Advocate and Sentinel (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1836-1841
Weekly Began in Jan. 1836? Ceased in 1841. Cf. Rossell, G. Pa. newspapers. "Democratic Republican," <1836-1838>. Not published Apr. 12, 26, 1837. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 10 (Jan. 12, 1836). Democrat watchman (Huntingdon, Pa.) (DLC)sn 86071447
The Alexandria News (Alexandria, Va.) 1862-186?
Daily (except Sunday) Began in 1862. Publisher varies: A.H. Hall; Hall & Gaige . Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 6 (Apr. 12, 1862). Alexandria daily news (DLC)sn 92061552 (OCoLC)25698902
The American Advocate (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1844-1845
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 13, 1844)- Ceased in 1845. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Available on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Native American advocate (DLC)sn 87052085
The American Mercury (Hartford, Conn.) 1784-1833
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 12, 1784)-v. 49, no. 2556 (June 25, 1833). At head of title: "Connecticut", July 12, 1784-Mar. 1785. Available on microfilm and microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. Printed from same office: Echo (Hartford, Conn.). Independent press (Hartford, Conn.) 2575-0712 (DLC)sn 84023084 (OCoLC)10761470
American Saturday Courier (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1851-1856
Weekly Vol. 21, no. 1 (Mar. 8, 1851)-v. 26, no. 37 (Nov. 8, 1856). "Saturday" appears within title ornament. Editor: Andrew M'Makin. Merged with: Philadelphia Saturday bulletin (non-extant?), to form: Philadelphia Saturday bulletin and American courier. Philadelphia Saturday bulletin Philadelphia Saturday bulletin and American courier (DLC)sn 84026145
M'makin, Andrew
Atkinson's Saturday Evening Post (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1833-1839
Weekly Vol. 13, whole no. 635 (Sept. 28, 1833)-v. 18, whole no. 910 (Jan. 5, 1839). "A family newspaper, devoted to literature, morality, science, news, agriculture and amusement." Also issued online and on microfilm from UMI, as part of the American Periodical series, 1800-1850. Philadelphia Saturday news and literary gazette (DLC)sn 84026290 (OCoLC)10376722 Atkinson's evening post and Philadelphia Saturday news (DLC)sn 84026167 (OCoLC)10312674
Atkinson, Samuel Coate
Augusta Herald (Augusta [Ga.]) 1799-1822
Semiweekly, 1816-1822 Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 17, 1799)- Ceased in 1822? Imprint varies: Printed by William J. Bunce, 1800-1804; William J. Hobby & William J. Bunce, 1804-<1815>.
Aurora (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-182?
Triweekly No. 760 (Nov. 7, 1800)- Published at: Frankford, Pa., Aug. 10-Oct. 30, 1802. Each issue dated for two consecutive days. Daily ed.: Aurora general advertiser.
Aurora General Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1824
Daily (except Sunday) No. 1224 (Nov. 8, 1794)-v. 34, whole no. 12, 233 (Nov. 19, 1824). "Aurora" appears within title ornament in smaller type. Motto: "Surgo ut prosim." Imprint varies: Published at Bristol, Pa., Aug. 30-Oct. 19, 1799. Suspended with issue for Sept. 10, 1798 due to the death of publisher. Resumed with issue for Nov. 1, 1798. Available on microfilm from the Micro…
Bache, Benjamin Franklin - Duane, William J. (William John)
Bache's Philadelphia Aurora (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1797-1800
Triweekly Began in 1797. -Mar. 7, 1800. Each issue dated for two consecutive days, corresponding to the daily ed. issues in which the content originally appeared. Mailing ed. of the Aurora general advertiser containing all reading matter of the daily issues, but eliminating adverts. Description based on: No. 7 (Apr. 17, 1797). Philadelphia aurora (DLC)sn 84026169 (OCoLC)10312981
Bache, Benjamin Franklin
The Balance, and Columbian Repository (Hudson, N.Y.) 1801-1807
Weekly No. 1 (May 21, 1801)-no. 33 (Dec. 31, 1801); no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1802)-no. 52 (Dec. 28, 1802); v. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1803)-v. 6, no. 52 (Dec. 29, 1807). Also issued in microform from the Readex Microprint Corp.; also available online. Issued with: Balance advertiser. Balance (Hudson, N.Y. : 1808) 2156-4655 (DLC)sn 83025565 (OCoLC)9612875
Chittenden, George - Sampson, Ezra - Croswell, Harry
The Baltimore Daily Intelligencer (Baltimore [Md.]) 1793-1794
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 28, 1793)-v. 1, no. 311 (Oct. 29, 1794). Available on microfilm and microopaque from: Readex Microprint Corp. as part of the Early American Newspapers series. Federal intelligencer, and Baltimore daily gazette (DLC)sn 84031212 (OCoLC)9330791
Kettell, Samuel - Buckingham, Joseph T. (Joseph Tinker)
Boston Morning Journal (Boston, Mass.) 18??-1903
