The Boston Gazette, Or, Country Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1755-1793
Weekly No. 1 (Apr. 7, 1755)-no. 2048 (Dec. 30, 1793). Title varies: Boston-gazette, and country journal, Apr. 12, 1756-Apr. 5, 1779; Boston gazette, and the country journal, Apr. 12, 1779-Dec. 30, 1793. Published in Watertown, Mass., June 5, 1775-Oct. 28, 1776. Suspended with Apr. 17, 1775 issue; resumed June 5, 1775. Also issued on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. ; Microfilming Corp.…
Gill, John - Edes, Benjamin
The Boston News-Letter (Boston [Mass.]) 1704-1726
Weekly, July 10, 1721-1726 No. 1 (Apr. 17-24, 1704)-no. 1196 (Dec. 22-29, 1726). At head of title: N.E., 1704-1707; New=England, 1707-1726. First continuously published newspaper in America. Suspended May 1709-Jan. 1, 1710. Due to old style dating, Jan. 1-Mar. 25, 1711-1716 dated as the previous year. (E.g., Jan.-Mar. 1712 dated 1711). Also issued on microopaque and microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp. Weekly news-letter (Boston,…
Carthage Republican (Carthage, N.Y.) 1890-1922
Weekly Vol. 31, no. 8 [i.e. 9] (May 28, 1890)-63rd year, no. 33 (Dec. 28, 1922). Published by: Geo. W. Dickinson, 1893>; Geo. W. & Mary A. Dickinson, <1905>. Description based on: Vol. 34, no. 14 (July 5, 1893). Carthage tribune (DLC)sn 92061761 (OCoLC)25660978 Carthage Republican and the Carthage tribune (DLC)sn 85054111 (OCoLC)11612312
Carthage Republican-Tribune (Carthage, N.Y.) 1923-Current
Weekly 63rd year, no. 36 (Jan. 18, 1923)- Masthead reads "Carthage Republican tribune with the Philadelphia North Country advance and The Theresa gleaner" May 8-July 10, 1946. Publisher: Ray Hansen, - Published as: Carthage Republican tribune, <1994>- Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell. Latest issue consulted: 134th year, no. 25 (Feb. 23, 1994).
The Carthage Tribune (Carthage, Jefferson County, N.Y.) 1887-1922
Weekly Began in 1887; ceased in 1922. "Democratic." Published on Saturday. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 14 (Jan. 26, 1889). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 35, no. 2 (Oct. 15, 1921). Carthage Republican (Carthage, N.Y. : 1890) (DLC)sn 84031047 (OCoLC)11191003 Carthage Republican and the Carthage tribune (DLC)sn 85054111 (OCoLC)11612312
Columbian Gazette (Utica, N.Y.) 1803-1825
Weekly Began with Mar. 21, 1803 issue. Cf. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers. -v. 23, no. 1160 (June 7, 1825). Publishers: Thomas Walker, 1803-1813; Walker & Dorchester, 1814-1816; T. Walker, 1816-<1824>. "Republican." Also issued on microfilm from Western Reserve Historical Society, <1813-1815>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (Mar. 28, 1803). Utica sentinel (Utica, N.Y. : 1821) (DLC)sn 83031859 (OCoLC)10001915 Utica sentinel & gazette…
Walker, Thomas
The Connecticut Courant (Hartford [Conn.]) 1791-1914
Semiweekly, Dec. 13, 1894-Oct. 29, 1914 Vol. 27, no. 1365 (Mar. 21, 1791)-v. 109, no. 542,085 (Jan. 3, 1874) ; v. 109, no. 2 (Jan. 10, 1874)-v. 149, no. 86 (Oct. 29, 1914). Published a triweekly ed., 1840-<1841>. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 22 Issue for Jan. 10, 1874 called also whole no. 542,086. Includes numbering irregularities. Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microopaque…
Goodwin, George
The Connecticut Journal (New-Haven [Conn.]) 1775-183?
Weekly No. 413 (Sept. 13, 1775)- Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 42 Issues for Jan. 10, 1799-Dec. 30, 1834 also called Vol. 31-v. 67; issues for Jan. 1835- also called Vol. 68, no. 1-. Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microfilm and Microopaque from Readex Microprint Corp. Semiweekly ed.: New Haven advertiser (New Haven, Conn.), May 1, 1829-Oct. 20, 1832. Published from the same…
The Daily Citizen (Vicksburg, Miss.) 1859-1864
Daily Began in 1859; ceased in 1864. Issues for printed on wallpaper. Issue July 2, 1863 is a "fac-simile used as a supplement to the Chicago Herald." Description based on: June 18, 1863. Latest issue consulted: July 2, 1863.
