Collection Items
NewspaperThe Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1828-1856 Semiweekly New ser., vol. 3, no. 15 (Jan. 1, 1828)- ; -(Feb. 12, 1856) = v. 15, no. 1559-v. 44, no. 4493. Publishers: Edwin Croswell, Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen & Thomas M. Burt, 1831-1834; E. Croswell, O.R. Van Benthuysen, Thos. M. Burt & Sherman Croswell, 1834-1840; Edwin Croswell, Henry H. Van Dyck & Sherman Croswell, 1840-1843; Edwin Croswell & Sherman Croswell, 1843-1848; Edwin Croswell,…
- Date: 1828
NewspaperThe Albany Chronicle (Albany, N.Y.) 1828-182? Semiweekly Began with Jan. 18, 1828 issue? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Daily ed.: Albany morning chronicle. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 19 (Mar. 22, 1828).
- Date: 1828
NewspaperAlbany Daily Advertiser (Albany, N.Y.) 1822-1845 Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 8, no. 2170 (Sept. 27, 1822)-v. 37, no. 9111 (Apr. 14, 1845). Publishers: Charles R. & George Webster, 1822-1823; Martin, Hunter & Ryckman, 1823-<1826>; Hunter & Ryckman, <1827>-1830; G.W. Ryckman & Co., 1830-1831; Martin, Hunter & Co., <1831>; J.B. Van Schaick & Co., <1835-1837>; Otis Bishop, <1837>; Elisha W. & Charles Skinner, <1838>-1845. Editors: James Gordon Brooks, <1837>; John B.…
- Date: 1822
NewspaperThe American Eagle (Estero, Fla.) 1965-Current Semiannual, <1987-1995> Vol. 44, no. 1 (May 1, 1965)- "For the wise use of natural resources." Also issued on microfilm from the University of Florida. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 84, no. 216 (Oct. 1995).
- Contributor: Koreshan Unity
- Date: 1965
NewspaperThe American Weekly Mercury (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1719-1749 Weekly Dec. 22, 1719- Ceased in 1749. "The first newspaper published in the middle colonies, and the fourth in order of time, published in America." Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 890 Available on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. and on microfilm from Graphic Service Corp.
- Contributor: Bradford, Andrew
- Date: 1719
NewspaperThe Auburn Banner, and Genesee, Oneida & Black-River Conference Record (Auburn [N.Y.]) 1837-1838 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1837)-v. 2, no. 52 (Dec. 26, 1838). Conference and family recorder (DLC)sn 87060200
- Date: 1837
NewspaperThe Ballot Box (Toledo, Ohio) 1876-1878 Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1876)-v. 3, no. 1 (Apr. 1878). Pub. and ed. by the Toledo Woman Suffrage Association, Sarah R.L. Williams, managing editor. National citizen and ballot box 1878-1881 (OCoLC)5108742
- Contributor: Toledo Woman Suffrage Association
- Date: 1876
NewspaperCarolina Centinel (Newbern, N.C.) 1818-1822 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 21, 1818)-v. 5, no. 244 (Nov. 23, 1822). Publishers: Pasteur & Watson, Mar. 25, 1820- Also issued on microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. Carolina sentinel (DLC)sn 84026581 (OCoLC)10503128
- Date: 1818
NewspaperThe Carolina Federal Republican (Newbern, N.C.) 1809-1818 Weekly Began in Jan. 1809. -v. 10, no. 486 (Apr. 25, 1818). Available on microfilm from State Dept. of Archives & History, Raleigh, N.C. Available on microfilm from North Carolina Dept. of Archives & History; and on microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp. as part of the Early American newspapers series. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Jan. 12, 1809).
