Alton Democratic Union (Alton, Ill.) 1846-1???
Weekly Began in 1846. Preservation microfilmed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program; the year 1846 (on 1 microfilm reel) is available for purchase from OCLC Preservation Service Centers. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 24 (Feb. 14, 1846). Latest issue consulted: Apr. 4, 1846.
Alton Observer (Alton [Ill.]; Alton [Ill.] ; Cincinnati, Ohio) 1836-1838
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 36 (Sept. 8, 1836)-v.4, no. 46 (Apr. 19, 1838) = whole no. 140-202. Editors: Sept. 8, 1836- E.P. Lovejoy; Dec. 28, 1837-Apr. 19, 1838 E.W. Chester. Continues the numbering of St. Louis observer. Publication suspended Aug. 24?-Dec. 21, 1837. Available on microfilm; Illinois State Historical Library. Issues for Dec. 28, 1837-Apr. 19, 1838 carry the statement: "In its matter it…
Chester, E. W. (Elisha Walworth) - Lovejoy, Elijah P. (Elijah Parish)
The Alton Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) 1861-1866
Weekly New ser., v. 26, no. 1 (Mar. 13, 1861)-new ser., v. 30, no. 49 (Feb. 9, 1866). Available on microfilm; Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Div. Preservation microfilmed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program; the years 1861-1862 (on 1 microfilm reel) are available for purchase from OCLC Preservation Service Centers. Daily eds.: Daily…
Alton Telegraph and Democratic Review (Alton, Ill.) 1841-1850
Weekly Vol. 6, no. 14 (Apr. 3, 1841)-v. 15, no. 52 (Dec. 27, 1850). Continues the numbering of Alton telegraph (Alton, Ill. : 1836). Supplements accompany some issues. Available on microfilm; Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Division. Preservation microfilmed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program; the years 1842-1850 (on 2 microfilm reels) are available…
The Alton Weekly Courier (Alton, Ill.) 1852-1861
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 4, 1852)- Ceased in 1861. Available on microfilm; Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Div. Preservation microfilmed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program; the years 1854-1855 (on 1 microfilm reel) are available for purchase from OCLC Preservation Service Centers. Daily eds.: Alton daily morning courier, 1852-1855, and: Alton daily…
Alton Weekly Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) 1866-1878
Weekly New ser., v. 30, no. 50 (Feb. 16, 1866)-v. 43, no. 42 (Dec. 26, 1878). Continues the numbering of Alton telegraph (Alton, Ill. : 1861). Available on microfilm; Bell & Howell, Micro Photo Div. Daily ed.: Alton daily telegraph, <1867>-1878. Alton telegraph (Alton, Ill. : 1879) (DLC)sn 91054169 (OCoLC)24654557
The Altona Mirror (Altona, Ill.) 1868-1870
Weekly Began with Mar. 19, 1868 issue; ceased in 1870. Cf. Gregory, W. Amer. newspapers. Publisher's name recorded in Scott, F.W. Newspapers and periodicals of Ill., 1814-1879. "Republican." Cf. Scott, F.W. Newspapers and periodicals of Ill., 1814-1879. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 6 (Apr. 23, 1868). Latest issue consulted: Sept. 11, 1868.
American Messenger (New York [N.Y.]) 1843-1923
Monthly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1843)- Ceased in Mar. 1923? Published simultaneously in Boston and Philadelphia, <1843>; in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati and New Orleans, <1858>. Vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan. 1846) = whole no. 37- Christian herald (Chappaqua) 0009-5354 (OCoLC)1554447
The Augusta Eagle (Augusta, Ill.) 188?-2000
Weekly -v. 115, no. 29 (Mar. 30, 2000). Merged with: Tri-county scribe, to form: Eagle-scribe. Description based on: Vol. 9, no. 40 (July 20, 1893). Tri-county scribe (DLC)sn2002061109 (OCoLC)49046840 Eagle-scribe (DLC)sn2004061928 (OCoLC)54962284
The Augusta Weekly Times (Augusta, Ill.) 1856-185?