Daily News (Watertown, Jeff. Co., N.Y.) 1859-1860
Daily (except Sunday) Began in Mar. 1859. Cf. French, J.H. Gazetteer of the state of N.Y., 1860. Ceased in 1860. Cf. Emerson, E.C. Our county and its people, 1898. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 33 (Apr. 20, 1859). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 1, no. 99 (July 6, 1859).
The Eagle and Standard (Watertown, N.Y.) 1835-1837
Weekly New ser., vol. 1, no. 1 (July 29, 1835)-new ser., v. 3, no. 18 (Nov. 22, 1837) = Whole no. 726-whole no. 847. Published by Alvin Hunt, <1837>. Jeffersonian (Watertown, N.Y. : 1837) (DLC)sn 84024309 (OCoLC)11124258
The Examiner and Chronicle (New-York [N.Y.]) 1865-1881
Weekly Vol. 42, no. 8 (Mar. 2, 1865)-v. 58, no. 49 (Dec. 8, 1881). Printer: Thomas A. Pettegrew, <1865> Volumes for Mar. 2, 1865-Feb. 26, 1874 continue the numbering of both the Examiner, v. 42, no. 8-v. 51, no. 9, and the Chronicle, v. 19, no. 39-v. 28, no. 40; issues for Mar. 5, 1874-1881 assume the numbering of the Examiner. Also issued on…
Jefferson County Journal (Adams, Jefferson County, N.Y.) 1870-Current
Weekly Vol. 2, no. 28 (Oct. 20, 1870)- "Devoted to home and general news, temperance, agriculture, literature, and politics." Publishers: Pratt & De Long, 1870- ; Hatch & Allen, <1876>; Journal Pub. Co. <1976-1994>. Available on microfilm from Syracuse Microfilm Co. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 150, no. 28 (May 18, 1994).
Lewis County Republican (Martinsburgh, N.Y.) 1830-1859
Weekly Began with May 18, 1830 issue Cf. Hough, F.B. Hist. of Lewis Co., N.Y., 1883. -Dec. 28, 1859. Published as: Lewis Republican, . Published at Martinsburgh, N.Y., 1830-1845; at Lowville, N.Y., 1845-1852; at Martinsburgh, N.Y., 1852-1859. Publishers: J. Wheeler, <1831>; Daniel S. Bailey, <1837-1859>. "Democratic," <1844>. Issues for numbered: . Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 73 (Oct. 5, 1831). Northern journal (Lowville,…
Moore's Rural New-Yorker (Rochester, N.Y.; New York City) 1850-1878
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1850)-v. 37, no. 25 (June 22, 1878). "An original weekly agricultural, literary and family journal." "Progress and improvement." Imprint varies: published in Rochester, N.Y., <1850-1868>; published in New York, N.Y. and Rochester, N.Y., <1869>; published in New York, N.Y., <1870-1878> Issues for called also whole no. <261-1249> Rural New-Yorker (DLC)sn 85054617 (OCoLC)10770496
National Police Gazette (New York [N.Y.]) 1845-Current
Monthly, <1936-1962> Vol. 1, no. 1-4 (Oct. 16, 1845)- Publishers: George Wilkes, 1848-<1852>; Rudolf Lexow, <1853-1855>; Robert A. Seymour, <1856-1857>; George W. Matsell & Co., <1858-1875>; Mooney & Lederer, <1873-1874>; Mooney, Lederer & Co. <1874-1875>; Charles A. Lederer & Co., <1875-1876>; Lederer & Fox, <1876-1877>; Police Gazette Publishing House, <1891>; Richard K. Fox Publishing Company, Inc., <1922-1932>; Police Gazette Corporation, <1933-1935> ; National Police…
The New York Reformer (Watertown, N.Y.) 1850-1867
Weekly Began with Aug. 29, 1850 issue. Cf. Hough, F.B. Hist. of Jefferson Co. in the state of N.Y., 1854. Ceased in 1866? Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Editors: Lotus Ingalls, <1861>; Beman Brockway, <1861>; Isaac M. Beebee, <1861>. Publishers: Lotus Ingalls & John A. Haddock, <1860>-1861; Lotus Ingalls, Beman Brockway & Isaac M. Beebee, <1861>. Daily eds.: Watertown daily Republican (Watertown, N.Y. :…
New-York Weekly Times (New-York [N.Y.]) 1851-189?