Daily, Oct. 1, 1893-1903 -no. 22805 (Apr. 18, 1903). Sunday issues have their own numbering. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Evening eds.: Boston daily journal (Boston, Mass. : 1845), <1851>-1872, and: Boston evening journal, 1872-1898. Weekly ed.: Boston weekly journal, <1851-1891>. Semiweekly ed.: Boston semi-weekly journal, <1851-1870>. Description based on: Vol. 19, no. 5503 (Jan. 21, 1851). Boston…
Boston Semi-Weekly Advertiser (Boston, Mass.) 1840-1879
Semiweekly Vol. 77, no. 6166 (May 27, 1840)- Ceased in 1879? Editors: Charles Hale, Charles F. Dunbar, <1865>. Published by Charles Hale, 1853-<1863>; Charles Hale & Co., 1864-1865; Dunbar, Waters & Co., 1865-1869; Daily Advertiser Co., 1869- Printers: Clark, Homer & Lillie, <1840>. Also issued on microfilm from Spaulding Co., Graphic Microfilm Division, Stoughton, Mass. Formed by the union of: Boston commercial gazette (Boston,…
Hale, Nathan - Dunbar, Charles Franklin - Hale, Charles
Boston Weekly Messenger (Boston) 1815-1832
Weekly Vol. 5, no. 1 (Oct. 20, 1815)-v. 9, no. 35 (June 8, 1820) ; new ser., v. 1, no. 1 (June 15, 1820)-v. 21, no. 37 (Feb. 23, 1832). Published in octavo format, Oct. 20, 1815-June 8, 1820. Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp. Merged with: Massachusetts journal and tribune, to become: Boston weekly messenger and Massachusetts journal. Massachusetts journal and…
The Christian Citizen (Worcester, Mass.) 1844-1846
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 6, 1844)-v. 3, no. 40 (Oct. 3, 1846). Published simultaneously at Boston, Mass., 1844-Apr. 12, 1845. Burritt's Christian citizen (DLC)sn 86071922
Christian Intelligencer and Eastern Chronicle (Gardiner, Me.) 1827-1834
Weekly New ser., v. 1, no. 1 (Jan 5, 1827)-new ser., v. 8, no. 52 (Dec. 26, 1834). Editor: W.A. Drew. Volumes for 1827-1834 called also v. 7-14. Also issued on microfilm and online. Christian intelligencer (Gardiner, Me.) 2157-7811 (DLC)sn 84026948 (OCoLC)7035098
The Churchman (New York, N.Y.) 1831-1861
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 26, 1831)-v. 31, no. 11 (May 2, 1861). Issues for Mar. 24, 1832-May 2, 1861 called also whole no. 53-whole no. 1572. Available on microfilm from American Theological Library Association.
Cincinnati Daily Commercial (Cincinnati, Ohio) 1854-1865
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 15, no. 267 (Nov. 13, 1854)-v. 26, no. 50 (Oct. 21, 1865). Also issued on microfilm from The Center for Research Libraries (issues for Nov. 13-Dec. 1854 filmed with: Daily Cincinnati commercial, July-Nov. 11, 1854), Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, New York Public Library, and Readex Film Products (filmed with other items). Weekly eds.: Cincinnati dollar weekly commercial (Cincinnati, Ohio…
Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800
Daily (except Sunday) No. 5219 (Jan. 1, 1796)-no. 7421 (Sept. 30, 1800). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 896 Also issued in microform from Readex Microprint Corp. Poulson's American daily advertiser 2640-8724 (DLC)sn 84026367 (OCoLC)2266393
The Columbian Mirror and Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria [Va.]) 1792-1800
Triweekly, 1794-1800 Began Nov. 21, 1792; ceased Dec. 6, 1800? Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 3 (Nov. 28, 1792). Alexandria advertiser and commercial intelligencer 2836-1067 (DLC)sn 84024011 (OCoLC)10284041
The Connecticut Courant (Hartford [Conn.]) 1791-1914
Semiweekly, Dec. 13, 1894-Oct. 29, 1914 Vol. 27, no. 1365 (Mar. 21, 1791)-v. 109, no. 542,085 (Jan. 3, 1874) ; v. 109, no. 2 (Jan. 10, 1874)-v. 149, no. 86 (Oct. 29, 1914). Published a triweekly ed., 1840-<1841>. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 22 Issue for Jan. 10, 1874 called also whole no. 542,086. Includes numbering irregularities. Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microopaque…
Goodwin, George
The Connecticut Gazette (New-London [Conn.]) 1787-1799
Weekly Vol. 24, no. 1226 (May 11, 1787)-v. 37, no. 1885 (Dec. 25, 1799). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 53 Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microfilm and microopaque from the Readex Microprint Corp. Connecticut gazette, and the commercial intelligencer 3065-2251 (DLC)sn 82016102 (OCoLC)9161125
Connecticut Gazette, and the Commercial Intelligencer (New-London [Conn.]) 1800-1805
Weekly Vol. 37, no. 1886 (Jan. 1, 1800)-v. 42, no. 2155 (Feb. 27, 1805). "In proportion as the Structure of a government gives force to Public Opinion, it is essential that Public Opinion should be enlightened--Washington." Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 53 Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microfilm and microopaque from the Readex Microprint Corp. Connecticut gazette (New London, Conn. : 1805) 3065-2286…
The Connecticut Journal (New-Haven [Conn.]) 1775-183?
