v. 137, no. 22,861 (Dec. 31, 1869). Publisher varies: Dobbin & Fulton, June 14, 1861-July 1, 1864; Chas. C. Fulton & Son, July 2, 1864-Dec. 31, 1869. Also published a triweekly ed. Available on microfilm from Micro Photo, Inc. Baltimore American and commercial advertiser (Baltimore, Md. : 1870) 2332-9475 (DLC)sn 84038667 (OCoLC)11429807
American Apollo (Boston [Mass.]) 1792-1794
Weekly Vol. 2, no. 1 (Oct. 5, 1792)-v. 3, no. 65 (Dec. 25, 1794) = whole no. 40-whole no. 156. Has occasional extra editions. Available on microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp.
The American Herald (Boston [Mass.]) 1784-1788
Weekly, June 30, 1788 Vol. 3, no. 128 (Apr. 5, 1784)-v. 7, no. 367 (June 30, 1788). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 272 Vol. 3, no. 128 misnumbered v. 2, no. 128. Also issued on microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. American herald and the Worcester recorder (Worcester, Mass.) 2576-5248 (DLC)sn 83020812 (OCoLC)9561658
Powars, Edward Eveleth - Willis, Nathaniel
The American Herald, and the General Advertiser (Boston, Mass.) 1784-1784
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 117 (Jan. 19, 1784)-v. 3, no. 127 (Mar. 29, 1784). "The posts come tiring on; and not a man of them brings other news than they have learned of me, Shakespeare." Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 272 Also issued on microopaque by Readex Microprint Corp. American herald (Boston, Mass.) 2576-5256 (DLC)sn 83020811 (OCoLC)9561592
The American Republican (West Chester, Pa.) 1858-1876
Weekly Began Jan. 19, 1858; ceased in July 1876. Issue for Oct. 1, 1861 called also Old and new ser., whole no. 2501; issue for Oct. 22, 1861 called also Old and new ser., whole no. 2505; issue for Apr. 18, 1865, Old and new ser., whole no. 2687. Description based on: New ser., whole no. 1497 (Oct. 1, 1861). American semi-weekly Republican
American Semi-Weekly Traveller (Boston [Mass]) 1843-1844
Semiweekly Vol. 18, no. 54 (Jan. 3, 1843)-v. 20, no. 53 (Dec. 31, 1844). "Semi-weekly" appears in masthead ornament. Weekly ed.: American weekly traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1839), Jan.-Feb. 4, 1843, and: American weekly traveller and farmers' advocate, Feb. 11, 1843-1844. American traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1845 : Semiweekly) 2638-0188 (DLC)sn 91057126 (OCoLC)24100794
The American Statesman (Boston, Mass.) 1821-1821
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 6, 1821)-v. 1, no. 52 (Aug. 3, 1821). Publisher: True, Green and Field, May 18-Aug. 3, 1821. Republican. American statesman and evening advertiser (DLC)sn 84023552
American Statesman & City Register (Boston, Mass.) 1823-1827
Triweekly, Aug. 12, 1824-Nov. 17, 1827 Vol. 3, no. 50 (July 24, 1823)-v. 7, no. 116 (Nov. 17, 1827). Published as: American statesman and city register, Oct. 26. 1824-Nov. 17, 1827. Publisher: Nathaniel Greene, 1827. "Republican." Editors: N. Greene, <1826-1827>; F.S. Hill, <1827>. Daily ed.: Boston daily American statesman. Weekly ed.: Saturday evening statesman, 1827. Boston statesman (Boston, Mass. : Triweekly) (DLC)sn 84023560 (OCoLC)10897024
Hill, F. S. (Frederic Stanhope) - Greene, Nathaniel
American Traveller (Boston [Mass.]) 1845-185?
Weekly Vol. 7, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1845)- Publishers: Upton, Flanders & Co., 1845; Bowker, Flanders & Co., 1845-1846; Henry Flanders & Co., 1846-<1850>. Editors: F. Andrews, 1845-<1850>; G. Punchard, 1845-<1850>. American weekly traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1851) (DLC)sn 84022241
Andrews, Ferdinand - Punchard, Geo. (George)
American Traveller (Boston [Mass.]) 1855-1890
Weekly Vol. 17, no. 2 [i.e. 12] (Mar. 22, 1855)- Ceased in 1890. Morning ed.: Boston daily traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1856). Evening ed.: Daily evening traveller, 1855-Jan. 31, 1885, and: Boston evening traveller, Feb. 2, 1885-Sept. 30, 1889, and: Boston daily traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1889), Oct. 1, 1889- Semiweekly eds.: American traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1845 : Semiweekly), <1855>, and: Boston traveller…
The American Weekly Mercury (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1719-1749
Weekly Dec. 22, 1719- Ceased in 1749. "The first newspaper published in the middle colonies, and the fourth in order of time, published in America." Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 890 Available on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. and on microfilm from Graphic Service Corp.
Bradford, Andrew
The Amsterdam Recorder (Amsterdam, N.Y.) 1854-189?