- Date: 1809
NewspaperCarolina Sentinel (Newbern, N.C.) 1822-1828 Weekly Vol. 5, no. 245 (Nov. 30, 1822)- Ceased in July 1828? Publisher: Watson & Machen, <1826>. Available on microfilm from North Carolina Dept. of Archives & History; and on microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp. as part of the Early American newspapers series. North Carolina sentinel (DLC)sn 85042038 (OCoLC)11691594
- Date: 1822
NewspaperThe Charleston Daily Courier (Charleston, S.C.) 1852-1873 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 51 [i.e. 50], no. 15154 (July 1, 1852)-v. 71, no. 22512 (Apr. 5, 1873). Published: Charlston, SC. : Confederate States of America, or C.S.A., <1861-1863> Issues for Feb. 24, 1865-Nov. 18, 1865 called new ser., v. 1, no. 4-n.s., v. 1, no. 228. Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning. Merged with: Charleston daily news, to become:…
- Date: 1852
NewspaperThe City Gazette, and the Daily Advertiser (Charleston) 1787-1803 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 5, no. 786 (Nov. 6, 1787)-v. 22, no. 5,078 (Dec. 31, 1803). "Charleston" appears within the title ornament, 1792-1795. Available on microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp., and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly ed.: Carolina gazette, 1798-1804. City gazette (Charleston, S.C. : 1804) (DLC)sn 85041110 (OCoLC)12394718
- Date: 1787
NewspaperThe Clinton Advertiser (Clinton, N.Y.) 1899-19?? Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 16, 1899)- Clinton courier (Clinton, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 83031554
- Date: 1899
NewspaperThe Clinton Courier (Clinton [N.Y.]) 1859-1956 Weekly Vol. 3, no. 1 (Sept. 8, 1859)- Ceased with Oct. 4, 1956 issue. Editor: James B. Sykes, <1876>. Courier (Clinton, N.Y.) (DLC)sn 92061719 (OCoLC)25104014
- Date: 1859
NewspaperThe Clinton Courier and Oneida Chief (Clinton, N.Y.) 1857-1859 Weekly Began in 1857? -v. 2, no. 52 (Sept. 1, 1859). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 5 (Oct. 3, 1857). Clinton courier (Clinton, N.Y. : 1859) (DLC)sn 83031554
- Date: 1857
NewspaperThe Clinton Signal (Clinton, Oneida Co., N.Y.) 1846-1851 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 7, 1846)- Ceased in 1851? Published as: Radiator, <1848-1849>. Cf. French, J.H., Gazetteer of State of N.Y., 1860. "A family newspaper, independent in politics, devoted to literature, agriculture, and foreign and domestic intelligence." Published every Thursday. Publishers: L.W. Payne, <1846>; Payne & MacDonald, <1847>; L.W. Payne, <1849-1851>. Oneida chief (DLC)sn 83031555
- Date: 1846
NewspaperColumbian Gazette (Utica, N.Y.) 1803-1825 Weekly Began with Mar. 21, 1803 issue. Cf. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers. -v. 23, no. 1160 (June 7, 1825). Publishers: Thomas Walker, 1803-1813; Walker & Dorchester, 1814-1816; T. Walker, 1816-<1824>. "Republican." Also issued on microfilm from Western Reserve Historical Society, <1813-1815>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Mar. 28, 1803). Utica sentinel (Utica, N.Y. : 1821) (DLC)sn 83031859 (OCoLC)10001915 Utica sentinel & gazette…
- Contributor: Walker, Thomas
- Date: 1803
NewspaperThe Courier (Clinton, Oneida County, N.Y.) 1956-1977 Weekly Vol. 111, no. 41 (Oct. 11, 1956)-131st year, no. 49 (June 1, 1977). Clinton courier (Clinton, N.Y. : 1977) (DLC)sn 92061720 (OCoLC)25425308
- Date: 1956
