Abstract and Record (Cleveland [Ohio]) 1875-1899
Daily (except Sun.) Began in 1875. -v. 17, no. 199 (Aug. 31,1899). "A business men's newspaper with special departments for legal and real estate matters." Description based on: Vol. 13, no. 129 (Nov. 9, 1896). Cleveland daily record (DLC)sn 90068101
The Advocate (Cleveland, O. [Ohio]) 1914-1918
Weekly Began with May 15, 1914 issue. -v. 5, no. 4 (June 1, 1918). Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 1 (May 15, 1915). Cleveland advocate (Cleveland, Ohio : 1918) (DLC)sn 83035391 (OCoLC)9755074
The Aegis and Gazette (Worcester, Mass.) 1866-1896
Weekly Began in Jan. 1866; ceased in June 1896. Proprietors: Doe and Woodwell, May 3, 1869-July 1, 1871; Charles H. Doe & Co., July 8, 1871-. Republican. Editors: G.W. Foss, Jan. 1-June 30, 1866; C.B. Thomas, 1867-1869; C.H. Doe, May 3, 1869-. Daily ed.: Worcester evening gazette. Description based on: Vol. 65, no. 9 (Mar. 3, 1866).
Akron Germania (Akron, Ohio) 1869-1920
Triweekly, <1919>-July 9, 1920 Began in 1869. -Jahrg. 51, Nr. 80 (9 Juli 1920). In German with some columns in English. Description based on: 5. Jahrg., Nr. 37 (17. Sept. 1874). Akron Columbia (DLC)sn 88078440
The Alaska Weekly (Seattle, Wash.) 1923-1956
Weekly Vol. 24, no. 10 (Mar. 9, 1923)-v. 54, no. 39 (Sept. 28, 1956). Also issued on microfilm from the Washington State Library, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service.
The American Mercury (Hartford, Conn.) 1784-1833
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 12, 1784)-v. 49, no. 2556 (June 25, 1833). At head of title: "Connecticut", July 12, 1784-Mar. 1785. Available on microfilm and microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. Printed from same office: Echo (Hartford, Conn.). Independent press (Hartford, Conn.) 2575-0712 (DLC)sn 84023084 (OCoLC)10761470
Anchorage Daily Times (Anchorage, Alaska) 1917-1975
Daily, Dec. 8, 1974- -v. 61, no. 363 (Dec. 31, 1975). Began June 2, 1917. Has occasional supplements. Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 271 (Aug. 15, 1935). Anchorage times (DLC)sn 83045548 (OCoLC)9527134
Badger's Weekly Messenger (New York [N.Y.]) 1831-1832
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 4, 1831)-v. 2, no. 3 (Aug. 8, 1832). Publishers: Badger and Burnett, 1831-1832; William Burnett, 1832; Burnett & Smith, 1832. Editor: B. Badger. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. New York weekly messenger (DLC)sn 83030175 (OCoLC)9383598
The Big US (Cleveland, Ohio) 1968-1969
Biweekly Began in 1968. -v. 3, no. 1 (Oct. 14, 1969). "An independent radical newspaper," <1968>. Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell (Underground newspaper/press collection). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 5 (Nov. 22, 1968). Burning river news (DLC)sn 90068241 (OCoLC)1537854
Kettell, Samuel - Buckingham, Joseph T. (Joseph Tinker)
Boston Courier ([Boston, Mass.]) 1837-1851
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 16, 1837)-v. 14, no. 733 (Apr. 3, 1851). Daily ed.: Boston courier (Boston, Mass. : 1824). Semiweekly ed.: Boston courier (Boston, Mass. : 1826). Boston weekly courier (DLC)sn 84023120
Boston Daily Advertiser ([Boston, Mass.]) 1813-1831
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 3, 1813)-v. 40, no. 10,647 (Dec. 31, 1831). Publisher: N. Hale, 1814-1831. Vol. 3, no. 1 (Sept. 1, 1813)-v. 36, no. 217 (Mar. 3, 1824) called also whole no. 156-6057. Available on microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp., and on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm of New England, Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, and Readex Microprint Corp. Merged…
Hale, Nathan
Boston Daily Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1845-1872
