Albany Daily Advertiser (Albany, N.Y.) 1822-1845
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 8, no. 2170 (Sept. 27, 1822)-v. 37, no. 9111 (Apr. 14, 1845). Publishers: Charles R. & George Webster, 1822-1823; Martin, Hunter & Ryckman, 1823-<1826>; Hunter & Ryckman, <1827>-1830; G.W. Ryckman & Co., 1830-1831; Martin, Hunter & Co., <1831>; J.B. Van Schaick & Co., <1835-1837>; Otis Bishop, <1837>; Elisha W. & Charles Skinner, <1838>-1845. Editors: James Gordon Brooks, <1837>; John B.…
The Castigator (Middletown, Conn.) 1840-1840
Weekly No. 1 (Aug. 29, 1840)-no. 11 (Dec. 7, 1840). "Democratic campaign paper for election of 1840." Suspended with issue of Oct. 30, 1840. Resumed with issue of Dec. 7, 1840. Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT.
The Charter Oak (Hartford [Conn.]) 1846-1848
Weekly New ser., vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 8, 1846)-v. 3, no. 52 (Dec. 28, 1848). Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Republican (Hartford, Conn.) (DLC)sn 84025785 (OCoLC)10703015
Cheshire Enterprise (Wallingford, Conn.) 18??-1???
Issue for Oct. 30, 1896 lacks numbering. Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Other editions available: Watertown times (Wallingford, Conn. : 1896), and: North Haven news (Wallingford, Conn. : 1896), and: Yalesville gazette). Description based on: (Oct. 30, 1896).
The Cheshire Times (Cheshire, Conn.) 193?-1940
Weekly -v. 3, no. 15 (Mar. 29, 1940). Published in Southington, Conn., May 1938-1940. Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 18 (Mar. 23, 1938). Southington news (Southington, Conn. : 1906) (DLC)sn 91053023 (OCoLC)25037045 Southington news and the Cheshire times (DLC)sn 91053024 (OCoLC)25037063
Columbian Register (New-Haven, Conn.) 1812-1855
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1, 1812)-v. 44, no. 2249 (Dec. 29, 1855). Publishers: Barber & Osborn, 1833-1838; Osborn & Baldwin, 1838-1855. Content of Tuesday issues identical to content of issues for previous Saturday from <1/18/1817> to <12/29/1818>. Semiweekly ed.: Morning register (New Haven, Conn.), 183 -183. Triweekly eds.: Columbian register (New Haven, Conn. : 1840), 1840-184u, and: New Haven register (New Haven,…
The Connecticut Organ (Meriden, Conn.) 1851-185?
Weekly Began in 1851. Published as: Conn. organ, . Published in West Meriden, Conn., Dec. 27, 1851-. Publisher: James N. Phelps & Co., . Editor: Orville H. Platt, 1851- "A family journal--devoted to temperance, literature, morals, education, agriculture, general intelligence, news, whims, etc." Also issued on microfilm from the Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 4 (Sept. 6, 1851).…
Platt, Orville Hitchcock
The Connecticut War Record (New Haven [Conn.]) 1863-1865
Monthly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1863)-v. 2 (Aug. 1865). J.M. Morris, editor. Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Includes an "extra number, with analytical index," issued Aug. 1865. Available online.
Morris, John M.
The Connecticut Whig (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 185?-185?
Weekly "Under the editorial supervision of an Association of Whigs." Publisher: O.H. Platt & Co., . Also issued on microfilm from the Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. Description based on: New ser., vol. 2, no. 24 (Jan. 1, 1852) = whole no. 76.
Platt, Orville Hitchcock
The Constitution (Middletown, Conn.) 1838-1889
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1838)-v. 52, no. 36 (Sept. 14, 1889). "Whig." Publishers: Abner Newton, 1838-<1877>; Charles W. Church, <1877>-1888; and Frank J. Starr, 1889. Issues for Nov. 13, 1877-Sept. 14, 1889 also called: Whole no. 2081-2692. Available on microfilm from Graphic Microfilm of New England. Daily eds.: Constitution (Middletown, Conn. : 1847), <1847>, and: Daily constitution (Middletown, Conn.), July 10,…
Newton, Abner - Church, Charles W. - Starr, Frank J.