Weekly Began in 1851. Publishers: Raymond, Jones & Co., 1851-1853; Raymond, Harper & Co., 1853-1856; Raymond, Wesley & Co., 1856-<1857>; H.J. Raymond & Co., <1862-1866>; New York Times, <1873>. Available on microfilm from the New York Public Library. Daily eds.: New-York daily times, 1851-1857, and: New York times, 1857-<1896>. Evening ed.: New-York evening times, 1851-1857. Semiweekly eds.: Semi-weekly times (New York, N.Y.), 1854-1867, and:…
The North American (Watertown, Jefferson Co., N.Y.) 1835-1839
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 25, 1835)- Ceased in Sept. 1839. Cf. Hough, F.B. Hist. of Jefferson Co. in the state of N.Y., 1854. Beginning with issue for Nov. 11, 1835, vol. 1 is called "new ser." and issues are numbered from old ser., v. 8, whole no. 407. Description based on: Vol. 9, whole no. 431 (Apr. 27, 1836). Latest issue consulted:…
The North Country Advance (Philadelphia, N.Y.) 1912-1946
Weekly Began in 1912. -v. 41, no. 30 (May 2, 1946). DeWitt C. Aldrich, editor, 1912-<1935>. Published in Carthage, N.Y., <1943>-1946. Issues for 1931 called vol. 28; issues for 1935 called v. 30. Description based on: Vol. 9, no. 39 (Nov. 23, 1912). Carthage Republican-tribune (DLC)sn 85054035 (OCoLC)11616284
Northern New York Journal (Watertown [N.Y.]) 1849-1866
Weekly Began in 1849; ceased in 1866. Publishers: Geo. W. Smith & A.W. Clark, <1850>; Clark & Fayvel, <1857>; John Budlong, <1865>. "New York" appears within title ornament, 1849-<1857>. "Republican" <1857>. Semiweekly ed.: Northern New York journal (Watertown, N.Y. : 1865), 1865-1866. Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 4 (June 27, 1849). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 21, no. 6 (Sept. 25, 1866). Northern New…
Northern New York Weekly Journal (Watertown, N.Y.) 1866-1868
Weekly Began in 1866; ceased in 1868. "New York" and "weekly" appear within title ornament. Semiweekly eds.: Northern New York journal (Watertown, N.Y. : 1865), <1866>; and: Northern New York semi-weekly journal, <1867>. Description based on: Vol. 21, no. 9 (Oct. 16, 1866). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 22, no. 19 (Jan. 9, 1868). Northern New York journal (Watertown, N.Y. : 1868) (DLC)sn 94057738 (OCoLC)29985501
Sacket's-Harbor Gazette & Advertiser (Sacket's-Harbor, N.Y.) 1818-1820
Weekly Began with Mar. 17, 1818 issue; ceased in 1820. Cf. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers. Published as: Sacketts-Harbor gazette, . Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 729 Issue for Oct. 8, 1818 is not numbered. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 13 (June 9, 1818). Sacket's-Harbor gazette (Sackets Harbor, N.Y. : 1820) (DLC)sn 85027078 (OCoLC)12953230
Camp, George
Saturday Globe (Utica, N.Y.) 18??-19??
Weekly Issues for <1900-1919> also called: Watertown ed. Description based on: Vol. 16, no. 40 (Feb. 20, 1897). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 43, no. 7 (July 7, 1923).
Beach, Moses Sperry - Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson) - Day, Benjamin Henry - Church, Francis Pharcellus - Beach, Moses Yale - Beach, Alfred E. (Alfred Ely)
Ulster County Gazette (Kingston [N.Y.]) 1799-1803
Weekly Vol. 2, no. 53 (May 4, 1799)-v. 3, no. 261 (Apr. 30, 1803). Issue of Jan. 4, 1800 contains the news of the death of Washington and has been reprinted many times. See: R.W.G. Vail, "The Ulster County Gazette ..." N.Y. Public Library Bull. Apr. 1930. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers p. 595 Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 53 (May 4, 1799). Ulster…
Utica Patriot (Utica [N.Y.]) 1804-1815
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 53 (Feb. 27, 1804)-v. 13, no. 670 (Dec. 26, 1815). Imprint varies: Merrell & Seward, 1804-<1805>; Printed for the Editor, by Ira Merrell, 1806-<1812>; Printed for the Editor by Merrell & Camp, <1813>-1815. Sometimes issued as: Patriot. Editors: John Hosmer Lathrop, 1804-1811; William Hale Maynard, 1811-1815. Brigham, C.S. Amer. newspapers, p. 750 Also issued on microfilm by Readex Microprint Corp.…
Seward, Asahel - Merrell, Ira - Camp, George - Lathrop, John Hosmer - Maynard, William H. (William Hale)
Washington Register (Salem, N.Y.) 1803-1830
Weekly Began in 1803. Ceased in 1830. Publishers: J.P. Reynolds <1805-1815>; Timothy Hoskins <1816-1818>; James B. Gibson <1819>; Beriah Stiles <1824>; J.P. Patterson <1826>. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 23 (Mar. 6, 1804).