Weekly Began in 1856? Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 4 (Sept. 4, 1856). Latest issue consulted: Vol. 1, no. 14 (Nov. 21, 1856). Augusta times (Augusta, Ill.) (DLC)sn2005062005 (OCoLC)57482992
The Aurora Beacon (Aurora, Ill.) 1858-1869
Weekly Vol. 13, no. 627 (Dec. 29, 1858)- = new ser., v. 1, no. 1-v. 22, no. 30 (July 29,1869). Aurora weekly beacon (Aurora, Ill. : 1870) (DLC)sn 85025701 (OCoLC)11871955
Biggsville Clipper (Biggsville, Ill.) 1875-19??
Weekly Began in 1875? Issues for called also . Supplements accompany some issues. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 5 (July 11, 1876). Latest issue consulted: Dec. 27, 1895.
Boston Daily Advertiser (Boston, Mass.) 1836-1921
Daily Vol. 42, no. 13686 (Jan. 1, 1836)-v. 218, no. 221 (Aug. 9, 1921). Vol. 84, no. 132 (Dec. 5, 1854)-v. 157, no. 53 (Mar. 3, 1891) called also no. 12636-5056. Also issued on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm of New England, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Semiweekly eds.: Independent chronicle & Boston patriot (Boston, Mass. : Semiweekly), 1836-1840, and: Boston semi-weekly advertiser,…
The Boston Daily Globe (Boston, Mass.) 1872-1960
Daily, Oct. 14, 1877-1960 Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 4, 1872)-v. 177, no. 115 (Apr. 24, 1960). Published in two editions daily, Mar. 7, 1878-Jan. 31, 1914. Suspended Aug. 10-29, 1957. Also issued on microfilm from University Microfilms International, Recordak, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Evening ed.: Boston evening globe (Boston, Mass. : 1914), 1914-1960. Sunday edition absorbed: Boston weekly globe. Boston…
Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, Mass.) 1854-1866
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 25, no. 7208 (Jan. 2, 1854)-v. 38, no. 11180 (Sept. 29, 1866). Available on microfilm from University Microfilms International. Boston daily evening transcript (DLC)sn 84023791 (OCoLC)11022267
The Boston Gazette, Or, Country Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1755-1793
Weekly No. 1 (Apr. 7, 1755)-no. 2048 (Dec. 30, 1793). Title varies: Boston-gazette, and country journal, Apr. 12, 1756-Apr. 5, 1779; Boston gazette, and the country journal, Apr. 12, 1779-Dec. 30, 1793. Published in Watertown, Mass., June 5, 1775-Oct. 28, 1776. Suspended with Apr. 17, 1775 issue; resumed June 5, 1775. Also issued on microopaque and microfilm from Readex Microprint Corp. ; Microfilming Corp.…
Edes, Benjamin - Gill, John
The Boston Herald (Boston [Mass.]) 1846-1917
Daily, May 26, 1861-1917 Began in 1846? -v. 142, no. 99 (Oct. 7, 1917). Publisher: R.M. Pulsifer & Co. <1869>. Also issued on microfilm from UMI, University of Chicago and Graphic Microfilm. Description based on: V. 4, no. 213 (May 1, 1848). Boston journal (Boston, Mass. : 1903) (DLC)sn 85038251 (OCoLC)12095592 Boston herald and Boston journal (DLC)sn 85042624 (OCoLC)12728110
R.M. Pulsifer & Co - Bailey, Edwin Curtis
Boston Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1903-1917
Daily (except Sunday) No. 22806 (Apr. 20, 1903)-v. 84, no. 27412 (Oct. 6, 1917). Publishers: Matthew Hale, June 16, 1913-Mar. 21, 1914; Walton A. Green, Mar. 23, 1914-Aug. 22, 1917; Charles E. Ware, Jr., Aug. 23-Oct. 6, 1917. On Sundays published as: Boston Sunday journal, 1903-Sept. 11, 1904. Independent. Sunday issues have their own numbering. Also issued on microfilm from the Library of Congress…
Boston Post ([Boston, Mass.]) 1842-1956
Daily, Sept. 10, 1893-1956 Vol. 21, no. 186 (Aug. 9, 1842)-Oct. 4, 1956. Also issued on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm. Weekly eds.: Boston statesman (Boston, Mass. : Weekly), 1842-1855, and: Boston statesman and weekly post, 1855-1881, and: Boston weekly post, 1882-<1893>. Semimonthly ed.: California post. Semiweekly eds.: Boston press and post, 1842-1881, and: Boston post (Boston, Mass. : Semiweekly), 1881-1886. Presidential election campaign eds.:…
The Bowen Chronicle (Bowen, Hancock County, Ill.) 1900-1972
Weekly Began in 1900. -77th yr., no. 52 (Dec. 28, 1972). Preservation microfilmed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program; the years 1900-1937 (on 1 microfilm reel) are available for purchase from OCLC Preservation Service Centers. Description based on: Vol. 10, no. 32 (Sept. 6, 1900).