Weekly Began in 1854. Publishers: Xenophon Haywood, <1858-1861>; X. Haywood & Co., <1865>; Andrew Z. Neff, <1873-1879>. Republican. Editors: Xenophon Haywood, 185<8>-1868; Charles P. Winegar, <1868>; A.Z. Neff, <1879>. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 17 (Aug. 31, 1858).
Andrews's Western Star (Stockbridge, Mass.) 1794-1797
Weekly Vol. 5, no. 30 (June 17, 1794)-v. 8, no. 14 (Feb. 20, 1797). Vol. 5, no. 30 (June 17, 1794)-v. 8, no. 14 (Feb. 20, 1797) called also whole no. 237-whole no. 378. Available on microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. Western star (Stockbridge, Mass. : 1797) (DLC)sn 83020888 (OCoLC)9624293
Andrews, Loring
The Anglo-African (New York) 186?-1865
Weekly -v. 5, no. 15 (Dec. 23, 1865). Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 38 (Jan. 3, 1863).
Anglo-Saxon, European and Colonial Gazette (Boston, Mass.) 1855-1857
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 22, 1855)-v. 2, no. 46 (Oct. 31, 1857). " ... an independent British paper ... Devoted to news, to commerce, and to friendly relations between the United States and the British Empire." Editor: J.S. Bartlett, <1856-1857>. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service.
Bartlett, John S. (John Sherren)
Anti-Masonic Christian Herald (Boston [Mass.]) 1829-1830
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 17, 1829)-v. 2, no. 18 (May 5, 1830). Editors: Samuel D. Greene and David Campbell, . Suspended July 2-Aug. 27, 1829. Boston Christian herald (DLC)sn 84023098
The Argus (Boston, Mass.) 1791-1793
Semiweekly, Apr. 12-June 28, 1793 Vol. 6, no. 36 (July 22, 1791)-v. 7, no. 47 (Aug. 30, 1791) ; Sept. 2, 1791-June 28, 1793? Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 274 No volume numbering after Sept. 2, 1791. Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp. Latest issue consulted: (June 28, 1793).
Arkansas Weekly Republican (Little Rock, Ark.) 1867-1875
Weekly Began Apr. 17, 1867; ceased in 1875? Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Daily eds.: Little Rock evening republican, 1867, and: Evening republican (Little Rock, Ark.), 1867-1868, and: Morning republican (Little Rock, Ark.), 1868-1872, and: Little Rock daily republican, 1872-1875. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 9 (June 12, 1867).
The Army Argus and Crisis (Mobile, Ala.) 1864-1865
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 4, 1864)- Ceased in Apr. 1865. Also issued on microfilm from the University of Alabama. Daily army Argus and crisis (DLC)sn 88050177 (OCoLC)13979898
The Army Mail Bag (Knoxville, Tenn.) 1864-186?
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 12 (May 30, 1864)- Printed at the Government Printing Office, Knoxville, Tenn. Printers: J.H. Gravener, J.S. Jennison, Charles Carroll, J.W. Tatham, D.J. Tillinghast, J.W. Thompson, H.H. Slanker, F.R. Smith, Dennis J. Long. Union.
United States. Army. Department of the Ohio
The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1875
Daily (except Monday) Vol. 2, no. 89 (Oct. 1, 1869)-v. 8, no. 55 (Aug. 19, 1875). Published in a morning and evening ed. Also issued on microfilm by the Microfilming Corp. of America., and the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service; also available online. Atlanta daily constitution 2473-1536 (DLC)sn 83016859 (OCoLC)10177631
The Atlas (Boston [Mass.]) 1837-1840
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 6, no. 1 (July 1, 1837)-v. 9, no. 157 (Dec. 31, 1840). Editors: R. Haughton, 1837-1840; R. Hildreth, 1837-1838. Available on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Semiweekly ed.: Atlas (Boston, Mass. : Semiweekly). Description based on: Vol. 6, no. 1 (July 1, 1837). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 9, no. 157 (Dec. 31, 1840). Daily Atlas (Boston, Mass.…
Hildreth, Richard
The Atlas & Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1856-1865
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 31, no. 9253 (Feb. 18, 1856)-v. 40, no. 12216 (May 13, 1865). "And" appears within title ornament in small type, Dec. 7, 1858-1865. Publisher: William Cassidy, 1865. Editors: Calvert Comstock, 1856-1865; William Cassidy, 1856-1865. Available on microfilm from the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Weekly ed.: Atlas & Argus (Albany, N.Y. : Weekly), 1856-<1861>. New York City ed.:…
The Atlas and Daily Bee (Boston [Mass.]) 1858-1860
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 32, no. 4978 (May 17, 1858)-v. 34, no. 5562 (May 16, 1860). Editors: W. Schouler, 1858-1860; Z.K. Pangborn, 1858-1860; J.F. Marsh, 1858-1860; J.C. Abbott, 1859-1860; H.H. Pangborn, <1860>. American Republican, 1858-1859; Republican, 1860. Occasional irregular numbering. Available on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm of New England. Description based on: Vol. 32, no. 4978 (May 17, 1858). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 33,…