Watertown Daily Times (Watertown, N.Y.) 1870-1889
Daily (except Sunday) -v. 29, no. 309 (Dec. 31, 1889). Began with Jan. 4, 1870 issue. Cf. Geographical gazetteer of Jefferson Co., N.Y., 1890. Publishers: Ingalls & Bigelow, <1870>; Brockway & Sons, <1876>; B. Brockway, <1877>. "Republican," <1876>. Editor: Beman Brockway, <1876-1877>. Available on microfilm from Bell & Howell. Weekly eds.: New York weekly reformer and northern New York journal, 1870; New York weekly…
Brockway, Beman
Watertown Daily Times (Watertown, N.Y.) 1894-Current
Daily, <1993> Vol. 34, no. 252 (Oct. 20, 1894)- Issued in multiple eds.: St. Lawrence ed.; Last ed. Publisher: Johnson Newspaper Corp., <1986-1994>. Available on microfilm from Micro Photo Service Bureau; Bell & Howell. Semiweekly ed.: Watertown reformer and semi-weekly times, 1894-<1921>. Latest issue consulted: 134th year, no. 15 (May 5, 1994).
The Watertown Herald (Watertown, Jefferson County, N.Y.) 1886-191?
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 3, 1886)- Published every Saturday. Published by: Jere Coughlin, 1886-<1908>; The Coughlin Co., <1909>- Formed by the union of: Carthage leader, and: Clayton free press, and: Copenhagen news (Copenhagen, N.Y.), and: Jefferson County herald (Theresa, N.Y.). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 33, no. 18 (Oct. 26, 1918).
The Watertown Post (Watertown, N.Y.) 1870-1884
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 16, 1870)- Ceased in 1884. Cf. Haddock, J.A. Growth of a century ... hist. of Jefferson Co., N.Y., 1894. Editor: Lotus Ingalls, <1876>. Publisher: Lotus Ingalls, <1876>. Northern New York Republican Watertown post, and northern New York Republican (DLC)sn 85054449 (OCoLC)11897215
Watertown Re-Union (Watertown, N.Y.) 1866-1918
Weekly, Jan. 8, 1916-<1918> Began with June 28, 1866 issue. Cf. Publisher's statement, Sept. 7, 1876. Ceased in 1918? Publishers: A.H. Hall, 1866-<1870>; Moss & Boon, <1870>; Charles J. Hynes, <1876>; Charles W. Clare, <1884-1896>. "Democratic" <1876>. "Semi-weekly" appears below masthead title, 1896-1916. Issues for <1866> also called old ser., vol. 33. Daily eds.: Watertown morning despatch, 1872-<1881>; and: Watertown daily gazette, 1896. Description…
The Watertown Reformer (Watertown, N.Y.) 187?-1883
Weekly Ceased in 1883. Editor: Beman Brockway, <1876>. Proprietor: Beman Brockway, <1876>. "Republican," <1876>. Daily ed.: Watertown daily times (Watertown, N.Y. : 1870). Description based on: Vol. 27, no. 1 (Aug. 17, 1876). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 33, no. 52 (Aug. 1, 1883). Watertown reformer and weekly times (DLC)sn 87070152 (OCoLC)16573067
Brockway, Beman
The Watertown Reformer and Weekly Times (Watertown, N.Y.) 1883-1894
Weekly -v. 46, no. 33 (Apr. 11, 1894). Daily ed.: Watertown daily times (Watertown, N.Y. : 1870). Description based on: Vol. 34, no. 13 (Oct. 31, 1883). Watertown reformer and semi-weekly times (DLC)sn 94057767 (OCoLC)30407744
Brockway, Beman
Watertown Register (Watertown, N.Y.) 1839-1843
Weekly Began in Sept. 1839; ceased in 1843. Cf. Hough, F.B. Hist. of Jefferson Co. in the state of N.Y., 1854. Published by Wm. Welch, <1842>. Description based on: Vol. 13, no. 644 (May 19, 1840). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 16, no. 801 (May 20, 1843). Black River journal (DLC)sn 85054244 (OCoLC)11762017
Watertown Spectator (Watertown, N.Y.) 1846-1849
Weekly Began in Dec. 1846. Cf. Emerson, E.C. Our county and its people, 1898. Ceased in 1849. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Published every Tuesday. "A family paper devoted to the defence of law and order, to temperance, literature, agriculture, general miscellany and the news of the day." Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 6 (Feb. 2, 1847). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 2, no.…