Daily Morning Call (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1872-187?
Daily (except Sunday) Began in 1872. Cf. Rowell, 1873. "Morning" appears in title ornament. Issues for Jul. 12, 1873- called: Vol. 2, no. 9, whole no. 182-. Description based on: Dec. 21, 1872.
Daily Recorder Journal (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1869-1869
Daily Began in Mar. 1869; ceased in Apr. 1869. "Daily" appears above title ornament. "Independent." Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 14 (Apr. 10, 1869). Recorder-journal (Meriden, Conn. : 1869) (DLC)sn 92051496 (OCoLC)26884869
The Evening Times (Wallingford, Conn.) 1892-189?
Triweekly Began in 1892. Published as: Wallingford times, . Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 57 (Sept. 5, 1893).
The Hartford Times (Hartford, Conn.) 1883-1976
Daily, Nov. 3, 1968-1976 July 3, 1883-Oct. 20, 1976. Supplements accompany some issues. Issue for Jan. 1, 1942 called 125th Anniversary ed. Issues for July 3, 1883-Nov. 15, 1887 also called: Vol. 43-47. Issues for Dec. 7, 1887- also called: Vol. 47, no. 288-. Available on microfilm from UMI, and the Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. Weekly and semiweekly eds.: Hartford weekly times, July…
The Journal (Meriden, Conn.) 1973-1977
Daily (except Sun. and certain holidays) 88th year, no. 1 (Jan. 2, 1973)-89th year, no. 75 (Mar. 29, 1974) ; vol. 89, no. 76 (Mar. 30, 1974)-v. 92, no. 6 (Jan. 8, 1977). Bicentenial issue for Sept. 3, 1976 published with Morning record (Meriden Conn. : 1963)--and called: Morning record & the journal. Available on microfilm from UMI. Morning ed.: Morning record (Meriden, Conn.…
The Journal-Recorder (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1871-1872
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 4, no. 1033 (Mar. 6. 1871)-v. 4, no. 1079 (Apr. 29, 1871) ; 8th year (May 2, 1871)- Ceased in 1872. In the issue for Mar. 6, 1871, the publisher refers to a 4 week "virtual suspension" when in fact the paper was issued as the Recorder-journal from Feb. 7, 1871 - Mar. 4, 1871. Also available on microfilm from…
Meriden Chronicle (West Meriden [i.e. Meriden], Conn.) 1856-1860
Weekly Nov. 29, 1856- Ceased in Mar. 1860. Title from publisher's statement. Issues for called: Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Meriden banner (DLC)sn 92051545 (OCoLC)27017769
The Meriden Citizen (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1871-1877
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 18, 1871)- Ceased in 1877. "A progressive, weekly, democratic newspaper of liberal views." Publisher: George Gibbons, <1871>; Citizen Association, <1875>. Issues for lack numbering. Issues for Dec. 28, 1872- also called: Whole no. 94-<247>. Semiweekly ed.: Call and citizen, July 4, 1876-187.