NewspaperDaily Albany Argus (Albany [N.Y.]) 1827-1856 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 3, no. 681 (Dec. 27, 1827)-v. 31, no. 9252 (Feb. 16, 1856). Publishers: Edwin Croswell, Obadiah Romney Van Benthuysen & Thomas M. Burt, 1831-1834; E. Croswell, O.R. Van Benthuysen, Thos. M. Burt & Sherman Croswell, 1834-1840; Edwin Croswell, Henry H. Van Dyck & Sherman Croswell, 1840-1843; Edwin Croswell & Sherman Croswell, 1843-1848; Edwin Croswell, Sherman Croswell & Samuel M. Shaw,…
- Date: 1827
NewspaperThe Dedham Gazette (Dedham, Mass.) 1850-1870 Weekly Vol. 3, no. 6 (Feb. 16, 1850)-v. 7, no. 52 (Jan. 27, 1855) ; v. 42, no. 1 (Feb. 3, 1855)-v. 57, no. 8 (Feb. 19, 1870). Vol. 7, no. 43 (Nov. 25, 1854) numbered v. 7, no. 44; v. 48, no. 36 (Sept. 26, 1861) numbered v. 48, no. 38. Hyde Park journal Norfolk County gazette (DLC)sn 83020327 (OCoLC)9328791
- Date: 1850
NewspaperEast Florida Herald (St. Augustine [Fla.]) 1822-1829 Weekly Began Aug. 31, 1822; ceased Mar. 18, 1829. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers, 1937. Also issued on microfilm from the University of Florida, Readex, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 19 (Jan. 4, 1823). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 6, no. 16 (Feb. 13, 1828). Florida herald (DLC)sn 82015191 (OCoLC)2261128
- Date: 1822
NewspaperFrederick Douglass' Paper (Rochester, N.Y.) 1851-18?? digitized content available
- Contributor: Douglass, Frederick
- Date: 1851
NewspaperFreedom's Journal (New-York [N.Y.]) 1827-1829 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 16, 1827)-v. 2, no. 27 (Sept. 26, 1828) ; v. 2, whole no. 80 (Oct. 3, 1828)-v. 2, whole no. 104 (Mar. 28, 1829). "First newspaper published by Blacks in the United States." Cf. Antebellum black newspapers. Issues for Apr. 11, 1828-Sept. 26, 1828 called also whole no. 55-whole no. 79. Also issued on microfilm from the Library…
- Date: 1827
NewspaperThe Gleaner (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) 1812-1818 Weekly Vol. 2, no. 28 (Aug. 14, 1812)-v. 6, no. 14 (June 7, 1816) ; New ser., v. 1, no. 1 (June 14, 1816)- Ceased May 29, 1818? Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 39 (Oct. 30, 1812). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 2, no. 43 (Mar. 27, 1818).
- Date: 1812
NewspaperThe Gleaner, and Luzerne Advertiser (Wilkesbarre, Pa.) 1811-1812 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1, 1811)-v. 2, no. 27 (Aug. 7, 1812). Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 11, 1812). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 2, no. 39 (Mar. 13, 1812). Gleaner (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) 2574-8874 (DLC)sn 84025697 (OCoLC)10264429
- Date: 1811
NewspaperLe Courrier De La Louisiane (Nouvelle-Orléans [New Orleans, La.]) 1807-1859 Daily (except Monday), May 23, 1852-1859 Vol. 1, no. 18 (23 nov. 1807)-old ser., v. 52, no. 502 (8 juin 1859). Publication suspended, Sept. 20-22, 1850 and June 1-4, 1859. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. In French and English. Weekly ed.: Courrier de la Louisiane (New Orleans, La. : 1809 : Country ed.), Jan. 1809-. Triweekly country ed.:…
- Date: 1807
NewspaperManufacturers and Farmers Journal (Providence, R.I.) 1848-1907 Semiweekly Vol. 27, no. 35 (May 1, 1848)-v. 88, no. 104 (Dec. 30, 1907). Title varies slightly. Also issued on microfilm from UMI. Daily editions: Providence daily journal, 1848-1907; Evening bulletin (Providence, R.I.), 1863-1907. Weekly edition: Rhode-Island country journal, 1848-1897.