The Brighton Advance (Brighton, Ill.) 1871-1880
Weekly Began in 1871? Ceased in 1880. Organ of the Brighton Farmers' Club, . Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 48 (Apr. 1, 1873). Latest issue consulted: Aug. 14, 1879.
Brighton Farmers' Club
Brown County Democrat (Mount Sterling, Brown County, Ill.) 1871-1886
Weekly Began in 1871? -new ser., v. 18, no. 20 (July 10, 1886). Merged with: Illinois weekly message, to form: Democrat-message. Description based on: Vol. 4, no. 4 (Apr. 19, 1872). Illinois weekly message (DLC)sn 84038573 (OCoLC)11341127 Democrat-message (DLC)sn 92054556 (OCoLC)25692596
Buda Plain Dealer (Buda, Ill.) 1887-1951
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1887)-v. 65, no. 33 (Aug. 10, 1951). Merged with: Tiskilwa chief, to form: Bureau Valley chief. Tiskilwa chief (DLC)sn 92053279 (OCoLC)26040577 Bureau Valley chief (DLC)sn 92053280 (OCoLC)26040893
The Bureau County Republican (Princeton, Bureau County, Ill.) 1858-Current
Triweekly, - Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 14, 1858)- Issue for June 3, 1937 called Centennial ed. Tuesday and Thursday issues each have their own numbering, June 2, 1964-Feb. 23, 1982. Spring Valley eds.: Bureau County Republican (Princeton, Ill. : Spring Valley ed.), 1989-1990, and: Spring Valley's Bureau County Republican, 1990-
Carthage Republican (Carthage, Ill.) 1854-1953
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 31, 1854)-v. 100, no. 43 (Oct. 28, 1953). Volume and issue numbering irregularities. Daily ed.: Evening Republican (Carthage, Ill.), 1877. Merged with: Hancock County journal (Carthage, Ill. : 1886), to form: Hancock County journal and the Carthage Republican. Hancock County journal (Carthage, Ill. : 1886) (DLC)sn 90065054 (OCoLC)21543916 Hancock County journal and the Carthage Republican (DLC)sn 93055545 (OCoLC)28119426
The Cass County Messenger (Beardstown, Ill.) 1876-18??
Weekly Began in 1876. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 12 (July 8, 1876). Latest issue consulted: Sept. 13, 1879. Cass County Democrat (Beardstown, Ill.) (DLC)sn 91054708 (OCoLC)24616000
The Charleston Mercury (Charleston, S.C.) 1825-1868
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 4, no. 1036 (May 16, 1825)-v. 91, no. 12908 (Nov. 16, 1868). Suspended Feb. 12, 1865-Nov. 18, 1866. Available on microfilm from Micro Photo Div., Bell & Howell Co., and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Triweekly eds.: Charleston mercury (Charleston, S.C. : Triweekly), <1827>-1861, and: Tri-weekly mercury, 1861-1868.
Chicago Daily News (Chicago, Ill.) 1875-1978
Daily (except Sunday) Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 23, 1875)-v. 103, no. 53 (Mar. 4, 1978). Jan. 17-18, 1976 issues called also "Centennial edition." Special issues devoted to story of Chicago and The Chicago daily news published June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 1929. Issues for called <23rd year, no. 110-69th year, no. 133>. Specimen number issued Dec. 20, 1875. Also issued via the…