The Meriden Journal (Meriden, Conn.) 18??-1887
Daily (except Sun.) -Apr. 16, 1887. Issues for 1886-1887 lack numbering. Available on microfilm from UMI. Description based on: Apr. 20, 1886. Meriden daily journal (DLC)sn 82014348 (OCoLC)8776721
Meriden Journal (Meriden, Conn.) 1953-1972
Daily (except Sun. and certain holidays) 65th year, no. 307 (Mar. 4, 1953)-87th year, no. 308 (Dec. 30, 1972). Available on microfilm from UMI. Journal (Meriden, Conn.) (DLC)sn 92051346
Meriden Literary Recorder (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1865-1871
Weekly Vol. 3, no. 1 (Aug. 16, 1865)-Vol. 9, no. 26 (Dec. 30, 1871). Daily for 1869 began with different publisher. Thus not clear they are related until Sept. 1869. "Literary" appears in masthead ornament. "A popular literary, political, and news journal." Issues for Feb. 1867-Dec. 30, 1871 also called: Whole no. 183-<442>. Also available on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Available…
Riggs, Luther G. (Luther Granger)
Meriden Morning Record (Meriden, Conn.) 1898-1899
Daily (except Sun.) Vol. 13, no. 101 (Oct. 28, 1898)-v. 14, no. 50 (Feb. 28, 1899). Available on microfilm from UMI. Evening ed.: Meriden Republican. Weekly ed.: Meriden weekly Republican (Meriden, Conn. : 1870). Meriden Republican (DLC)sn 92051274 (OCoLC)26111120 Meriden morning record and Republican (DLC)sn 92051277 (OCoLC)26111171
Meriden Morning Record (Meriden, Conn.) 1901-1924
Daily (except Sun.) July 23, 1901-64th year, no. 293 (Dec. 6, 1924). Issues for July 23, 1901-July 31, 1918 called also: 41st-58th year. Available on microfilm from UMI. Weekly ed.: Meriden weekly Republican (Meriden, Conn. : 1870), 1901-Aug. 23, 1917. [Wallingford ed.] available <1916>-1924 with slight variations in content. Meriden record (DLC)sn 82015205 (OCoLC)8807769
The Meriden Morning Record and Republican (Meriden, Conn.) 1899-1901
Daily (except Sun.) Mar. 1, 1899-July 22, 1901. Issues for 1899-1901 called also: 39th-41st year. Available on microfilm from UMI. Weekly ed.: Meriden weekly Republican (Meriden, Conn. : 1870). Meriden morning record (Meriden, Conn. : 1901) (DLC)sn 87062255
Meriden Record (Meriden, Conn.) 1924-1963
Daily (except Sun., New Year's Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Christmas), 1960-1963 64th year, no. 294 (Dec. 8, 1924)-96th year, no. 178 (July 29, 1963). "Independent Republican." Issue for June 16, 1956 called also Meriden record and journal, Sesquicentennial [of Meriden's incorporation] ed. Available on microfilm from UMI. Issues for May 11, 1962-1963 published simultaneously as Meriden ed. and Wallingford ed. Morning record…
Meriden Recorder (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1863-1865
Weekly Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 29, 1863)-Vol. 2, no. 52 (Aug. 9, 1865). Also available on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Available online. Meriden literary recorder (DLC)sn 92051447 (OCoLC)26750152
The Meriden Recorder (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1869-1871
Daily (except Sun.) Began in 1869; ceased Feb. 6, 1871. Published in opposition to: Meriden weekly Republican. Also issued on microfilm from Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Weekly ed.: Meriden literary recorder. Description based on Sep. 1, 1869. Recorder-journal (Meriden, Conn. : 1871) (DLC)sn 00061005 (OCoLC)43781200
Riggs, Luther G. (Luther Granger)
The Meriden Republican (Meriden, Conn.) 1898-1899
Daily (except Sun.) Oct. 27, 1898-Feb. 28, 1899. Issues for Oct. 27, 1898-Feb. 28, 1899 called also: 38th year-39th year. Available on microfilm from UMI. Morning eds.: Morning record (Meriden, Conn. : 1892), Oct. 27, 1898, and: Meriden morning record (Meriden, Conn. : 1898), Oct. 28, 1898-1899. Weekly ed.: Meriden weekly Republican (Meriden, Conn. : 1870). Meriden morning record (Meriden, Conn. : 1898) (DLC)sn…
The Meriden Star (Meriden, Conn.) 1950-1951
Daily (except Sat. and Sun.), Dec. 19, 1950-1951 Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 15, 1950)-v.1, no. 175 (July 16, 1951). Daily news-digest and Meriden star (DLC)sn 93053800
Meriden Transcript (West Meriden [Meriden], Conn.) 1855-1856
Weekly Vol. 5, no. 179 (Jan. 25, 1855)- Ceased in 1856. Editors: Lysander R. Webb and Orville H. Platt, <1855-1856>. Also issued on microfilm from the Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn. Description based on: Vol. 5, no. 196 (May 24, 1855).