- Date: 1848
NewspaperThe Militant (New York, N.Y.) 1941-Current Weekly (except 1 week in Dec., and biweekly mid June-mid Aug.), Nov. 22, 1993- Vol. 5, no. 5 (Feb. 1, 1941)- "A Socialist newsweekly/Published in the interests of the working people." Continues the numbering of Socialist appeal (New York, N.Y.). Includes supplements: International socialist review, and: World outlook. English and Spanish, June 2005- Absorbed Perspectiva mundial, and includes a section in Spanish with that…
- Contributor: Socialist Workers Party
- Date: 1941
NewspaperMiller's Weekly Messenger (Pendleton, S.C.) 1807-1812 Weekly Began with Jan. 16, 1807 issue; ceased in 1812. Cf. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers. Imprint varies: J. Miller, <1807>; Printed by John Miller, <1810>. Shaw & Shoemaker 13087 Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 1052 Issues also on microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 10 (Mar. 20, 1807). Pendleton messenger (DLC)sn 85042894 (OCoLC)12958519
- Contributor: Miller, John
- Date: 1807
NewspaperMilwaukee Daily Free Democrat (Milwaukee, Wis.) 1856-1861 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 7, no. 36 (Dec. 9, 1856)- Ceased in Oct. 1861? Cf. Oehlerts, d. E. Guide to Wis. newspapers. Weekly eds.: Wisconsin free Democrat, 1856-<>, and: Wisconsin weekly free Democrat, 1857-<1860>. Daily Wisconsin (DLC)sn 85033196 (OCoLC)11748557
- Date: 1856
NewspaperMoniteur De La Louisiane ([New Orleans, La.]) 1794-1815 Semiweekly, June 8, 1814-1815 Began with Mar. 3, 1794 issue; ceased in 1815? "First newspaper to be published in La." Cf. Tinker, E.L. bibliography of the French newspapers and periodicals of La. Published: La Nouvelle-Orléans : J.B.L.S. Fontaine, In French; some notices in English. Description based on: No 26 (25 août 1794). Latest issue consulted: No 376 (2 janv. de l'année commune 1804).
- Date: 1794
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NewspaperNational Intelligencer (Washington City [D.C.]) 1810-1869 Three times a week, Jan. 2, 1840- Vol. 11, no. 1580 (Nov. 27, 1810)- Ceased in June 1869. Issued daily: -v. 38, no. 5423 (Mar. 4, 1837). Publishers: Gales and Seaton, <1814-1860> Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 103 Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Daily ed.: Daily national intelligencer, 1813-<1869>. Weekly eds.: Weekly national intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), 1841-<1869>, and:…
- Date: 1810
NewspaperNew-York American, for the Country (New York [N.Y.]) 1821-1845 Semiweekly Vol. 2, no. 159 (Sept. 15, 1821)-v. 26, no. 851 (Feb. 17, 1845). Published on Tuesday and Friday, <1825-1840>; Wednesday and Saturday, <1841>. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Daily ed.: New-York American (New York, N.Y. : 1821), 1821. Triweekly ed.: New-York American (New York, N.Y. : 1832), 1832-<1842>. Semi-weekly courier and…
- Date: 1821
NewspaperNew-York Baptist Register (Utica, N.Y.) 1826-1855 Weekly Vol. 3, no. 1 (Mar. 3, 1826)- Ceased in Jan. 1855. Editor: Alexander M. Beebee, <1826-1852>. Publishers: New-York Baptist State Convention, <1826-1828>; Bennett & Bright, <1834-1838>; Dolphas Bennett, <1849-1852>; Beebee & Ten Brook, <1853>. Vol. 7, no. 1-51 called also whole no. 313-363. New-York recorder (New York, N.Y. : 1845) (DLC)sn 83030457 (OCoLC)9648013 New-York recorder & register (DLC)sn 86053272 (OCoLC)13392566
- Contributor: New York Baptist State Convention
- Date: 1826
NewspaperNew-York Daily Times (New-York [N.Y.]) 1851-1857 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 18, 1851)-v. 6, no. 1867 (Sept. 12, 1857). Available on microfilm from Microfilming Corp. of America, and online. Semiweekly ed.: Semi-weekly times (New York, N.Y.), <1854>-1857. Vol. 5, no. 1555 New York times 0362-4331 (DLC)sn 78004456 (OCoLC)1645522
- Contributor: Raymond, Henry J. (Henry Jarvis)
- Date: 1851
NewspaperNew-York Daily Tribune (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866 digitized content available