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 12, no. 3712 (Apr. 1, 1845)-v. 39, no. 13058 (May 31, 1872). Published as the evening ed., 1851-1872. Republican. Publishers: Henry & Charles Rogers, May 20, 1854-July 16, 1855; Charles O. Rogers, July 17, 1855-Aug. 20, 1869; Journal Newspaper Co, Aug. 21, 1869-<1872>. Supplements accompany some numbers. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Morning ed.:…
Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, Mass.) 1872-1941
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 45, no. 13070 (Nov. 11, 1872)-v. 112, no. 101 (Apr. 30, 1941). Issue for July 24, 1930 also called "100th Anniversary edition." Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Weekly ed.: Boston weekly transcript, 1872-<1917>. Vol. 50, no. 15449 (Aug. 30, 1877),
The Boston Gazette, Or, Country Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1755-1793
Weekly No. 1 (Apr. 7, 1755)-no. 2048 (Dec. 30, 1793). Title varies: Boston-gazette, and country journal, Apr. 12, 1756-Apr. 5, 1779; Boston gazette, and the country journal, Apr. 12, 1779-Dec. 30, 1793. Published in Watertown, Mass., June 5, 1775-Oct. 28, 1776. Suspended with Apr. 17, 1775 issue; resumed June 5, 1775. Also issued on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. ; Microfilming Corp.…
Gill, John - Edes, Benjamin
Boston Intelligencer and Morning & Evening Advertiser (Boston, Mass.) 1816-1818
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 1 (Aug. 17, 1816)-v. 5, no. 10 (Oct. 17, 1818). "Devoted to News ... Commerce ... Agriculture ... Manufacture ... Literature ... Piety ... Washington-Politics ... Arts and Sciences ... & c ... & c ... 'Utile et Ducle'." Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 313 Also issued on microfilm and microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. Boston intelligencer & evening gazette…
The Boston Weekly Globe (Boston, Mass.) 1873-1892
Weekly Began in 1873. -v. 20, no. 17 (Apr. 26, 1892). Absorbed by: Sunday ed. of Boston daily globe (Boston, Mass. : 1872). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 18 (May 2, 1873). Boston daily globe (Boston, Mass. : 1872) 2572-1828 (DLC)sn 83045484 (OCoLC)9497068
The Buddhist 3rd Class Junkmail Oracle (Cleveland, Ohio) 1967-1969
Monthly June 1967 - Oct. 1969. Published Sept. 1969 as: The Buddhist third class oracle and kaleidoscope. Available on microfilm from UMI (Underground newspaper/press collection). Great swamp Erie da da boom (DLC)sn 93023639 (OCoLC)17543104
Levy, D. A.
Buffalo Morning Express (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1878-1926
Daily, Sept. 30, 1883-1926 33rd year, no. 1 (Jan. 7, 1878)-v. 42, no. 40 (June 13, 1926). Published on Sunday as: Sunday morning express, 1883-1890, and as: The Illustrated Buffalo express, 1890-192u, and as: Buffalo Sunday express, 192u-1926. Special 70th Anniversary number issued Jan. 15, 1916 with numbering: Vol. 71, no. 1; titled: Buffalo express. Issue called: Extra number issued as a Souvenir of…
Burning River News (Cleveland, Ohio) 1969-1970
Monthly, Feb. 1970 Vol. 3, no. 2 (Oct. 28, 1969)-v. 3, no. 6 (Feb. 6-Mar. 6, 1970). Available on microfilm from UMI (Underground newspaper/press collection). Burning river oracle (DLC)sn 88012473 (OCoLC)17395445
Camp Illuminator (Bridgeport, Ala.) 1864-1865
Weekly, Jan. 28-Apr. 18, 1865 -v. 1, no. 15 (Apr. 18, 1865). Began in Nov., 1864. Editor: Frank J. Lamb, 1864-Feb. 11, 1865; Chas. G. Guilford, Feb. 28-Apr. 18, 1865. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 3 (Dec. 24, 1864).
Chattanooga Daily Gazette (Chattanooga [Tenn.]) 1864-1866
Daily (except Monday) Began with Feb. 29, 1864 issue; ceased in 1866? Published an unnumbered "extra": Feb. 27, 1864, prior to beginning regular publication on: Feb. 29, 1864. Available on microfilm from Tenn. State Library and Archives; Western Reserve Historical Society. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 6 (Mar. 5, 1864).
Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, Ill.) 1848-1858
Daily (except Sunday) Began in 1848? -v. 12, no. 17 (June 28, 1858). Suspended Mar. 23-24, 1849. Issues for called also . Merged with: Chicago daily press (Chicago, Ill. : 1857), to form: Chicago daily press and tribune. Weekly ed.: Chicago weekly tribune (Chicago, Ill. : 1851), <1851-1856>. Description based on: Vol. 2 (Apr. 23, 1849). Chicago daily press (Chicago, Ill. : 1857) 2572-9381…
Chicago Defender (Chicago, Ill.) 1973-1980
Weekly Began with: Vol. 68, no. 43 (Feb. 24, 1973); ceased with: v. 75, no. 250 (Apr. 26, 1980). Continues the numbering of Chicago daily defender (Chicago, Ill. : Weekly). Vol. 70 starts numbering over at 5 (May 11, 1974). Available on microfilm; University of Chicago. Description based on: Vol. 68, no. 43 (Feb. 24, 1973); title from masthead. Latest issue consulted: v. 75,…
Robert S. Abbott Publishing Company
The Chicago Herald (Chicago, Ill.) 1881-1895
Daily, Oct. 16, 1881-Mar. 3, 1895 No. 1174 (Oct. 5, 1881)- ; -14th year, no. 298 (Mar. 3, 1895). Continues the numbering of Chicago morning herald (Chicago, Ill. : 1881). Sunday issues have separate numbering system, Oct. 16, 1881-Mar. 3, 1895. Issue for 2nd year (Nov. 25, 1882) is numbered and dated 102nd year, no. 38,031 (Nov. 25, 1982), issue for 5th year (Sept.…
The Chicago News Record (Chicago, Ill.) 1892-1893
Daily (except Sunday) 17th year, no. 111 (May 9, 1892)-13th year, no. 60 (Mar. 11, 1893). Two issues daily. Continues the numbering of Chicago daily news (Chicago, Ill. : Morning ed.). Chicago record (Chicago, Ill. : 1893) (DLC)sn 83045490 (OCoLC)9518443
The Chicago Record (Chicago, Ill.) 1893-1901
Daily (except Sunday) 13th year, no. 61 (Mar. 13, 1893)-21st year, no. 74 (Mar. 27, 1901). Two editions daily. Continues the numbering of Chicago news record. Weekly eds.: Chicago weekly news record, 1893, and: Chicago Saturday record, 1893-<1895> Merged with: Chicago times-herald, to form: Chicago record-herald. Chicago times-herald (DLC)sn 83045738 (OCoLC)9607034 Chicago record-herald (DLC)sn 83045513 (OCoLC)9677694
The Chicago Sun (Chicago, Ill.) 1941-1948
Daily Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 4, 1941)-v. 7, no. 51 (Jan. 31, 1948) ; v. 1, no. 18 (Feb. 1, 1948). Preceded by Vol. 1, nos. 1-8 (Nov. 25-Dec. 3, 1941)--marked "dummy" on masthead. These issues were never sold to the public. Sunday issues have their own numbering. Available on microfilm; Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Merged with: Daily times (Chicago, Ill. :…
The Chicago Times (Chicago, Ill.) 1888-1894
Daily Vol. 34 (Apr. 18, 1888)-v. 36 (Sept. 10, 1890) ; v. 36, whole no. 13,092 (Sept. 11, 1890)-v. 36, no. 14,057 (May 3, 1893) ; v. 39, no. 273 (May 4, 1893)-v. 41, no. 121 (Dec. 3, 1894). Weekly ed.: Chicago times (Chicago, Ill. : Weekly : 1888), 1888-<1890> Times (Chicago, Ill. : 1894) (DLC)sn 84037011 (OCoLC)10575253
The Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass.) 1908-1925
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 25, 1908)-v. 17, no. 103 (Mar. 28, 1925). Also issued on microfilm by Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell and Graphic Microfilm. Split into: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Atlantic ed.), and: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Central ed.), and: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Pacific ed.). Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. :…
Christian Science Publishing Society
The Cincinnati Commercial (Cincinnati [Ohio]) 1865-1883
Daily, Nov. 2, 1865-Jan. 3, 1883 Vol. 26, no. 51 (Oct. 23, 1865)-v. 43, no. 98 (Jan. 3, 1883). Also issued on microfilm from Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly eds.: Cincinnati weekly commercial, 1865-<1874>, and: Cincinnati dollar weekly commercial (Cincinnati, Ohio : 1877), <1877>-1882. Cincinnati daily gazette (Cincinnati, Ohio : Large ed.) 2643-0509 (DLC)sn 83045791 (OCoLC)1554723 Commercial gazette (Cincinnati, Ohio) (DLC)sn 88077412 (OCoLC)17937755
Cincinnati Daily Commercial (Cincinnati, Ohio) 1854-1865
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 15, no. 267 (Nov. 13, 1854)-v. 26, no. 50 (Oct. 21, 1865). Also issued on microfilm from The Center for Research Libraries (issues for Nov. 13-Dec. 1854 filmed with: Daily Cincinnati commercial, July-Nov. 11, 1854), Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, New York Public Library, and Readex Film Products (filmed with other items). Weekly eds.: Cincinnati dollar weekly commercial (Cincinnati, Ohio…
Cincinnati Daily Gazette (Cincinnati [Ohio]) 1855-1883
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 64, no. 43 (Aug. 15, 1855)-v. 111, no. 3 (Jan. 3, 1883). Also issued on microfilm from New York Public Library; Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service; and Readex. Published simultaneously with the "dime ed.", which was issued in a smaller size and omitted the commercial and business features, <1860>-1883. Weekly eds.: Liberty Hall & Cincinnati gazette (Cincinnati, Ohio : 1815),…
Cincinnati Journal (Cincinnati [Ohio]) 1830-1835
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 25 (Dec. 31, 1830)-v. 8, no. 43 (Oct. 23, 1835) = whole no. 129-whole no. 380. Vol. 4 had only 25 issues. Also issued on microfilm by American Theological Library Association. Merged with: Western luminary (Lexington, Ky.), to form: Cincinnati journal & western luminary. Western luminary (Lexington, Ky.) (DLC) 82014150 (OCoLC)8784535 Cincinnati journal & western luminary (DLC)sn 84028696 (OCoLC)11520607