The Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass.) 1983-2012
Weekly, Apr. 12, 2009-Apr. 2, 2012 Vol. 75, no. 218 (Oct. 3, 1983)- Ceased with vol. 104, issue 19 (Apr. 2, 2012). An activity of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. "To injure no man but to bless all mankind." Published as a daily newspaper, Oct. 3, 1983-Mar. 27, 2009; as a weekly periodical Apr. 12, 2009-Apr. 2, 2012. None published…
Christian Science Publishing Society
The Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass.) 1960-1983
Daily (except Saturday and Sunday), Oct. 29, 1973-1983 Vol. 52, no. 280 (Oct. 24, 1960)-v. 75, no. 217 (Sept. 30, 1983). Merged with: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Central ed.), and: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : New England ed.), and: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Western ed.), to form: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : 1983). Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass.…
Christian Science Publishing Society
Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Miss.) 1941-Current
Daily, - May 8, 1941- Available in three ed.: Hinds/Jackson ed.; Madison/Rankon ed.; Miss. ed. "A Gannett newspaper." Also issued on microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning. Latest issue consulted: Aug. 15, 2000.
The Los Angeles Times ([Los Angeles, Calif.]) 1886-Current
Daily, - Vol. 10, no. 119 (Oct. 23, 1886)- Special "Fortieth anniversary edition" published Dec. 4, 1921. Available on microfilm from UMI, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Subject index; Personal name index 1972- Latest issue consulted: Nov. 21, 2001.
The Wall Street Journal (New York, N.Y.; New York) 1959-Current
Daily (except Sunday), 2005- Vol. 153, no. 32 (Feb. 16, 1959)- Some issues for - have slight subregional differences in content. Available on microfilm, microfiche and online. Articles selectively issued in CD-ROM version: Wall Street journal on disc. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 250, no. 27 (Aug. 2, 2007).