- Contributor: Greeley, Horace
- Date: 1842
NewspaperNew-York Enquirer (New York [N.Y.]) 1826-1829 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 6, 1826)- Ceased May 23, 1829. Printer: Samuel Curtis, Jun., 1826-<1827>. Democratic. Cf. Fox, L.H. New York City newspapers. Editor: Mordecai Manuel Noah. Also issued on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Semiweekly ed.: New-York enquirer, for the country. Morning courier (New York, N.Y. : 1827) (DLC)sn 83030089 (OCoLC)9341667 Morning courier and New-York enquirer (DLC)sn…
- Date: 1826
NewspaperNew-York Tribune (New-York [N.Y.]) 1841-1842 digitized content available
- Contributor: Greeley, Horace
- Date: 1841
NewspaperOneida Chief (Clinton, Oneida County, N.Y.) 1851-1857 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 3, 1851)- Ceased in Aug. 1857. Cf. NIM. Publishers: Ira D. Brown, Apr. 3-Oct. 30, 1851; Cookingham & Brown, Nov. 6, 1851-<1852>; Ira D. Brown, 1852; L.W. Payne, 1852-<1855>; F.E. Merritt, <1855>-1857. Clinton courier and Oneida chief (DLC)sn 91066766
- Date: 1851
NewspaperThe Oneida Observer (Rome [N.Y.]) 1818-1830 Weekly Began in 1818. Cf. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers. Ceased in Dec. 1830. For a short period in 1819 published as: Utica observer. Published at Rome, N.Y., 1818-1820; at Utica, N.Y., 1820-1830. Publishers: E. Dorchester, <1819-1820>; Augustine Gallet Dauby, <1826>; Augustine Gallet Dauby & Elisha A. Maynard, 1826-1830. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 123 (May 11, 1819). Utica observer (Utica, N.Y. : 1831)…
- Date: 1818
NewspaperOneida Republican (Rome, Oneida County, N.Y.) 1828-183? Weekly Began in June 1828. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers, 1937. Merged with: Rome Republican (Rome, N.Y. : 1825), to form: Republican (Rome, N.Y.). Cf. French, J.H. Gazetteer of the state of N.Y., 1860. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (July 2, 1828). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 2, no. 42 (Apr. 7, 1830). Rome Republican (Rome, N.Y. : 1825) (DLC)sn 85054315 (OCoLC)11772098 Republican…
- Date: 1828
NewspaperThe People's Friend (Little-Falls, N.Y.) 1821-1828 Weekly Began in Sept. 1821. Cf. French, J.H. Gazetteer of the state of N.Y., 1860. -v. 8, no. 17 (Dec. 25, 1828) = -whole no. 381. Democratic. Cf. Development of Little Falls. "Here shall the Press, the People's RIGHTS maintain, Unawed by influence, and unbribed by Gain," <1826>. "Here patriot TRUTH her glorious ... precepts ... to draw. Pledged to RELIGION, LIBERTY and LAW,"…
- Date: 1821
NewspaperPrattsburgh News (Prattsburgh, N.Y.) 1872-1920 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 12, 1872)-v. 48, no. 53 (Dec. 2, 1920). Publishers: Paul C. Howe, 1872- ; P.C. Howe & Son, <1879-1883>. Steuben farmers' advocate (DLC)sn 83030967 Steuben farmers' advocate and Prattsburgh news (DLC)sn 84031215
- Date: 1872
NewspaperThe Repertory (Boston, Mass.) 1804-1811 Semiweekly Vol. 1, no. 58 (Feb. 3, 1804)-v. 8, no. 52 (June 28, 1811). A statement from the editor published under this title was issued Jan. 25, 1804, but apparently does not constitute an issue of the newspaper. Also issued on microfilm. Repertory and general advertiser 2993-9178 (DLC)sn 83020500 (OCoLC)2639702
- Date: 1804
NewspaperRome Daily Sentinel (Rome, N.Y.) 1881-1976 Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 10, no. 1 (Dec. 19, 1881)-v. 95 (May 4, 1976). Publishers: Beers & Kessinger, 1881-<1893>; Rome Sentinel Co., <1896>-1976. Special sesquicentennial ed. issued: Aug. 6, 1927. Other ed.: Rome sentinel (Rome, N.Y. : 1861); published weekly 1881-1888, published semiweekly 1888-<1916>. Daily sentinel (Rome, N.Y. : 1976) (DLC)sn 86071824 (OCoLC)14082459
- Date: 1881
NewspaperThe Seneca County Journal (Seneca Falls, N.Y.) 1885-1902 Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 26, 1885)-v. 18, no. 19 (Aug. 13, 1902). Seneca County courier (DLC)sn 83031620 (OCoLC)9927927 Seneca County courier-journal (DLC)sn 90066080 (OCoLC)21577318
- Date: 1885