Weekly No. 413 (Sept. 13, 1775)- Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 42 Issues for Jan. 10, 1799-Dec. 30, 1834 also called Vol. 31-v. 67; issues for Jan. 1835- also called Vol. 68, no. 1-. Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microfilm and Microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. Semiweekly ed.: New Haven advertiser (New Haven, Conn.), May 1, 1829-Oct. 20, 1832. Published from the same…
Connecticut Mirror (Hartford, Conn.) 1809-1832
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 10, 1809)-v. 1, no. 52 (July 2, 1810) ; whole no. 53 (July 9, 1810)-[whole] no. 1224 (Dec. 15, 1832). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 27 Issues for July 9, 1810-Dec. 29, 1828 also called: Vol. 2, no. 1-v. 20, no. 28 ; Jan. 10, 1829-Dec. 3, 1831 also called: Vol. 20-21. Available on microopaque and microfilm from…
The Constitutional Telegraph (Boston, Mass.) 1799-1802
Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 2, 1799)-v. 4, no. 276 (May 22, 1802). Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 280 Also issued in microform and microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. Republican gazetteer (Boston, Mass.) 2638-7174 (DLC)sn 83020984 (OCoLC)9680798
The Continental Journal, and Weekly Advertiser (Boston [Mass.]) 1776-1787
Weekly No. 1 (May 30, 1776)-no. 478 (Apr. 21, 1785) ; vol. 8, no. 479 (Apr. 28, 1785)-v. 10, no. 591 (June 21, 1787). Available on microfilm from Microfilming Corp. of America, Birth of America Series; and on microform from Readex Microprint Corp.
Daily Evening Transcript (Boston, Mass.) 1830-1853
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 24, 1830)-v. 24, no. 7207 (Dec. 31, 1853). Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International and Graphic Microfilm Service. Weekly eds.: Saturday morning transcript, 1831-1839, and: New world (Boston, Mass. : 1852), 1852-1853. Boston evening transcript (Boston, Mass. : 1854) (DLC)sn 83045536 (OCoLC)1536851
Daily Evening Traveller (Boston [Mass.]) 1845-1885
Daily (except Sunday and holidays) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1, 1845)-v. 38, no. 256 (Jan. 31, 1885). Published in several chronological editions. Morning ed.: Boston daily traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1856), <1856>-1885. Semiweekly eds.: American traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1845 : Semiweekly), 1845-<1850>, and: American semi-weekly traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1851), <1851-1854>, and: Boston traveller (Boston, Mass. : 1855), <1855>-1885. Weekly eds.: American…
Bowles, Samuel - Andrews, Ferdinand - Punchard, Geo. (George)
The Daily Globe (Washington [D.C.]) 1848-1873
Daily (except Sunday) New ser., v. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 5, 1848)- Ceased in 1873. Published only during the sessions of Congress, 1848-1853, 1855, 1857-1873; published year-round in 1854 and 1856. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. The Official paper of Congress. Weekly eds.: Weekly globe (Washington, D.C. : 1848), 1848-1851, and: Tuesday's Congressional globe, 1854-1857. Publishers produced a…
The Daily Morning Post (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 2, no. 50 (Sept. 17, 1846)-v. 14, no. 48 (Nov. 24, 1855). Publishers: L. Harper, Sept. 17, 1846-Mar. 31, 1851; Harper & Layton, April 1-Nov. 1, 1851; Harper & Phillips, Nov. 3, 1851-July 11, 1853; Phillips & Gillmore, July 12, 1853- 1854; G.F. Gillmore, -July 8, 1854; Gillmore & Montgomery, July 10, 1854-Nov. 24, 1855. Available on microfilm from Microform…
Daily National Intelligencer (Washington City [D.C.]) 1813-1869
Daily (except Sunday), Feb. 6, 1865- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1813)- Ceased in 1869. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 101 Suspended Aug. 24-30, 1814. Also issued on microform from Readex Microprint Corp., and on microfilm from the Library of Congress. Triweekly ed.: National intelligencer (Washington, D.C. : 1810). Weekly eds.: Weekly national intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), 1841-1869, and: Universal gazette (Philadelphia, Pa. :…
Daily Record of the Times (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) 1873-1876
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 25, 1873)-v. 3, no. 273 (Sept. 26, 1876). Editor: William P. Miner, <1874-1875>. Some issues also bear whole numbering. Record of the times (Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : Daily) (DLC)sn 86054060