Boston Daily Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1845-1872
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 12, no. 3712 (Apr. 1, 1845)-v. 39, no. 13058 (May 31, 1872). Published as the evening ed., 1851-1872. Republican. Publishers: Henry & Charles Rogers, May 20, 1854-July 16, 1855; Charles O. Rogers, July 17, 1855-Aug. 20, 1869; Journal Newspaper Co, Aug. 21, 1869-<1872>. Supplements accompany some numbers. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Morning ed.:…
Boston Daily Mail (Boston, Mass.) 1841-1856
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 2, no. 1 (Nov. 8, 1841)- Ceased in 1856? Includes column heading: Evening mail, - Weekly eds.: Boston weekly mail, 1842-18uu; Boston mail, <1854>-18uu.
Brookfield Breeze (Brookfield Center, Conn.) 1917-1917
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 27, 1917)-v. 1, no. 9 (Aug. 20 [i.e. 27], 1917). Amateur newspaper. Two different issues are marked Vol. 1, no. 9 (Aug. 20, 1917). The second issue, with headline "Goodbye" should, probably, be marked Vol. 1, no. 10 (Aug. 27, 1917). Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT.
The Brookfield Journal (Brookfield, Conn.) 1957-2009
Weekly Began vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 7, 1957) ; ceased with Jan. 16, 2009. Published in New Milford, Conn., Apr. 11-July 11, 1984; Brookfield, Conn., July 18, 1984- Vol. 1, no. 1 preceeded by introductory issue, Vol. 0, no. 0 (Feb. 21, 1957). Issues for Aug. 1958-Jan. 5, 1961, and Mar. 1990- lack numbering. Available on microfilm from UMI, 1969-1981 and from New…
Brother Jonathan (New York [N.Y.]) 1839-186?
Weekly Began July 13, 1839. Editors vary: N.Y. Willis & H. Hastings Willis, <1841> ; John Neal, <1843>; Henry C. Deming, <1844>; Benjamin H. Day, <1851-1860>. Publisher varies: Griswold and Co., 1839; Wilson & Co., 1839-<1842>; J. Winchester, <1844>; Wilson and Co., <1845-1851>; Benjamin H. Day, <1852-1862>. Vol. 3, no. 10 (Sept. 4, 1841)=whole no. 113. Issued a semi-annual pictorial sheet for the Fourth…
The Connecticut Courant (Hartford [Conn.]) 1791-1914
Semiweekly, Dec. 13, 1894-Oct. 29, 1914 Vol. 27, no. 1365 (Mar. 21, 1791)-v. 109, no. 542,085 (Jan. 3, 1874) ; v. 109, no. 2 (Jan. 10, 1874)-v. 149, no. 86 (Oct. 29, 1914). Published a triweekly ed., 1840-<1841>. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 22 Issue for Jan. 10, 1874 called also whole no. 542,086. Includes numbering irregularities. Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microopaque…
Goodwin, George
Daily Evening Traveller (Boston [Mass.]) 1845-1885
Daily (except Sunday and holidays) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1, 1845)-v. 38, no. 256 (Jan. 31, 1885). Published in several chronological editions. Morning ed.: Boston daily traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1856), <1856>-1885. Semiweekly eds.: American traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1845 : Semiweekly), 1845-<1850>, and: American semi-weekly traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1851), <1851-1854>, and: Boston traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1855), <1855>-1885. Weekly eds.: American…
Bowles, Samuel - Punchard, Geo. (George) - Andrews, Ferdinand
The Daily Standard (Bridgeport, Conn.) 185?-18??
Daily (except Sun.) Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Weekly ed.: Republican standard (Bridgeport, Conn.). Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 178 (Feb. 19, 1857) = whole no. 936. Bridgeport daily standard (Bridgeport, Conn. : 1860) (DLC)sn 82016438 (OCoLC)9334487
The Danbury News-Times (Danbury, Conn.) 1933-1963
Daily (except Sunday and holidays), Oct. 9, 1942-1963 Vol. 51, no. 1 (Jan. 30, 1933)-v. 80, no. 235 (Oct. 5, 1963). Available on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. and from New England Micrographics, Marlboro, Mass. News-times (Danbury, Conn.) (DLC)sn 89007007 (OCoLC)8505328
Danbury Republican (Danbury, Conn.) 1879-1884
Weekly, Jan. 15, 1881-1884 Began in 1879; ceased in 1884. Frequency varies from weekly to "semi-weekly & daily when occasion demands", Jan. 17-Dec. 5, 1882. Description based on: Mar. 29, 1879.
The Housatonic Ray (New Milford, Conn.) 1874-1883
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 15 (Dec. 12, 1874)-v. 11, no. 20 (Jan. 5, 1883) = whole no. 119-540. Editor: M.L. Delavan, 1874-<1876>. Absorbed by: The New Milford gazette, Jan. 1883. New Milford gazette (DLC)sn 85038315 (OCoLC)12253042
Delavan, Marcus L.
New York Herald Tribune (New York [N.Y.]) 1926-1966
Daily Vol. 86, no. 29,051 (May 31, 1926)-v. 126, no. 43,483 (Apr. 24, 1966). Publisher: New York Herald Tribune, Inc., Regular "magazine" issue called: Today's living. Suspended Dec. 1-5, 1953; Dec. 12-28, 1958; Dec. 9, 1962-Mar. 1963; and Sept. 17-26, 1965 due to strikes. Available on microfilm from Recordak Corp., Eastman Kodak Co. and the Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co. Includes: New…
New York Journal American (New York [N.Y.]) 1941-1966
Daily No. 19507 (May 19, 1941)-no. 28303 (Apr. 24, 1966). "An American Paper for the American People." Suspended Dec. 10, 1962-Mar. 1963; Sept. 17-Oct. 9, 1965. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Merged with: New York world-telegram and the sun, and: New York herald tribune, to form: World journal tribune. New York world-telegram and the sun (DLC)sn 83030207 (OCoLC)9388007…
New-York Observer (New-York [N.Y.]) 1829-1912
Weekly Vol. 7, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1829)-v. 90, no. 22 (May 30, 1912) = whole no. 295-whole no. 4647. From 1851-Dec. 6, 1888, issued in 2 parts called: Religious department, and: Secular department, using the same numbering scheme. Also issued on microfilm by American Theological Library Association; also available online. Christian work and the evangelist (DLC)sn 96016109 (OCoLC)7561772